Pregnancy - September 2011



  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    WOW hearing about all the babies that will be here soon makes me wish even more that this will be our month!

    Just a little more on my background. I have a huge family history of endometriosis. No female in my family has been able to have kids after 26. Kid you not 3 weeks after I turned 26 I was told I have endo and that I prob should try to have a baby in the next 6 months or it might become difficult. This had me so upset but we weren't ready yet. We talked about it this year and decided that in July I could go off the pill and see what happened. This will be my first month of tracking and really "trying" for this to happen.

    One of my original reasons for joining MFP was to get my weight down a little before we did concieve. With my son I ended up gaining over 100 pounds. I PRAY that that doesn't happen again. I am set out to be active and fit and keep it up through the pregnancy.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Hello ladies! I am back after a nice 16 day vacation home to visit my family. I had a lovely time! I've missed a lot here though. I'm seeing lots of names I'm not recognizing and fun new adventures starting.
    Rachel- Congratulations sweetie! I'm sorry that what you had looked and hoped for in your labor and delivery didn't turn out, but bringing a baby into this world is a miracle no matter how it happens! I'm so proud of you! Enjoy your new chapter.
    A lot of you mommas are getting close to the end of the race. Enjoy these last weeks...

    Right now I'm in the process of packing boxes and finding a new house to live in. This apartment life is for the birds! We gave our 60 day notice, but haven't been able to actively look for a new place until now. So the hunt is on! I'm feeling VERY overwhelmed knowing I have to be out by September 30th but have no clue where I'm going to. I am praying hard that God shows us the right direction for our family. I know He won't leave us homeless.
    My pregnancy seems to be flying by. I am closing in on 18 weeks already! It just seems like yesterday I found out. I guess staying busy and keeping up with my 14month old helps a lot. Almost half way there! Yay!

    Hope the rest of you are doing well. Excited to get back in the loop of things.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member

    I was wondering if anyone can give me insight as to the 'best' way to go about getting a baby boy circumcised? I know its able to be done in the hospital but I was also told that this is relatively expensive. Are there other good options?

    I gave birth at home, so a hospital wasn't willing to take me or my son as a patient because he wasn't born in their facilities. We searched around for other options as well. We ended up finding a Jewish physician in the Houston area that had been practicing specifically on circumcisions for 30 years! Religiously speaking, circumcision was supposed to happen on the 8th day, which is when this doctor came to our house for the procedure. He sanitized the area, used sanitized materials- all done very hygienically...just like it's done at the hospital...and did it all right on my table. haha! I think the price was $450
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    I was wondering if anyone can give me insight as to the 'best' way to go about getting a baby boy circumcised? I know its able to be done in the hospital but I was also told that this is relatively expensive. Are there other good options?

    For both of our other boys, we had the circumcision done in the pediatrician's office. I liked this better for two reasons: 1) I liked the method they used at the dr's (plastic bell) far better than what the hospital used (metal bell) and 2) I was feeling enough better to be there with my baby while it was being done - don't know that I would have been able to in the hospital. I would suggest researching the methods - all I am aware of are plastic bell (or plasti-bell I think), metal bell, and traditional, but I haven't looked into it in the past 8 years. Find the one that you like best (plastic has a little "bell" that stays on for a few days and falls of when it is healed, about the same time as the cord falls out, so it was really easy to take care of; metal uses a metal bell that is remove at the end of the procedure, so there is more work to taking care of it as it heals). I do have to say, it was not very traumatic for either of them, and it was amazing to see how quickly a 3-4 day old baby soothed at just the sound of my voice and my touch on his head. I don't know the cost difference for the dr's office vs the hospital, but for me the type of procedure and the fact that I completely trust my pediatrician (vs somebody at the hospital, where my pediatrician doesn't have privileges) were more of a factor. Insurance covered it at the time.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    OK. Finally going to try an get this story written down… Wish I’d taken the time to do it sooner – hope I can remember everything.

    We went in to the hospital last Wednesday evening about 11:30 pm. They inserted prostin gel in hopes that it would thin my cervix. (I was only dilated 1 and 50% effaced when I went in.) They inserted the gel again around four. At 8:30 I hadn’t progressed at all and they started me on pitocin and magnesium. At that point my contractions were sporadic and not very strong. My Dr. came in sometime that morning and I was at 2. She scrapped my membranes again, this time a bit more thoroughly. That really didn’t do anything much at all. She came back in around 5:30 pm (Thursday) and I was only dilated to 3. She broke my water using the head monitor for the baby. She got it attached to the baby so we just left it on so that my belly monitor could come off. As much as I dislike internal monitors it sure felt good to not have that strap around my belly after almost 24 hours! My contractions started getting stronger then, but they were still 5 to 7 minutes apart. And they had me maxed out on pit. My nurse talked to me about putting and internal contraction monitor in. This would be much more accurate than the one around my belly and would also enable them to give me more pit since they would have a more reliable reading on the contractions. I figured if there was one monitor down there one more really wouldn’t make any difference. Plus, by that time I was really starting to get worried about the chances of a c-section considering how slowly I was progressing. Around 1 or 2 Friday morning I let them give me a dose of Nubain. That stuff is amazing!!! I know why people do drugs if it’s anything like that. It goes in your IV and in a couple of minutes you have this nice warm fuzzy feeling and the next thing you know you’re asleep for a couple hours only slightly aware when you’re having a contraction. It wears off then with no side effects to mom or baby, giving you the benefit of having been able to rest a bit. By 5 am my contractions, while still 4 to 5 min. apart, were getting harder and harder to handle. I called my midwife/doula to come in. She got there around 6:30 Friday morning. We discovered that every time I stood up or sat down I would have a really good contraction. So I tried to do that for a while, but was so exhausted I could barely move. I also threw up somewhere in there. Shift changed around 8. I was still only dilated to 5 and the nurse and my doula convinced me that I needed to lie down and rest for a bit. That was really hard for me to accept because it felt like giving up! I mean lying down is sorta counter productive when you’re wanting a baby to come out!!! Also, all this time she stayed really high and didn’t really engage at all. I finally agreed to lie down and try to rest. So much for that!!! I hadn’t lain there for very long and my contractions started getting stronger and closer together. I was so glad that my doula was there!!! I lay on my side and she had a way of pushing on my back and hip that made contractions about 50% more bearable. They checked me and I was to 8. They kept telling me to tell them if I felt pushy. I finally did and they called my Dr. Well, I felt pushy through about three contractions and then I really did need to push. It only took about five pushes to get her out. It was so cool because I could feel each part of her come out and it didn’t hurt at all. I ended up with only a small scratch that burned a little the first time I peed and then didn’t bother me any more. I told my Dr. that it was pretty pathetic when the tops of your feet (because of the swelling) hurt worse than your bottom two days after delivery!!! My Dr. obviously didn’t make it to the birth in time and even the floor Dr. didn’t get there. My nurse and doula delivered the baby. I got to hold her and feed her right away. DH had to leave a few hours after the birth and they didn’t want me to have her in my room if I was going to sleep so I let them take her to the nursery for her bath while I slept for a couple hours. That was the only time she was away from us the whole time we were in the hospital. I was hoping to be discharged 24 hours after birth, but had to be on the mag for 24 hours and my Dr. wanted me to stay for observation for a while after that. So we didn’t come home ‘till noon on Sunday. The main complication we had after birth was Nikki’s billi reuben kept climbing until it peaked at 17.5 Wednesday. This morning was the first morning I had been home since last Wednesday morning because I had to take her to the lab every day for a blood draw. Her poor little heels are quite poked! She is a week old today. Nursing is going quite well it seems to me and I feel like I have a better milk supply than I did with DS. I want to get the scales out this evening and see how she is doing weight wise. DS loves her and his main fault is that he is really way to ‘helpful’. I want to encourage that though so it seems to be taking a good deal of time and patience on my part right now to let him help with her and hold her as much as he wants. He really is so sweet with her!!!

    Overall it wasn’t the birth that I had wanted. But I have to admit that it was a much, much better than my experience with DS and all things considered I am pretty content with how things turned out. The bills are a little overwhelming since they’re about three times what we had hoped they would be if I’d had a home birth. But, that is manageable. What matters now is that it’s all behind us and everyone is fine and doing well.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Regina! I didn't know you had your baby! Congratulations. A little early, correct?
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Regina! I didn't know you had your baby! Congratulations. A little early, correct?

    Yes. Sixteen days.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Congrats Regina!

    Been having a lot of pressure and pain in my lady-parts today. I'm thinking baby has moved down a bit, but it doesn't seem like a whole lot. I don't recall this with the other babies. Hopefully it will ease up because I don't know if I can go through 2-5 weeks of this. I feel like such a wimp!!

    Who was it that knows about car seat installation? Hubby tried to install the infant seat w/ base in our van, and it's loose and bouncy at the front (the back part of the baby seat, farthest from where it is attached). It is attached via a latch system, but it seems like we need a tether or something (which we don't have, and no where to attach to car) to make it safe. I don't remember this issue before!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I haven't taken advantage of it, but I have heard that if you go to the local fire station, they will install it for you and show you how to do it properly? I would call or look online first to make sure, but I think some expert advice would be helpful. I think with our first we also ended up using both seatbelt and latch attachments, probably not recommended but I wanted to be extra sure it stayed in! We just use the latches for our toddler carseat, though, it seems to fit better as well in our SUV - we have the Britax Marathon.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Who was it that knows about car seat installation? Hubby tried to install the infant seat w/ base in our van, and it's loose and bouncy at the front (the back part of the baby seat, farthest from where it is attached). It is attached via a latch system, but it seems like we need a tether or something (which we don't have, and no where to attach to car) to make it safe. I don't remember this issue before!


    But, yeah, you can lift the base up at the front even when it's properly installed. :smile:

    The fire stations around here do checks as well. Sometimes hospitals will check them, too, or have carseat safety clinics.
  • Caperfae
    Nobody here (police or fire departments) know anything about car seats. We inquired in 2006 when we were installing our daughters seat. At the time, my mother used to babysit for a RCMP officer and the only reason he knew what to do is because he already had a kid, LOL.

    We got a travel system today as well as the baby monitor, a weather shield for the infant seat, a waterproof crib mattress cover, another package of newborn diapers and a few other things. It's all coming together finally. Very exciting.!!! We've never owned a travel system before :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Hey, I moved into the last box today! lol.

    I googled car seat installation (or something), and for the US, the NSTA website has a spot where you can enter in your location and find places near you that do the checks. So we might end up going to the Utah Highway Authority next week, just to be safe!

    Didn't hurt as much today as yesterday, but it still increased throughout the day. 4 weeks. I can last 4 weeks.... :smile:
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Cali Madison Jones was born Friday, September 2nd at 8:27am! 8lbs 5oz, 20" long! She is amazing! :heart: All is well so far..birth story to come in a day or two!
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Congratulations! I'm glad to hear you and Cali are doing well!
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Hey all!! All is going good. Hubby actually felt the baby's little kicks the other day. Go for epidural class Tuesday and Dr. app. Thursday.
  • Caperfae
    Cali Madison Jones was born Friday, September 2nd at 8:27am! 8lbs 5oz, 20" long! She is amazing! :heart: All is well so far..birth story to come in a day or two!

    Congratulations!! She's beautiful!!
  • Caperfae
    Hey all!! All is going good. Hubby actually felt the baby's little kicks the other day. Go for epidural class Tuesday and Dr. app. Thursday.
    Those little kicks are just precious. Enjoy them :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Congratulations Lindsey!! She is adorable.