How Are You Staying on Track During All This?



  • wils5150
    wils5150 Posts: 149 Member
    yes a bonus is i dont get badgered to go out since everything is closed :D
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    I've abstained from buying wine, although I've done a fair amount of stress baking. One good thing is I've consistently logged over 10,000 every day except for today. Taking long strolls around my neighborhood has kept me sane.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 980 Member
    I'm pretty much eating what I have done for a while. That may change for lunches if I can't get more salad items when I run out, but I have cans of soup and I had supplies of my usual dinner foodstuffs already (I stocked up in December in case of a bad winter) so am not hugely impacted by the panic buying. I have nuts in the cupboard but I don't have chocolate, sweets etc. so the temptation to snack won't be there anyway.

    Our gyms are now closed but I went for two long, brisk walks today. I have got some dumbbells at home but they're not very heavy so I may fill some bags with books and lift those instead. A few times a week, I may have to force myself to do some squats and lunges too, as I can't access my usual gym machines. Taking the opportunity to clean out cupboards, do some gardening and generally tidy up will add to my exercise over the next few weeks or months.
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    I'm pretty much eating what I have done for a while. That may change for lunches if I can't get more salad items when I run out, but I have cans of soup and I had supplies of my usual dinner foodstuffs already (I stocked up in December in case of a bad winter) so am not hugely impacted by the panic buying. I have nuts in the cupboard but I don't have chocolate, sweets etc. so the temptation to snack won't be there anyway.

    Our gyms are now closed but I went for two long, brisk walks today. I have got some dumbbells at home but they're not very heavy so I may fill some bags with books and lift those instead. A few times a week, I may have to force myself to do some squats and lunges too, as I can't access my usual gym machines. Taking the opportunity to clean out cupboards, do some gardening and generally tidy up will add to my exercise over the next few weeks or months.

    I got a suitcase of shoes and grocery bags of books for weights!! We are in this together 💪
    I also just heard Joe D on a podcast episode talk about the ‘Kettlebell mile’ where you hold light weights and walk a mile. Sounded interesting. Perhaps I’ll give it a go since I want to work grip strength too.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    Long walk every day. Stretching and yoga at home every evening. Keeping to my 3 meals, no snacks.
    I usually dine out on Saturdays and not doing that is probably gonna help my calorie count.

    I'm still in a 8-5 office job Mon-Fri for the time being (very isolated office close to home, few staff). I think for me that's the best possible scenario, because I really thrive on routines. But if I had to be at home every day I'd try to stick to the same.
  • onward1
    onward1 Posts: 386 Member
    Long walks so I don't read anything on-line. As soon as it warms up I'm getting my bike out, still snowy here though.
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    I prelog everything the day before and don't allow myself to vary from it much. And make sure I'm getting at least 10,000 steps a day. The exercise helps suppress my appetite a bit and makes it easier to stick to whatever I've prelogged. So far so good. Next week is PMS though so we will.see how that goes 😂
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    LaReinaDeCorazones Posts: 274 Member
    I’m struggling in the opposite way, I think!

    I’ve not stocked up, specifically, as I’m a keen cook and experimenter so I always have plenty of ingredients on hand. Add to that the fact that I’m vegetarian (leaning to fully plamt based) and the rest of my household aren’t, there’s a fairly large variety of different foodstuffs in the house.

    Where I’m finding myself is struggling to ‘justify’ allocating any food for myself to eat, in case it might be better used to feed others if/when we’re restricted or ‘locked-down’.

    I’m fine with allowing myself to eat the odd thing that I know nobody else likes but when it comes to staples I’m not able to mentally overcome that feeling that if I eat anything it will not be available for others. (Panic buying has left all supermarkets etc devoid of staples/shelf stable products for the time being so I can’t predict when I can replace those items.)

    I intellectually know this is silly, but I’m now on the 5th day of not managing to get past about 600 cals per day because I can’t get past the guilt of using up food for ‘just me’. I’m not hungry either because my reaction to feeling emotionally stressed has always been to lose my appetite.

    Somebody tell me I’m not alone in this struggle! 😱

    You're not, I've been feeling the same way, saving most food for my mother and my son
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    My friend and I still went out on our weekly run - on opposite sides of the road! We maintained an appropriate distance, could still converse and kept up training. 2m is actually a pretty reasonable distance to manage and there are way less cars out so it wasn’t hard to keep up conversation even across a street. We were on residential streets so that does help.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,652 Member
    YellowD0gs wrote: »
    The only things we have are a couple bands and a way to walk a couple miles outside without encountering anyone else. Not that I'm a gym rat or anything, but the usual exercises at only body weight ain't gonna cut it. Need to find more things that can be done.

    Google resistance bands on You Tube, I'm sure you can find something. I've been doing Joanna Soh's challenges, the 5 minute plank challenge, squat challenge, and 10,000 steps are a lot of fun. Sidney Cummings has good videos, both weighted and not weighted. HasFit has some body stuff too. Body Project has good cardio, Leslie Sansone for walking/low impact aerobics, and Les Mills has some butt-kicking videos, Body Combat is the hardest video I did and with modifying it for back problems.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,652 Member
    I feel like I have pretty good control right now. Right now I'm dancing and walking in place while catching up on social media, I get in some good steps in the morning and it puts me in a good mood. Then I do workout videos in the afternoon or ride my exercise bike and cool off with yoga. For food I've been looking up recipes for food I have and had checked out two skinnytaste cookbooks so I'm making new recipes for what I can. I organized the heck out of my pantry yesterday, all the dried beans, legumes, and grains are in jars with labels and everything else is organized by type. Sadly it made me super satisfied yesterday! I'm working on a little decluttering a day.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    It's pretty hard. So far we've been in full lock-down quarantine for 6 days. 5 of them went pretty well, with work outs, and coming within 100-200 of the calorie target. But it's boring to be stuck in the house, and we stocked a LOT of junky food for the apocalypse. We did have one Total Systemic Breakdown day which was probably 5,000 calories, easy. M&Ms, cookies, chips. Hoping not to repeat that. Definitely was caused by boredom, not hunger. No matter how many Netflix shows and kindle books we line up, it's still f'ing boring to be stuck in the house day after day. More working out may be in order.
  • weight3049
    weight3049 Posts: 72 Member
    I stay on track with calories but exercise is pretty much non existent these days.
  • sdavis484
    sdavis484 Posts: 160 Member
    Rhiwills76 wrote: »
    Three nights of binges here,I'm super stressed and now the schools have closed the kids are home too 😣
