Hundred Push Ups March

Welcome to another month of Push ups everyone. Keep up the good work

MM - I hope you don't mind that I started the thread. I had a question for all of you this morning. Last night I wanted to see how many plank style push ups I could do since I've only been doing girly ones. Well I couldn't even do 1!!! I don't understand. I can do 20-25 girly push ups but I can't even do 1 plank style??? Is there really that big of difference? How long will it be before I can do plank style push ups? I'm not discouraged (although it may sound like it). My goal has always been to get to 100 girly push ups FIRST and then move on to plank style. I'm happy with the progress I'm making and the difference I'm seein in my arms (no other "perks" yet though :wink: )


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Welcome to another month of Push ups everyone. Keep up the good work

    MM - I hope you don't mind that I started the thread. I had a question for all of you this morning. Last night I wanted to see how many plank style push ups I could do since I've only been doing girly ones. Well I couldn't even do 1!!! I don't understand. I can do 20-25 girly push ups but I can't even do 1 plank style??? Is there really that big of difference? How long will it be before I can do plank style push ups? I'm not discouraged (although it may sound like it). My goal has always been to get to 100 girly push ups FIRST and then move on to plank style. I'm happy with the progress I'm making and the difference I'm seein in my arms (no other "perks" yet though :wink: )
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Just saw this thread: Can I join in? Today is my Day 1 Week 2 on the hundred pushups challenge. I've been really impressed with it so far. I did Jillian's 30 day shred before I started this and was able to start with plank position push-ups thanks to her. Today I'm hoping to get my 15 max. I was really sore last week but each day seems to get a little easier.
  • marc4
    marc4 Posts: 79
    I want in

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    marc4- the website is

    It walks you thru the how to get started and gives you a week by week breakdown. Please join us!

    Welcome duffyzmom!
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    I'm in!
  • NikkiG
    NikkiG Posts: 4
    I want to join too... I see the previous post... I'll check it out, thanks!

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    I just took a look at the website. I'm in!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - I've been stalling out at week 5 for the past 2 months & I'm JUST NOW about to do about 8-10 plank style pushups. I can crank out about 45 girly style. It took me a lot of pushup training and also weight training to get to this point (as unimpressive as it is). HTH! You'll get there! I know you will!
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I want to try too. Just checked out the website, printing week 1.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Welcome to the challenge new people!
    Drevan's mom, Are you trying to start the plank push ups from the floor? I can't do that. Start from the top and go down. You don't need to go all the way to the floor. Just go as low as you can, and try to do a few of those. Also holding the plank style position for as long as you can helps build up those muscles. I know that the lower back and ab (even legs) muscles are used in doing plank push ups. Working on those areas too will help you be able to do more. I hope this has helped. I will admit that my push ups are not to the floor,or probably not even close. I plan to go back through this program again once I hit 100 and go lower than I am now. I am thinking about recording myself doing them so I can work on my form and see how low I am going.
    I am not motivated today! I don't like Day one! :laugh: I will do them in a minute and then post my results. I am glad to see so many new people joining!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    For all of you new folks, PLEASE don't be discouraged if it takes you more than 6 weeks. A lot of us have repeated weeks. Some people actually do each "week" over the course of 3 weeks doing all three levels.

    It IS worth it, though! Like I've said, I'm stuck at week5 since January, but I still love doing it!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Welcome to the challenge new people!
    Drevan's mom, Are you trying to start the plank push ups from the floor? I can't do that. Start from the top and go down. You don't need to go all the way to the floor. Just go as low as you can, and try to do a few of those. Also holding the plank style position for as long as you can helps build up those muscles. I know that the lower back and ab (even legs) muscles are used in doing plank push ups. Working on those areas too will help you be able to do more. I hope this has helped. I will admit that my push ups are not to the floor,or probably not even close. I plan to go back through this program again once I hit 100 and go lower than I am now. I am thinking about recording myself doing them so I can work on my form and see how low I am going.
    I am not motivated today! I don't like Day one! :laugh: I will do them in a minute and then post my results. I am glad to see so many new people joining!

    MM! Long time no "see"! I miss you! I think I'll be hanging out on this thread a little more than I have been. Perhaps it will give me the push I need to get over week 5!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Glad to hear lots of different views on the program. I actually decided to do it because my husband seemed to think 100 pushups for a woman was near impossible unless your in the military. I guess that is why I'm so stubborn about doing the plank position. Today's 15 almost killed me can't wait to see what week 2 holds in store for me. I print out the weeks and give myself a sticker when I complete the day. Nothing like positive reinforcment.:laugh:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good job duffyzmom! My hubby started doing them at 10 a day (hates exercise) but he quit when I started doing them, because I passed him up. Ha ha.
    3BB, I will try to PM you! Welcome back to the thread!
    Okay, so I did week 6 level 3 day 1. I am struggling. My heart just isn't in it right now. I've been doing them since August and I still haven't finished! I have gotten up to 80 and have been stuck there for about 4 months (with a few setbacks). I am going to finish if it kills me!!! I have the shirt already so I have to finish!
    60 (min 55)
    I'll be back on Wednesday!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    MM - I'm impressed and know you can do it. When you reach your goal, I'm confident it won't matter how long it takes.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good job duffyzmom! My hubby started doing them at 10 a day (hates exercise) but he quit when I started doing them, because I passed him up. Ha ha.
    3BB, I will try to PM you! Welcome back to the thread!
    Okay, so I did week 6 level 3 day 1. I am struggling. My heart just isn't in it right now. I've been doing them since August and I still haven't finished! I have gotten up to 80 and have been stuck there for about 4 months (with a few setbacks). I am going to finish if it kills me!!! I have the shirt already so I have to finish!
    60 (min 55)
    I'll be back on Wednesday!

    Alex's bed turned out SO cute! Look at you cranking those pushups out like a pro!
  • petunia
    petunia Posts: 336 Member
    OK folks.. I 'kinda' started this last week and got sidetracked.. :grumble:

    I'm still unsure of how I should go about this. I can bust out 25+ girly pushups no problem, but when it comes to 'plank' style, I can 'kindof' do 2 or 3... I really struggle and I only make it about halfway down...

    So, is it better to do lots of girly ones and hope I make it to the plank style soon, or do it the plank way but with not-so-great form?

    Thanks in advance for your opinions... :flowerforyou:
  • leshawnturner
    Count me in!!!! :happy:

    I've been looking for a simple way to really tone up my arms, plus I needed the challenge!!! YOu said the website is
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    I'm still unsure of how I should go about this. I can bust out 25+ girly pushups no problem, but when it comes to 'plank' style, I can 'kindof' do 2 or 3... I really struggle and I only make it about halfway down...

    I did my initial test today and I could do only 2 regular plank push-ups but I could do 32 girly push ups before I collapsed. I'm going to do the challenge with girly push-ups this time and once I can do 100 I will switch to the plank push ups.

    I am seriously going to shock boyfriend by belting out 100 push-ups in a few weeks!