Mary's Mini



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    This thread got confusing with all the deleted posts.

    I'm glad OP decided to rethink the plan.

    I think all of us who have gotten to overweight have a lot of emotional and psychological baggage when it comes to food and sometimes the desperate most extreme method seems to be the Hail Mary we think we need.

    I don't know, I didn't try any of the "diets" I just ate less. In the beginning I still tried to hold onto my ice cream HABIT and my peanut butter with crackers (not a few, but 1000 calories worth) at night.

    In order to get to my healthy weight I had to change Everything. Food choices, eating times, rotating nutrition, eliminating snacking, planning ahead, macro planning, lots more vegetables, emotional regulation, sleep, stress, parties, alcohol, treats, "special" occasions - there is a lot. It doesn't happen quickly but it can happen with mindful choices, a little exercise and time. My journal was helpful, too.

    Keep at it, one day at a time.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    Oh, I wanted to give a little tool that was helpful.

    Those snack foods for the kids? Can you put them in a designated place? Maybe an opaque bin? Put "Kids" on a label. Then tell yourself, "Not mine." I am very good about not taking things that don't belong to me. :)

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Wow - did not expect a debate to break out!

    TBH, @janejellyroll, you did touch on a few areas that I was thinking of, that's kind of why I put this up. Even though I was planning on taking my supplements, I have been vegan/vegetarian long enough to know my body - enough. For example, even though I don't generally eat eggs, when I start to smell and crave them, I know my protein is low. Eat some more beans/lentils/tofu etc for a few days and I'll be fine again. I was worried about if something like that happened. (And no, I'm not one of those "have to have 100+ grams of protein a day!" people)

    @CupcakeCrusoe I am open to other ways. I know what has worked for me before, but it isn't working now. Could be my age, could be my mindset, but if you have something that would help....

    @harper16 You are correct, there would be no garauntee that I would not go back. But with a break from all the bad, over processed foods, there would be less of a chance. And the snack foods are in the house for my partner's kids who are with us part time. So easy when they leave to just much on the left overs. I have to use my self control.

    @corinasue1143 Thank you for your story. I hope you are feeling better now.

    I actually became aware of this several months ago and it has been mulling around in my head. I did talk to my carnivore partner (who was going to do it with me) and we kind of agreed to put it on the back burner for now. We will be revamping our eating, and I said I was going to try to get back to a more WFPB, less processed diet. I do plan on incorporating more potatoes though, because, damn they are good, and I just haven't been eating them.

    Thank you everyone for your input and comments!

    Potatoes are great! And I do agree that many people find value in temporarily limiting their food choices while losing weight (and some studies do indicate that people who are successful maintaining their weight tend to eat the same foods regularly). I just support doing it in a way that gets all your nutrients and it sounds like you're already thinking of that and also paying attention to when you crave protein. Good luck!
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    OP: If you're still following this discussion there are a number of very good, supportive Dr. McD groups on FB. Take care.