How Has the Coronavirus Affected You?



  • ma3stroms
    ma3stroms Posts: 1 Member
    It locked down my gym and stopped my gains and body transformation I was doing so well it's like the universe is against me...the world doesn't want me to be fit.
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,883 Member
    I thought it would scare everyone away from retail but its kinda working in our favour in one way. Sold an E-Bike to a lady because she refuses to go on public transport now. I have to do two weeks work experience with paramedics starting next week so that could get interesting. The news out of Italy is pretty dramatic, who knows what really is going on in China..police state run media...

    I understand this decision. I am considering attempting to walk the 2 mile round trip to do an errand next week, even though I'm only comfortable with walking a mile now because of my disability worsening.

    You should visit your LBS and take an E-Bike for a spin. You can still get a work out in. Anything with a Bosch motor is absolute killer. Put it in turbo mode and its giving you like 300% assistance on what watts you're putting out. They're great fun, green and if you use it frequently it pretty much pays itself off in money saved on those relics we call "cars"...
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,247 Member
    edited March 2020
    I live in Belgium. Schools, bars, restaurants closed till April 3rd at least. Recreational activities and events canceled. Pharmacies and food stores are still open, all other shops are only open on weekdays. Working from home is encouraged by the government, but some companies have gone further than that, telling their entire staff to work from home for three weeks.
    Ridiculous hoarding in supermarkets when this semi-lockdown was announced.

    Personally, I have some suspicious symptoms. So I'm wondering if I should isolate myself. Not much use in contacting a doctor, since testing capacity is limited and I don't fit the criteria to be tested. At work, people who have (had) flu-like symptoms are encouraged to work from home, but it would make some of my current tasks quite hard to manage.
    I haven't been sick all winter, not even a common cold, so this timing is very inconvenient and suspicious.
  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    I thought it would scare everyone away from retail but its kinda working in our favour in one way. Sold an E-Bike to a lady because she refuses to go on public transport now. I have to do two weeks work experience with paramedics starting next week so that could get interesting. The news out of Italy is pretty dramatic, who knows what really is going on in China..police state run media...

    I understand this decision. I am considering attempting to walk the 2 mile round trip to do an errand next week, even though I'm only comfortable with walking a mile now because of my disability worsening.

    You should visit your LBS and take an E-Bike for a spin. You can still get a work out in. Anything with a Bosch motor is absolute killer. Put it in turbo mode and its giving you like 300% assistance on what watts you're putting out. They're great fun, green and if you use it frequently it pretty much pays itself off in money saved on those relics we call "cars"...

    If it was within my budget, I definitely'd.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    March 15th: Sent out a message to scouting families about some decisions made regarding den meetings and usage of the facilities which I am sure will elicit some groans from people, but it's for general safety at this point.

    Tortillas, TP and sanitizer are still in short supply. Don't know if my husband will survive COVID-19 without tortillas. He might have to learn to (shock) make his own finally.

    School has been cancelled and many grocery stores have drastically cut their hours, so they are no longer 24 hour locations.

    Might venture out later to see if I can acquire tortillas and a bag of cat food (just in case).
  • TwitchyMacGee
    TwitchyMacGee Posts: 3,120 Member
    If I go out today it will be to buy more chickens* because I didn’t have enough money with me yesterday to get as many as I wanted. I’ll also get a few more bags of food for them. I suppose I should figure out how to sustainably feed my flock without buying in.

    *and to look for toilet paper.
  • purplebobkat
    purplebobkat Posts: 68 Member
    If I go out today it will be to buy more chickens* because I didn’t have enough money with me yesterday to get as many as I wanted. I’ll also get a few more bags of food for them. I suppose I should figure out how to sustainably feed my flock without buying in.

    *and to look for toilet paper.

    Chickens can live happlily grazing on just grass ( and the insects in it), do you have access to a garden?
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    I am blessed to be able to stay at home and take care of my kids but the only thing that has affected us is financially. I spent hella more money on groceries and stocking up for the next few weeks. I'm broke now dammit.
  • TwitchyMacGee
    TwitchyMacGee Posts: 3,120 Member
    If I go out today it will be to buy more chickens* because I didn’t have enough money with me yesterday to get as many as I wanted. I’ll also get a few more bags of food for them. I suppose I should figure out how to sustainably feed my flock without buying in.

    *and to look for toilet paper.

    Chickens can live happlily grazing on just grass ( and the insects in it), do you have access to a garden?
    Oh yes, I was thinking of overwintering. I have a largeish flock of excellent foragers but we get an awful lot of snow from late October through early April (though this is a mild year).
  • TwitchyMacGee
    TwitchyMacGee Posts: 3,120 Member
    If I go out today it will be to buy more chickens* because I didn’t have enough money with me yesterday to get as many as I wanted. I’ll also get a few more bags of food for them. I suppose I should figure out how to sustainably feed my flock without buying in.

    *and to look for toilet paper.

    Chickens can live happlily grazing on just grass ( and the insects in it), do you have access to a garden?
    Oh yes, I was thinking of overwintering. I have a largeish flock of excellent foragers but we get an awful lot of snow from late October through early April (though this is a mild year).

    I miss my chickens. I once saw one eat a mouse whole. Funniest thing I ever saw, all the girls were chasing her to get it & she just swallowed it whole!!! (After banging it against a brick wall a couple times)

    Lol yes. They are enthusiastic opportunists
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    I love how this discussion post got more people communicating. Stay safe everyone !
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    My chickens y cats decades ago when my Daughter was the baby 👶 (20yrs old one the Navy now) would fight for everything. Even the babies got confused on which was their moms the cats or chickens lol. I lived to watch them fight over a snake 🐍 they all cats y chicken running with a piece in their mouths in a circle ⭕️ trying to steal it for themselves. They all got a piece in the end after the dog stepped in he just rip it up walk away lay down like there now let me sleep lol 😂.That be the time my Daughter want the dog he had to scoot over so she could lay on him kissing 😽.

    As for gym closures (worked at one back in the day very small town) to still get your gains etc start creating DYI (Do it Yourself) gym equipment. Lift 2 heavy items 1 in each hand up y down,youtube for workout videos,use any home equipment you got, a rope can be a jump rope if long enough wind around your hands start jumping.

    Don’t toss your jugs of juice or water can fill up lift them .Spare tire in a garage tadaaa workout equipment just bathe after y clear spiders 🕷 out first.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    edited March 2020
    March 15 - 2nd Entry: Branched out and went to the local store to acquire tortillas. Was able to acquire a small stockpile, some meat and an avocado as well as cat litter and cat food. Still no TP in sight. No sanitizer, Kleenex, paper towels, baby wipes, chicken or shelf stable foods not in a can. Surprisingly, there were still eggs and regular milk, so I bought one each.

    My kitties (and husband) are now prepared for quarantine if it happens. I don't live off of tortillas or cat food, so I am fine either way.

    Also made prodigious use of the alcohol department and bought "supplies" for self-quarantine with an 8 year old.

    Alcohol being on sale is literally the only good thing I've run across in this whole mess.

    Now I must meal plan today with the supplies I have on hand and hope that the man who bagged my groceries at the store was incorrect and that the stores won't be shutting down soon or that we'll all be put on lock down.