Women 200lb+, Let's Stay Fired Up This February!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    Feeling a bit possessed by the green eyed monster today. -_-

    A couple months after I started MFP, husband did too. He lost about 50 lbs by the end of the year and a LOT of inches. Everyone comments to both him and me about how much smaller he is. I got more of those again today from my coworkers since they saw him on Saturday for a work event.

    I never get comments like that, despite losing 73 lbs... And my loss has stalled AGAIN. I've bounced up to 202.

    It's not his fault he had less to lose and that he's taller and more active than me. It's not even about him at all, I'm just frustrated and I wish I was closer to being done than I am and everything seems slower and harder since New Year's.

    Have you thought about going up to maintenance calories for a week or two? I'm trying to find the article I read right now (found it- it's by this guy), but if your weight is stalled, it might be worthwhile to take a week or two break, eat at maintenance, to show your body that hey, it's okay, we can keep going. And you can get to eat more, reduce stress, get used to the maintenance calories for your smaller frame, he makes a good case for it.

    Couldn't hurt, would be fun, might help! I've never actually done it, so it's up to you whether you'd like to give it a try. I plan on taking one such break in a month or two, when my weight loss is probably going to stall.

    I did that over Christmas and New Years, and it honestly feels like I've stopped losing weight as a result. I only lost 2 lbs all of January.

    Aw, sorry then. This stuff just sucks sometimes.
  • vegasgirl0825
    vegasgirl0825 Posts: 43 Member
    @VictorSmashes I do add one packet of Splenda/some kind of 0 calorie sweetener to the grapefruit just to make it a bit less tart. Just had some as part of my lunch and it was delicious!
  • VictorSmashes
    VictorSmashes Posts: 173 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I love that! I've found that working with foods I eat often, I'm better at guesstimating their calories, and that seems pretty similar. Just be wary that as you lose weight, the amount of calories you burn in exercises will decrease, too!

    @vegasgirl0825 That sounds lovely. I will try it, I think.

    @mmccloy12 Ooh same. I'm gonna drink (I did tonight) and I'm gonna eat sweets. We want sustainable! I'm also trying to figure out exercise, and I'm trying to figure out protein. I'm getting half my minimum every day. Yikes.

    @speyerj I agree. I had a similar revelation with my school bag. It's always 20-30 lbs every day and I'm just gonna deal with it. On the other hand, definitely need the weight off my literal back with regard to the weight loss!

    @theleadmare I think that comparing our bigger bodies to that of a multiple of "lean" bodies is something that puts things into perspective. I'm 5'1" and when I started, I was 225% of a single lean "me."

    Honestly I love these revelations. Some of these I'd had myself, but I think no matter what, all of these are great. Plus, I love the fact that most of these lean positive. Arguably all of them can be, depending on how you look at it. For me it's being realistic but being optimistic about it.
  • Savannah80
    Savannah80 Posts: 41 Member

    ... The second half of the revelation came this time around- if I have exact numbers for how many calories I burn based on weight loss, and exact numbers for calories I consume by weighing every single one to the gram, I'll be prepared for that wall, knowing my exact stats, and be able to adjust accordingly a little easier than if I had stuck with my previous logging, where I would eyeball it.

    I've just had a look and my calories in and out for 1st - 7th Feb to see what I'm actually doing. That week I had upped my calories a bit to see if it helped me loose more weight than sticking to just 1200kcal +/- 50kcals.

    This is what I found:

    1 Feb - In 1637kcal out 2152kcal - deficit 515kcal
    2 Feb - In 1190kcal out 1956kcal - deficit 766kcal
    3 Feb - In 1416kcal out 2301kcal - deficit 885kcal
    4 Feb - In 1580kcal out 2654kcal - deficit 1074kcal
    5 Feb - In 1443kcal out 3011kcal - deficit 1568kcal
    6 Feb - In 1578kcal out 2290kcal - deficit 712kcal
    7 Feb - In 1630kcal out 2249kcal - deficit 619kcal

    Average calorie deficit = 877kcal/day

    I lost 0.5lb that week. Looks like I should have expected a little bit more?
    I've started logging this for this week too. Calories out is wht my fitbit tells me I've burnt (BMR + exercise).
    I've reduced my calories this week down again to see what impact that has. I'm hoping to find a balance where I'm consistently loosing a bit more, ideally 1lb - 2lb a week.
  • fitchick37
    fitchick37 Posts: 124 Member
    So this week my beloved godmother is coming to stay over and we are going out for dinner tomorrow night. I’ve stopped drinking so don’t need to worry about booze but I want to make good menu choices. We’ve eaten at this pub before and I know the food is great! Going with skipping the starter and probably chicken for main...

  • Savannah80
    Savannah80 Posts: 41 Member

    I get what you're saying. Do you know that your Fitbit calories expenditure is reliable?

    I ask because I take my "calories out" from weight loss averages over several weeks. What with flo and daily water fluctuations, my day to day weights aren't to be trusted, and for me at least, my running tracker gives me too many calories for exercise, so I can't count that.

    Instead, I count what weight I've lost on average over a week or two weeks. A pound is 3500 calories, so if I've lost that over a week, I can do some math.

    So in your example, 0.5 lb= 1750 calorie deficit.

    Your total weekly calories = 10474

    /7 = 1496 average daily calories.
    1750/7 = 250 daily deficit.

    So then to maintain you'd want 1496+250= 1746 assuming your same level of activity and pick up your desired deficit from there

    I would go more than just one week for averages and not take that number as gospel, given weight fluctuations can be persistent across weeks. That number seems pretty low. Since your Fitbit has all your weight information, does it do the averaging for you? I know Libra does.

    I'm a bit confused where the 0.5lb = 1750 calorie deficit bit comes from. Can you explain? I'm probably being a bit thick.

    I think my Fitbit is quite accurate as it knows my current weight, it reads my heart rate during exercise, registers my step count etc. How would I know if it's not accurate? My home scales say my BMR is about 1570kcal. I have no idea if thats accurate either.

    I think this is where I get a bit unstuck trying to work out what calories I should be eating for weight loss. I get a bit lost with it all.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited February 2020
    Savannah80 wrote: »

    I get what you're saying. Do you know that your Fitbit calories expenditure is reliable?

    I ask because I take my "calories out" from weight loss averages over several weeks. What with flo and daily water fluctuations, my day to day weights aren't to be trusted, and for me at least, my running tracker gives me too many calories for exercise, so I can't count that.

    Instead, I count what weight I've lost on average over a week or two weeks. A pound is 3500 calories, so if I've lost that over a week, I can do some math.

    So in your example, 0.5 lb= 1750 calorie deficit.

    Your total weekly calories = 10474

    /7 = 1496 average daily calories.
    1750/7 = 250 daily deficit.

    So then to maintain you'd want 1496+250= 1746 assuming your same level of activity and pick up your desired deficit from there

    I would go more than just one week for averages and not take that number as gospel, given weight fluctuations can be persistent across weeks. That number seems pretty low. Since your Fitbit has all your weight information, does it do the averaging for you? I know Libra does.

    I'm a bit confused where the 0.5lb = 1750 calorie deficit bit comes from. Can you explain? I'm probably being a bit thick.

    I think my Fitbit is quite accurate as it knows my current weight, it reads my heart rate during exercise, registers my step count etc. How would I know if it's not accurate? My home scales say my BMR is about 1570kcal. I have no idea if thats accurate either.

    I think this is where I get a bit unstuck trying to work out what calories I should be eating for weight loss. I get a bit lost with it all.

    A pound loss is 3500 calorie deficit, and half of that is 1750.

    Ultimately the way you know whether your Fitbit is accurate or not is the results you get. Heart rate monitors tend to help a lot, though, so if you take your heart rate manually and it matches up with your Fitbit, then your calorie counts should be pretty close.

    And BMR is a calculation, so depending person by person, it should be close, but may not be 100% (there are a few different ways of manipulating those numbers to get your daily calorie allowance, too). So once again, your results (weight loss over time and accurate calorie intake) will tell you how accurate your calculated numbers are.

    Does that help at all?
  • lbostic89
    lbostic89 Posts: 34 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe so for example:

    On 2/6 my CI was 1510, BMR 1907, exercise CO 517, deficit would be 914....or

    Total CO 2424- CI 1510 = deficit 914; is that correct? I want to make sure I have been calculating correctly
    So, for a 2lb loss weekly one needs to average deficit of 1000 per day averaged over 1 week. So if 2/6 was my largest deficit this month I need to re-evaluate my intake or my CO in order to meet that average -2lb? is this correct? I haven't looked at my overall weekly deficit until this morning, so I am making a new spreed sheet to track this. Thank you all so much! Until now I hadn't considered "the bigger picture", if you will, and exactly how much of a loss I was actually attaining vs. where I want to be. I was just looking for a daily deficit, not really a specific number to aim towards, if that makes sense.

    @VictorSmashes I think this is my biggest revelation!! lol