

  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    if you wanna do your home body fat test try this website...i know gary posted this website a while ago.....i just redid are my results

    Your Results

    You have 35.3% body fat.

    You have 69.2 Pounds of fat and 126.8 Pounds of lean (muscle, bone, body water).


  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member

    September Challenge : WEEK 1 : DAY 1 : COMPLETE

    64 ounces of water : CHECK

    Under Calorie goal : CHECK

    Complete Food diary : CHECK

    100 Jumping Jacks : CHECK

    75 Squat Kicks : CHECK

    (Sorry ladies I didnt do the bushmaster today...but I did do some other exercises like some sit ups, leg scissors and push ups...I am trying NOT to kill my body because I am starting a new fitness program next week..and I dont want my body dying when I start it so that I cannot give 110%...not that I am not giving my all to the team, I hope that none of you think that....I am still kicking butt, and probably by the end of the month I will be doing the bushmaster :smile: But for now I am trying to test my body out...if that makes any sense at all to you ladies, LOL :laugh:) Ok..enough rambling....

    So is a GREAT go! I even ate pretty healthy today, which I am SUPER psyched about! WHOO HOO! :bigsmile:
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Ok that makes sense, I was just checking to make sure, LOL :laugh:

    Yeah I am the same way...I am SOOO tired by the end of the day, I really have no energy to do anything, but I am really gonna try and find a better time, though I AM NOT a morning person and I am afraid that if I wake up earlier that I will be SUPER tired throughout the rest of the day.....:sad: :ohwell:

    I will keep your mom in my mom is messed up too..she is on MFP but rarely logs...she had a heart attack a few years ago at 37 years old...she is considered "obese" and she smokes, has high blood pressure and many other yeah I know how hard that can be to deal with.. :frown:

    Yes we are still going to have mini challenges...i figured give everyone these first few days to get into the challenge and on monday (or sunday night) start posting mini challenges....i need to figure a better time to get my workouts barley getting them in now since i started back not a big morning person but thats probably when i will have to get them in

    on a side note...please keep my mom in ur thoughts...she got her blood work back and her sugar levels were WAY high (blood sugar 300)...ive told her about MFP and a couple other sites that I use to use....she just needs to use something to help her keep track...

    Ok LOVE the signature, and I finally got it to work, HAHA! :laugh:

    I am really trying to figure out which section of the challenge I am going to do, I am thinking about starting a new fitness program, and I dont know how hard it will I may just do the easier version (not to wimp out) just not to overdo my body to much....if ya'll know what I mean...

    Oh and my starting weight is 150.7 and I am 5'2 1/2 (or 5'3 whatever you want to say, LOL, I prefer 5'3 but TECHNICALLY I am only 5'2 haha) :tongue: :laugh:

    Oh and are we going to have mini challenges each day too ? Just wondering cause I havent seen anything posted today about that...
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    day one - mission complete

    did 100 crunches, 30 squat kicks, 30 tricep extentions, 2 sets of 21's, 50 jumping jacks
  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    Day one!!

    50 squat kicks, 50 jumping jacks, 1 mile of walking!!

    64 ozs and counting!!
  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    September challenge
    Day 1 Mission Accomplished!!!
  • ivygirl328
    September Day 1 - Challenges complete

    No bushmaster for me either. I was feeling awful yesterday. TOM was kicking my booty! I also had my freshman son's football game and then off to the grocery store at 9:00 p.m. to get everything we need to go camping this weekend. Four kids, two dogs, a husband and a tent for three days. Sounds horrible, I know :smile: , but I'm actually looking forward to it. We will be swimming and canoeing and I will be doing my challenges.

    Oh and the best part? I hit 169.4!!! I've said goodbye to the 170's forever!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    First of all - Monique, I'm SO HAPPY you are cleared for exercise now. Not just because you can work out along with us, but because it means your health is back and that is a blessing! I am amazed at your positive attitude even when you were facing such a struggle - that is a true captain, so THANK YOU!

    Secondly, I was pretty frustrated at work this week with a situation, but I think it might end up being a positive for me. The head of our office said support personnel (I work at a law enforcement agency) could attach our lunch break to the beginning or end of our work day so we can work out longer and still be at work the required hours. I got into a great routine of working out before work and arriving at 8AM and working until5PM, with no lunch, but now I have to be here at 7AM and work until 5PM. I've been trying for a few days to come up with a positive here - I think what I'm going to do is use the lunch break to do our team exercises and get in a short walk, in addition to my morning workouts. That means I won't have to squeeze them in at night when I get home.

    I'm planning on doing the Bushman series workouts all month - the only reason I would do basic would be if my knee is bothering me too much for the advanced exercises. I'm writing this in my post because it will hold me accountable to my teammates!

    My starting weight is 215.9 on 9/1 and my goal is to lose 6lbs in September to be at 209.9. I cut back to 6 lbs from 8 as my goal because I will be out of town from 24 September - 2 October on a missions trip rebuilding homes damaged during Hurricane Katrina. I'll have no control over my food (gracious volunteers have been cooking for teams since the storm - WHAT AMAZING DEDICATION!!) but will be working extremely hard in the heat, so I'm not sure what that will mean for my weight. I will do my best!

    One more thing - I made my 50,000 yards swimming goal for August (thanks for noticing Monique!!!) and will try really hard to step it up and get in the 50,000 this month despite being away from a pool for 9 days :)

    I know this post is REALLY long, but I had alot to say this morning! As for yesterday, here is my progress:

    Food diary - stayed under calories and drank all my water
    Team challenge - yesterday was my rest day, so I'll start today on challenge 1 and do 2 tomorrow and 3 on Sunday
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Thanks vemaddox for that's cool here are my results...

    You have 30.3% body fat. Eek, lol j/k

    You have 51.4 Pounds of fat and 118.6 Pounds of lean (muscle, bone, body water).

    Found a new favorite machine at the gym..the Adaptive Motion Trainer...kind of like an elliptical on

    Did a 5k in 35:53 woot beat my last time of 38:46 or something like that.

    Challenge day 1 √ bushmen
    Challenge day 2 √ bushmen

    Will log all food and be under calories
    Will drink all my water

    If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.
    St. Clement of Alexandra
  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    Day 2, Week 1

    64 oz and counting (trying to do 96 oz a day)
    5 sets of 10 swimmers presses
    50 ab crunches
    30 situps
    1 mile

    I don't think I am going to the bushman all of the way, but I will do a little bit here and there!
  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    Day 2 Mission Complete!!!
  • arieltheincredible
    I guess my post from yesterday didn't post :( i completed day 1 of pygmy and under cals and over on water and now today day 2 complete :D and under calls and reached water requirement :D
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Hello ladies! Hope that you all had a wonderful day! I know that I did..though I am SUPER worn out! LOL :laugh: I am really glad for a 3 day weekend this week!

    I did good today...though I cannot say that I gave it my all because I have been SO exhausted...and suggestions on how to sleep better at night and how to have more energy throughout the day ? I am just SUPER exhausted and then when I get home at night I am just ready to crash! :frown: Anyways I still completed the goals for today! :smile:


    Under Calorie goal : CHECK

    Complete Food diary : CHECK

    72 ounces of water : CHECK

    45 swimmers presses : CHECK

    Walked 1.5 miles : CHECK

    Had to clean my house yeah that counts I guess, HAHAHA! :laugh:

    Oh and has anyone heard who won the challenges from last month ? Just curious! Well....looking forward to tomorrow, I should be able to kick butt a LOT harder tomorrow! :wink: Keep up the hard work ladies! :bigsmile:
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    Day 2 complete

    Starting off the day doing some mega house cleaning.....oh the joy
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Week 1 Day 3 √

    Holy moly, soooo tired this morning...slept horribly, hubby's alarm went off at 5am because he forgot to turn it off...of course he went right back to sleep, such luck, I am a light sleeper and once I get woke up that's it for to say I am soooo tired, but I did today's challenge (the pygmie kk, done whining because warriors don't whine...hee hee. YA YA!!!

  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Went off the grid today, bet your glad I'm not an official member today...cause I had me some good food today!!!

    Hubby made his famous jalapeño bread, and cinnamon rolls...then I made our families chicken enchiladas omg I am one happy girl but I may have to workout a week to cover all those

    I have learned we all need a day once in awhile to just relax, eat some good food w/out logging/obsessing and enjoy life...that's what I did today!!!

    So exercise challenges for today...done
    Water done
    Did not log all my food
    And definitely went over calories
  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    Day 3 Mission complete!!!
    My legs are so sore, they hurt as hell but it feels good at the same time. Ive done the Bushmen series the last 3 days, trying to push myself past my limits. Some modifications necessary but I am trying. Hope everyone has a great night.
  • arieltheincredible
    Day 3 in the bag!!! Under my calorie goal and over 64oz on my water :)
  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    Yesterday, I didn't do the challenge exercises but I did do 15 mins of aerobics. I will double up on challenges and exercise today. However, I got 8 glasses in.
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Sorry ladies! I have had a bust labor day weekend! All challenges done...though I hate to say that I didnt complete my food diary for Saturday...though I WAS under my goals and did drink 8 cups of water!! Tomorrow I will be on track more...its just been a crazy weekend! Hope you are all doing well!