5-5:30am workouts



  • HCAs85
    HCAs85 Posts: 12 Member
    I used to detest early mornings. And "early" used to be any time before 07:30.

    Now, I really enjoy them, and will often wake up before my alarm on the days I actually allow myself to lie-in.

    What works for me:
    Have coffee prepped to be made the night before (I use a French Press).
    Have gym clothes and gear (towel, water etc) laid out the night before. Sometimes I will even sleep in my running/gym shorts

    Drink +- 1 cup of water before bed.

    Put alarm in another room. In my case, the en-suite bathroom. This forces me to get up to switch it off.
    Chances are, that cup of water you had before bed will mean you need to pee.
    Do not go back to bed.
    Have another cup of water.
    Make coffee.

    I find if I can resist the pull of my nice warm bed for the first 5-10 minutes after waking, I can generally get going with my day.

    Stick with it. After a few days it will become a habit.

    You got this!