Long time maintainers how do you do it



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    sellis2844 wrote: »
    How do we know what an appropriate # of calories is when we are ready to start “maintaining”???

    I made a post about that over in the maintenance forum. It's still the basic advice I'd give, and others made some great additions in the replies, too.

  • JoySwift1
    JoySwift1 Posts: 6 Member
    so glad I've found your forum
    I am now just reached my goal weight. Since I started I have lost 3 stone which is a real achievement. I have gone down 2 sizes. I would like advice on how to keep this weight without becoming obsessive. I am scared of regaining the weight!!
  • cygarza80
    cygarza80 Posts: 14 Member
    I, too need help. I know it's been a month since I went back on my journey, and I want to know how to maintain mine. I started at 234 lbs, then being a woman who still goes through "time of the month", I pretty much ended the month of July with a 4 lb. gain. I am starting to learn to watch my portions, drink lots of water, and I recently added exercise to my journey (before I couldn't because of my hectic work schedule). I too need answers; how are you maintaining your goals? What do you do when you get distracted by life outside your goals? What do you do when you hit a plateau?
  • Dawnie44410
    Dawnie44410 Posts: 6 Member
    Maintaining has always been a problem for me. For many years I have been a yo yo dieter. Never put on heaps of weight but enough to feel uncomfortable and keep a size or two bigger set of clothes tucked away in my wardrobe. I am an active person. Have had a fit bit for a couple of years and am paranoid about getting my 10,000 steps each day as a minimum. A friend introduced me to MFP recently. I love it. It is helping me to get back on track. Great advice on this forum, It is obvious to me tracking regularly is the only way I will be able to do it. MFP makes it so much easier to do. Love the break down of food and it helps make healthier choices. Thank you so much.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    sunrise611 wrote: »
    I agree that weighing yourself daily -- at the same time every day, preferably first thing in the morning -- is one of the keys to success.

    Yes I know you said this back in February but only just read the thread - i disagree with this.

    Have only ever weighed weekly both during my weight loss phase and since being in maitenance.

    I dont think any particular way of weighing is a key to success - whatever works for each individual.

    Maintained for nearly 5 years now.

    In answer to OP - what works for me is keeping on counting and using MFP- but doing so now in a loose approximate way that is easy to sustain long term but is enough to keep me on track and accountable

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    cygarza80 wrote: »
    I, too need help. I know it's been a month since I went back on my journey, and I want to know how to maintain mine. I started at 234 lbs, then being a woman who still goes through "time of the month", I pretty much ended the month of July with a 4 lb. gain. I am starting to learn to watch my portions, drink lots of water, and I recently added exercise to my journey (before I couldn't because of my hectic work schedule). I too need answers; how are you maintaining your goals? What do you do when you get distracted by life outside your goals? What do you do when you hit a plateau?

    @cygarza80 Sounds like you need help with getting started and logging. You posted in a thread about "maintenance" which means staying the same weight once you've reached your goal, which I assume would be your long-term goal.

    I suggest going to the Getting Started forum, and the General Weight Loss forum, and reading the "Announcement" topics in them called "Most Helpful Posts". These posts are invaluable and I've returned to them many times in my 3 years here.

    I'll add that your "weight loss journey" does need to keep eventual maintenance in mind. One thing the successful people in here recommend is losing weight at a sustainable rate, not crash-dieting (which can lead to bingeing the weight back).

    The smaller your weekly weight loss, the easier the calorie limit is to stick to for the long haul. Plus, the closer it is to eating your maintenance calories, and learning habits that you can stick to for life.

    Best wishes.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    In my case nearly 4 years ago cold turkey I just stopped eating any food or drink containing added sugar and or any forms of any grains and keeping gross carbs around 50 grams daily for 2000-3000 daily.

    While this WOE is helping long term health issues I did lose 50 pounds that hasn't returned for the past 3 years eating the same way.

    There are many ways to maintain but it can take a while to find the best way of eating I found personally.

  • helen_goldthorpe
    helen_goldthorpe Posts: 340 Member
    I started back in 2004 at 260lb. I'm currently 178 and in that whole time I don't think I've been above 190 or so. My lowest was about 155 but I realised that 180ish was my "comfortable" maintenance point so I've been there or thereabouts since about 2012.

    How? Big lifestyle change in that my first priority has always been getting fitter. Weight loss was a side effect. I started as a runner and became a cyclist (the switch is part of the reason my maintenance weight is now a bit heavier, I think) and training means that if I eat sensibly I don't need to worry too much.

    I didn't calorie count/log at all until earlier this year when I hit about 190 and decided to try to get a bit lighter to see how it impacted my performance. So while I'm currently using mfp (and it's working), I only seem to need that level of precision at a lower weight or if I take time off training for some reason.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    By trying to better myself every day...
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    New to this thread.... what I’ve done in the past to help maintain and not get out of control with my eating is drinking water. I have a 32oz water bottle I bring everyday to work. I’ve also been drinking green tea the end of the day (during dinner) to help curve my appetite along with taking supplements such as ginger root and garlic.
  • saynow111
    saynow111 Posts: 125 Member
    I never had the apportiounty to maintain weight
    I only lost weight and know how to do that may be and may be not✅✅
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,102 Member
    As a lifelong yo yo er of say 20-30 pounds I have been maintaining now for about 2 and a half years. I was thinking about what is different "this" time as about the 3 year mark is probably where the curve has always started to climb again in the past. I "think" what is different is that we have so many MANY more tools available to us these days than we did say in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. There is of course this website MFP, but the fitness trackers are so much MORE improved and the information out there on food composition is so much more available to us. Id like to think that all of those tools will help me make this the last yo..... ;)

    Excellent point, and I totally agree!
    I’d add far more widespread & complete nutritional info on packaging & on Internet...
    I remember adding up calories by hand using charts in books, using a postage scale. Doing that for all of the macros & micros would have taken hours.

    We are very lucky.