

  • amymoore728
    Do a Tabata workout first. There is a series of different ones you can use... just YouTube "You Have Four Minutes Tabata" and there's at least 10 on that channel.

    Then do the Bushman workout of the day. I have been entering mine as circuit training in MFP.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Hi there everyone. . Wishing all teams a great week!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Do a Tabata workout first. There is a series of different ones you can use... just YouTube "You Have Four Minutes Tabata" and there's at least 10 on that channel.

    Then do the Bushman workout of the day. I have been entering mine as circuit training in MFP.

    Thanks, I was really confused!
  • FitJ1210
    Hello Fellow Captains

    On our teams Google spreadsheets.....

    Do I start tracking on week one for Sept 1st- Sept 3rd, as Sunday the 4th is a rest day?

    There are only 4 weeks on the sheet.

    Thank you!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hello Fellow Captains

    On our teams Google spreadsheets.....

    Do I start tracking on week one for Sept 1st- Sept 3rd, as Sunday the 4th is a rest day?

    There are only 4 weeks on the sheet.

    Thank you!

    Gary said to enter 1 point each for Mon, Tues, Wed this week as that would be the easiest fix for the short week. I believe he will be sending us an updated spreadsheet soon with a 5th week added.
  • FitJ1210
    If someone doesn't get an answer in here please message me. I'll help.

    I'll be updating the spreadsheet tomorrow to include 5 weeks.

    You are all doing awesome keep up the great work. remember the spreadsheet and points is all easily fixed so if you get behind we have until Sept. 30th to get it all straight. Just make sure you get those Starting and Ending Weights (SW, EW)


    I see that now...Thank you babybluz33 for your help :smile:
  • FitJ1210
    Ok fellow Captains.... here is a really complicated? :blushing:

    How do I save our teams Google spreadsheet on my gmail account?

    Ive put the names and weighs in .. go back and its gone.

    The sheet says it saves after each entry.

    I feel dumb....Please help.
  • FitJ1210
    Please ignore the previous post.....I figured it out!!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    If anyone has a drop out and a slot becomes open I have a person who keeps asking me about an available slot but my team is full.

    Their nick is lilwashee

  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    Hey Lori, I have one that hasnt responded to any of my emails :( I'll take your person looking!

    Also, will someone PLEASE post a link to the google docs spreadsheet. I am new to gmail and I am confused on how to find it. Thanks!!
  • FitJ1210
    This challenge is my 1st try with Googles spread sheets. I opened a team gmail account. It is all there if you have Gary email the info or you can forward it yourself from the email you receive it now. I hope this helps!!
  • FitJ1210
    I have daily questions... hopefully it helps others?

    ~Is there a modification(s) to this weeks bonus Bear walk?

    Thank you
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Does anyone know when we'll be getting the challenges for this week? Everyone's BEGGING me for them!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I am a new captain & never done tribal challenge before.
    Our leader stepped down as she has other challenges in her life.
    She is still on our team but she asked me if i would step up as leader for her.
    Also we've had one person on our team leave.... she actually deactivated her account.
    So for now we're down 1 person.
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Does anyone know when we'll be getting the challenges for this week? Everyone's BEGGING me for them!

    They are on Gary's blog:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Does anyone know when we'll be getting the challenges for this week? Everyone's BEGGING me for them!

    They are on Gary's blog:

    Ahh, yet another thing I wasn't told about :tongue: Thanks.
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Does anyone know when we'll be getting the challenges for this week? Everyone's BEGGING me for them!

    They are on Gary's blog:

    Ahh, yet another thing I wasn't told about :tongue: Thanks.

    No problem, have you added Gary as a friend on here? If not you should, he had that posted in a status one day. Good luck this week :)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Does anyone know when we'll be getting the challenges for this week? Everyone's BEGGING me for them!

    They are on Gary's blog:

    Ahh, yet another thing I wasn't told about :tongue: Thanks.

    No problem, have you added Gary as a friend on here? If not you should, he had that posted in a status one day. Good luck this week :)

    Ha, that's a good point. Adding him now!
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    One of my Tribeswomen had this request - I wish there was an alternative "mileage" if you ride a stationary bike instead. Like...3 miles on the bike for every 1 mile walk.

    I know we allowed walk/run/jog/bike/swim for the 100 mile team challenge last month... Is this acceptable or no?
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Sonia, if I haven't told you yet your signature pic is STUNNING.

    Ok, so I just got asked this question and I think there shouldn't be a limit on the extra points. What do you all think?

    "Oh I'm in the PYGMY group, so is there a limit of 1 point a day bonus? Like today I've already done 5 miles and I planned on doing 4 more tonight. so 9 - 1.5 challenge mile = 7.5 bonus points? "