25% of all women...................... Seriously???



  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    that is ridiculous! if anything, I've always been that girl wearing clothes that are too big for fear of my love handles showing! so glad to be slowly but surely getting rid of those damn things altogether!
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    Well... I have to say, in my area... At least 25% of the women I see are wearing clothes that are too small for them. Not sure if they purchased them that way or not, but I see it a lot. Then again, I shope at Walmart a lot too :)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I use to work part-time in retail during college and it happens all the time. They think they will lose the weight and fit into it. I think it is crazy. Buy what fits and then if you lose weight get it altered. I mean it is cool if you buy one thing and it is your motivation to fit into it.... like that lady with the green dress... highly motivating.... but for everyday clothes... you just have to thank them for supporting the economy!

    That's what I used to do! Think I'd slim into them!

    I'm happy to say the recession in the UK was lessened a little bit by my stupidity, lol! :blushing:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    There's no better self esteem booster than wearing something that makes you look good, regardless of the number on the tag.

    That being said, I bought a pair of Levi's once, that had the size on a tag on the OUTSIDE of the waist band. I ripped it off. I don't need to go around advertising what size my pants are. Pants!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    For motivational purposes I bought smaller clothes. At the time I was wearing 17-18 and bought 6 and 7's. I can see why women might want to buy them because that is their goal but if they don't plan on getting there I see no reason. After all this time I now fit into a 6....so theres my reason :drinker:
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    my mini goals are smaller clothing so when I purchase I purchase the next size down but I do not cram myself into them I hang them up and play the waiting game until they fit so I can get rid of the clothing that I am out growing :)
    works for me and I love to shop
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I did it with jeans for awhile because nowhere carried larger than a size 15. Then as stores expanded to bigger sizes, so did my @$$. I was squished (magically!) into 18s when I, rightfully, ought to have been in 24s. I honestly don't even know where a person goes to find larger-than-size 18 jeans. Luckily, I'm in 15s now - and shrinking! - so it's no longer a problem. lol

    Also, regular stores like Target and Kohl's don't carry bras above a C or D cup sometimes. If bras count as clothes, that has a lot to do with it, I bet.
  • EmilySG2011
    I agree totally. I am trying to lose weight for my daughter's wedding and actually allowed myself to look at dresses. I found some I really liked, however, I refused to buy a size I could wear now--because I really do hope to "size it down" by next June. So many people buy the size they want to be and hang it up by their exercise equipment for motivation---I thought about if for a minute and said -- no, that is a ridiculous waste of money---I'm just gonna wait it out. There is nothing worse than a closet full of stuff you can't wear.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Curious to know- wonder if this applies to those who grab it off the rack and don't have time to try it on, and return it later?

    I've known SEVERAL family members who do this on a regular basis- because they prefer the comfort of their own home
    to try it on
    as opposed to the dressing room- and mainly out of embarrassment.
    (as well as being "too busy" - which, on a side note- never made sense to me cuz it takes MORE time to return it)

    But, yeah, there's always that temptation that the item will be the incentive to lose.
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    No thanks! Makes my muffin top stick out worse!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    I agree. But I have learned one thing recently when buying jeans from my favorite place for jeans, AE. I have a hell of a time with my jeans fitting me since losing 20 pounds...always falling down. I live on a tight budget so when I buy a new pair of jeans they better fit! I can't wear belts because I am severely allergic to nickel so it's tough! Last time I was in there, I tried on a size 2 in a pair and they required some jumping but I got them up. However, I tried the 4 and they went on perfect so I bought those. 2 days later, the 4's are too big on me and falling down! So maybe there is SOME good in buying the size too small in the store, at least in cases like mine. I don't like the feeling of too tight in the store so I go up a size, but after one wear they stretch and I'm right back to falling off! I think the biggest problem still is the way our clothes are manufactured. A man goes in, knows his waist and length and is done. No problems. A woman can never go into a store and just pick a size. I am a different size in every store, different size within the store in different styles. If they could just become more uniform it would solve all the problems of size envy!
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    I was the total opposite. I used to buy something thinking it fit me only to realize after that it was actually too big. I think it was my subconscious trying to hide the body I was unhappy with under baggy clothes. Now I make sure something really fits me before I buy it, but I never shop alone just so i can have that objective eye.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Sizing is so sporadic that it is hard to know which size you are in any given shop?

    I bought two bikini's from the same store, same style (bandeu), same size - one fits perfectly the other hardly covered my bits! What is up with that?

    I would never knowingly buy a size too small though, too tight clothes look awful no matter what size / shape you are.
  • soifua
    I guess I could be counted as one of them .... last time I went to purchase clothing I bought ONE pair of capris a size smaller then what I wear (my first time, honest) - I've been shrinking and I usually don't buy clothes until they're falling off. It's hanging in my closet right now, I can button it, but it doesn't look good, lol
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I normally buy what fits, and yes...I try on at the store, because I hate shopping and I certainly hate returning. Yes, I said it ....I HATE shopping most of the time...I have MS...it's painful to walk in the mall for hours. Now, with that being said....I ran across a sale last week on the khaki pants that I have to wear for work.....only $6 a pair and that was for pants from Lane Bryant, normally $48. So....I bought pants in 3 sizes.....2 pr. each. The size I wear now, and the next 2 sizes down. I am planning to stick to this and go all the way and I just couldn't let that bargain on something I needed get past me!!!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm guilty of buying too small clothes but not for those reasons. One of my all time favourite shops tends to have things in once and then you never see it again. They're also usually one size fits all. But one size doesn't fit all and although I know these clothes will fit me at 140lbs (I've been shopping there for about 10 years, I've only been obese for just over 2 years) they do NOT fit me at 216lbs. So yeah, if there was anything I really liked I'd buy it for when I lost the weight. And now I'm off medication the weight is slowly coming off so hopefully by next summer I'll be able to wear them.

    I can't understand buying too small clothes for an ego boost or because you're embarrassed to buy your real size though. I want my clothes to be comfortable. And I can't think of much that looks worse than someone squeezed and squished into something way too small and who has rolls of flab hanging out all over the place.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, I have bought dresses that didn't zip all the way up during this journey (since I knew I would fit into them). One was a $10 dress (this is why I bought it small - cheap!). It is cute and fits me wonderfully now. :smile:
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Well... I have to say, in my area... At least 25% of the women I see are wearing clothes that are too small for them. Not sure if they purchased them that way or not, but I see it a lot. Then again, I shope at Walmart a lot too :)

    Yep, that's why " THE PEOPLE OF WALMART " VIDEO (s) are so popular!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    I haven't bought anything too small, but I will admit to not buying anything if I'm ashamed of the size. :embarassed:

    I have walked out without buying anything, too.

    It's really easy to make comments and judge people on an anonymous internet forum. Being ashamed doesn't mean you're stupid. It makes me sad to think that there are so many women who feel the way I have felt in the past. They deserve compassion, not insults.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Now that I am down over 30 pounds, I am still wearing a few shirts that I got a year ago...and they look great. Now I am wondering how BAD they must have looked before! That said, I don't think they were too small, but they just hang better now! Eek!