No strict diets for me, anyone else?

lrhodes907 Posts: 8 Member
edited March 2020 in Getting Started
Finally motivated AGAIN to better myself but strict dieting never works for me. 😬 Instead I am just making sure that my calories in are less than my daily goal, while eating somewhat healthy and no nighttime snacking which was always my biggest downfall. I also cut out soda, increased my water intake, and am fitting in exercise as often as I can. Also looking for friends to help stay motivated and on track!


  • jawz5987
    jawz5987 Posts: 1 Member
    Thats actually a great way to do it. I was having trouble hitting my caloric daily goal. But eating stuff and being just under it would be fitting as well.
  • lrhodes907
    lrhodes907 Posts: 8 Member
    I think so too! It’s not such a mental strain since I don’t constantly tell myself you can’t have this and you can’t have that.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Did the same thing. Great approach.
  • CarolRo1
    CarolRo1 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm also not trying to restrict but rather to make better choices whilst raising my awareness of calories. Today was my first day calculating the calories of what I ate. It's been quite eye opening. It's easy to see how I and others overeat sometimes. I'm hoping I'll think twice now before I mindless eat something.
  • knightmagic
    knightmagic Posts: 100 Member
    I finally broke my on and off again diet cycle. I've made small tiny changes to my life as i've gone and never made more then 2 changes at a time. I eat much healthier now, i'm down 60lbs with another 40lbs to go. The only thing i make sure I get enough of is protein. It's great for my heavy lifting but also it's more satiating and has been proven scientifically to further progress weight loss. My weakness is when my wife buys candy and has it upstairs near our computers...i just want to eat more and more of it (this makes me feel bloated and adds 2-3lbs which is fake weight).
  • ILoveSoda91
    ILoveSoda91 Posts: 8 Member
    Same, each time I've crashed and ended up binging the hardest it was when I was trying to follow a strict diet of no this or no that. I've learned that portion control and just teaching myself that I don't need to be CONSTANTLY eating are much more effective at weight loss. So for now I am eating the same things, just less frequently and in small portions!
  • alabastermama
    alabastermama Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone! That’s what I’m doing. It’s less stressful since o have to cook for my husband also. And he’s not going to give up anything! Been on MFP since 2/20/20 but didn’t really start watching calories until almost 2 weeks ago. I have lost 8 pounds so far without exercise. Plan to implement that soon.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    This is an inspiring thread! And you are right to give up on restrictive plans that are not sustainable. If anyone wants to try a team approach to keep inspired - check out the Fat2Fit group. We have teams that are small enough that you get to know everyone. Small losses are as celebrated as large ones, and the support gets you through the inevitable stumbles along the way. You might find it helpful!


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  • DavidBong
    DavidBong Posts: 3 Member
    I take healthy breakfast with intake that sees me till at least 3pm. My late light to medium lunch cum dinner starts at 4pm. No dinner after that. I’ll take a glass of milk if needed. Head off to bed by 10pm.
    Was 240lbs, now between 175 to 180.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Me too I find if I rule things out I crave them then over eat so sensible thoughtful choices for me. If I want a slice of pizza I will have it but stop at the one. Feel free to add you will see I eat well I workout but dont log it as currently focusing on food.