Duplicate recipe and modify

TheDigitalDove Posts: 2 Member
I have long complex recipe
I would like to add a variant wirh a few different protein ingredients . I don’t want to recreate it again from scratch or can’t I’d barcodes of ingredients are gone

1.can I duplicate a recipe , modify the anemia
And some ingredients and save it?

2. If I send same recipe to family member ( friend in my fitness pal) I can’t find any way to share it as a recipe rather than a food item to add to their meal. Possible ?

These both seem necessary to be effective ?


  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    For your first question, the easiest way would be to add all your possible protein options to your original recipe on the app and simply enter the serving size as 0g for any you’re not using on that occasion. Then in future you can edit ingredients in or out at the appropriate quantities for that version of your recipe.

    For the second question, no, as far as I’m aware there is no way to share the full recipe with anyone else. As you’ve discovered it can just be copied as a meal.
  • TheDigitalDove
    TheDigitalDove Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks much both for answer and for reading through my typos .

    Thanks i will try solution for #1 but it is unfortunate that a recipe can’t be duplicated and renamed , thereafter Modifying it to make up a new recipe

    As for number 2 it is also unfortunate. Eg we are tracking our nutrition as a family , each with an account , and you can imagine that 4 of us needing to recreate the recipes cumbersome to the point of not doing it . So also checking if there is anyway to pass a recipe to another person with my fitness pal account ?

    Thanks much