What are your staple meals?



  • jeagogo
    jeagogo Posts: 179 Member
    Lately my go to lunch is a turkey wrap made with a protein flatbread. Works out to about 325 calories and 41g of protein, so it fills me up really well and takes almost no time to prepare.

    This past week I worked from home a few days so I spoiled myself with breakfast at home, too (usually I eat breakfast at work). I had fresh farmer's market eggs, turkey breakfast sausage, and a waffle made with protein pancake mix, and just a little bit of pure maple syrup. Not the lowest calorie meal, but still under 450 calories
  • thebabadon
    thebabadon Posts: 28 Member
    Baked potatoes and chicken
  • thebabadon
    thebabadon Posts: 28 Member
    Salmon and asparagus
  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    Breakfast is very routine for me- 1 Hard boiled egg, 1 piece of ww toast and a bit of butter. If I deviate from that its a spinach omelet.
    Lunch tends to be a spinach salad (with tuna or chicken) and a homemade soup.
    Dinner is variable as I don't always cook it.
  • raquelle69
    raquelle69 Posts: 30 Member
    edited March 2020
    Thebabadon, your meals look good!

  • raquelle69
    raquelle69 Posts: 30 Member
    raquelle69 wrote: »
    I am not one for wanting huge variety.
    What is your easy go-to B L D meals please.
    I like an egg pancake for breakfast with a squirt of no sugar maple syrup. Sometimes I add oatmeal or coconut flour if I feel I need the carbs.

    To clarify: My husband does 99% of the evening cooking and there is a lot of variety. He thinks it strange that I could eat the same thing 3 nights in a row... which I would do if the cooking was my thing. When I cook (When he is away), it is in big batches so I don't have to cook as often. Lunch is nearly always leftovers. Breakfast: I usually eat eggs or oats with pot-set yoghurt.

    I try to stick to 1200 calories. I will have an 800/fast day if I have gone over the day before. I don't eat wheat due to sensitivity. My H cooks a lot of meals from the 800 book...some gems to be found there!

    Thanks for your replies 🙂

  • raquelle69
    raquelle69 Posts: 30 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Breakfast -
    oatmeal. I like it with mashed banana and nuts, like banana bread oatmeal
    Eggs and bacon, different ways. Either in a tortilla, or just on their own with a piece of toast.

    Lunch -
    sandwich with raw veggies to dip in ranch.
    Or I will prep something else, like chicken with rice

    Dinner is different all the time. A common meal that we like a lot is some type of asian style chicken thighs (with sauce) served with rice and broccoli.

    Chicken thighs are great. We slow roast them in the Weber with S&P, tender and crispy at the same time.
  • raquelle69
    raquelle69 Posts: 30 Member
    My dentist told me that eating staples would make my gums bleed.

  • raquelle69
    raquelle69 Posts: 30 Member
    Lemme see : depends on what I’m doing but typically keto coffee or nothing til lunch lunch might be bone broth and a soup then a snack might be a granola dinner might be something sensible like salmon burger and a veg. With some avacado dressing sometimes salad with avacado and salmon burger or tofu on top and sriracha on top. Eggs with veggie crumbles

    What's a veggie crumble?
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    B: egg white omelette (and kale or spinach)
    L/D: alternate between tinned fish or roasted chicken (and kale or spinach)
    S: Vega protein "vanilla" powder mixed with water to make a "pudding," popcorn with nutritional yeast or Ezekiel bread with sundried tomatoes or harissa or garlic hummus

    S = snacks lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Breakfast is most often scrambled eggs and chicken breakfast sausage...oatmeal a couple days per week

    Lunch is usually leftovers from dinner...like last night we had chicken thighs so I just made a bunch of extra for a couple days worth of lunches. I had mine today chopped up in a spinach salad.

    Dinner always varies. In winter, more soups and stews. It's becoming very spring like now, so different grilled proteins with some kind of veg and starch or grain. If I'm cutting weight I usually skip the starch or grain in the evening. Grilling pork tenderloin tonight with asparagus...baked salmon tomorrow with broccoli.
  • mpca66
    mpca66 Posts: 6 Member
    Taco meat .. ground turkey w/kidney beans or beef with salsa and corn - both freeze well and can be added in wraps, salads and eggs dishes :-)
  • Priasmama416
    Priasmama416 Posts: 103 Member
    Ground Turkey with taco seasoning, rice and lentils or black beans. Can top with salsa ,fat free sour cream and avocado if you like. High in protein low in saturated fat. Not extremely high in calories
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    edited March 2020
    I am eating about 1800 cals a day. Some of my go to foods per meal are listed, chosen to give me a decent amount of protein include
    B - eggs, liquid egg whites, 1 slice of rye bread with peanut butter, oatmeal
    L - protein shake/smoothie, power bar, can tuna/chicken salad, soup, mixed salad, fruit
    D- chicken, salmon, steak, stuffed peppers, salad bowl (often kale salad with added nuts, dried fruit, eggs, sliced meats, artificial crab meat, cheese), pizza, burger
    snacks to supplement throughout the day - protein bars, protein shake, oatmeal, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    Most days my meals look like this:

    1 1/2 cup Cheerios with a sliced up banana, covered in a cup of skim milk

    Siggis 0% yogurt OR a hardboiled egg
    raw carrot sticks OR pretzels dipped in hummus

    A turkey and reduced fat swiss cheese sandwich on a sandwich thin, tiny smear of mustard
    reduced fat cheezits
    an apple

    a small portion of whatever I'm fixing for my family (spaghetti or chicken), easy on the starchy side dish, with a big side salad

    a Jello sugar-free pudding
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    Breakfast is nearly always low fat greek yoghurt with sugar free almond granola and fresh or frozen berries with fresh coffee.
    Lunch is usually a salad with some protein - fish or eggs or chicken.
    Dinner is whatever family is having without the bulky carbs, with a glass of wine at weekends.
    Snacks are usually fruit or veg but sometimes popcorn or lentil or potato chips or crispy seaweed.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I usually eat one or two meals per day--usually skipping breakfast and lunch and having a big dinner w/dessert and/or a late night snack. I usually have some kind of yummy exotic teas for breakfast and lunch and the type of foods I eat for dinner are usually so-called "comfort" foods and/or something utterly delightful, which usually has meat/seafood, lots of veggies and fruits. I don't keep/put myself in a box about meals/times of meals. I eat whatever I want to, whenever I want to...just much smaller portions and/or less frequently thru-out the day. I don't and refuse to eat "diet type of foods and meals". I like to eat and eat GOOD, all the time, again just NOT as much (eating much smaller portions and/or not eating frequently thru the day (a.k.a. I don't snack and/or eat all day and night anymore) like I did when I was obese and overweight.
  • 33gail33
    33gail33 Posts: 1,155 Member
    For breakfast I almost always eat 2 eggs scrambled together with a huge pile of spinach and black beans. It's like a meal in one pan with protein, veg and carbs and takes like 3 minutes to make. I throw 1/2 a cup of frozen berries, a kiwi, another 2 cups of spinach, ground flax seeds, and water in the blender and drink that with it as my morning "juice". Again super easy and gets a lot of my needed nutrients in. Dinner is usually a rice and bean based dish or soup, or fish/tofu, with roasted veggies - almost always sweet potatoes and either brocolli or cauliflower. Whatever I eat for dinner I usually quick sautee up some spinach with garlic on the side (I obviously eat a LOT of spinach).Lunch is dinner leftovers, maybe with a chopped up avocado on the side, and ALWAYS a carrot. Maybe sounds boring, but it's all the foods I like to eat so works for me. I actually think most people are pretty boring with their day to day meals.
  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    Breakfasts : protein oatmeal.. fruit.. cottage cheese and if my other half is cooking biscuits sausage bacon etc.
    Lunch: salads with tuna or salmon or lentils or quinoa
    Dinner chicken pork chops tacos pasta
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    I go through stages with breakfast, right now I'm having a protein drink in my cold brew, wait a few hours, then have steel cut oatmeal with flaxseed, chia seed, apple, half serving of yogurt, cashew milk, and cinnamon. Lunch is a large salad with lots of vegetables, tuna chicken or beans/lentils, and usually one of a bunch of Bolthouse dressings. Dinner varies but usually roasted vegetables and salmon or chicken, turkey taco meat, soups, stews, or chili.