ANJU WARRIORS (Closed Group)



  • Just a run by...

    All Bushmen are complete for today... loved all the ST exercises. Almost missed the 2 sets of 21's on the list.

    I also saved the bear walk for last... OM I had to start and stop 5 times because I ran out of room and we just have tile so it was hard on my wrists. But I did it for 3 mins. If this is day 2 whats day 22 like!

    Bring it ...... Gary! We are strong Anju Warriors!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Was low on time this Am so opted to do the challenge first thing and save my 'normal' workout for this evening. So check on dailys. I haven't got the bear walk in yet, hoping to get that done tonight after strength training (probably not the brightest timing!) but we are still adjusting to a new schedule now that we have a kiddo in school.

    Get it done!!!
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    I've done my workout already (had to run on the treadmill instead of outside since my hubby's gone) and the bushmen challenge. Gotta say, I like the arm ones better than the leg ones yesterday. I'm NOT looking forward to doing them again tomorrow.

    I've got enough water in me already to count for the challenge (I've still gotta drink more for me today, though, since I'm nursing). I also have my calories for the rest of the day mapped out so I should easily stay in range for that. If I end up going over (doubtful), I'll let you know tomorrow.

    Well, both my kids are still napping so I'm gonna log off here and do something for ME.
  • This was on the news feed from Gary.. if anyone's interested yet?

    Video's are posted on my new blog. I"m new to the blog scene so hopefully you can all see it and it looks alright. I've also posted on there both of next weeks exercise challenges for PYGMY and BUSHMEN! Any questions let me know!
  • Jorden, you're the best. A blog is a great idea!! It's hard for me to find the challenges when they're buried in this thread.

    I just finished up my challenge for today... it's super bloody awful horrible no-good damn hot out there today, so I did the bushmen challenge. There was just no way I was going to be walking tonight. It's almost 6pm here and it's 98 degrees. DUMB. Anyway, it went pretty well. I threw in jumping jacks and crunches for good measure. If there's one thing I struggle with, it's strength training. Pick up heavy things? Over and over? NO thank you. But this challenge is helping me see that it's not so bad! The tricep kickbacks were the hardest for me and everything else wasn't too bad! Calories and water were generally good today. I had chinese food for lunch (i didn't really have a choice)... but I think I did a really good job keeping things under control.
  • Day 2 complete: I liked the Bushmen Challenge today - upper body is my thing!!!

    Sorry its not my blog Shannon is Gary's... but all the info is there for next week!

    Awesome Tina!

    Good Job warriors :smile: :smile:

    I received the updated Google Spread sheet for the 5 weeks of Sept.

    I put in all our names and weights and it says its saving.. but I go back and its not. Crap- OLA! :devil:

    Google is new to me anyone know more about??
  • Seems easy but it has to be a constant bear walk constantly moving for 3 minutes.

    Team after reading this I think I need to give the bear walk another shot... I did 3 minutes with-in 3.5 minutes?
  • What exactly am I supposed to do after I have completed the challenges? I did the swimming exercise with weights and jogged a mile today (extra)....Didn't even know I could still jog one!!!
  • AWESOME sarah that a real milestone!

    I PMed you.

    I figured out our Google spreadsheet after my DH helped. Yayy!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Every time I pop on I see someone else kickin' butt and takin' names! I love it!! Way to go Warriors!

    Jorden- you are an awesome captain. So organized and so helpful...thank you!!

    I did the pygamy challenges for the day, waters in, and I'm under my calorie (too far but I'm not feeling well, and couldn't even think about food) Gotta take a peek what's up for tomorrow. I'm off on 2 days of rest from regular routine, so I may do the bushman...we'll see. Supposed to be super hot and I still have a 2nd story of my house to paint. LoL.

    Straight straight and strong over the weekend!!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Today I walked an extra mile (2.7 total), did the swimmer presses with 5 lb weights, bear walk for 3 mins, drank 18 cups of water, and under my cals. Great day! I know I'll be sore tomorrow! Goodnight warriors!
  • Day 1 exercise challenge completed. Under cals for the day.
    Day 2 exercise challenge completed. Under cals for this day also. YEA!!
    *Note: are we suppose to check in every day or just report on Sat or Sun? I logged daily cals/eats but did not log exercise challenge at completion. Hope I have not lost us team points for this!!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Just wondering.... I know we only have exercise challenges 6 days a weeks, so are our weekly challenges only 6 days of the week as well?
  • Day 1 exercise challenge completed. Under cals for the day.
    Day 2 exercise challenge completed. Under cals for this day also. YEA!!
    *Note: are we suppose to check in every day or just report on Sat or Sun? I logged daily cals/eats but did not log exercise challenge at completion. Hope I have not lost us team points for this!!
    Go to page 2 of this thread, it explains there. It's a bit overwhelming first starting these things isn't it?
    Looks like we let our team captain know we have completed the daily challenge every day. We weigh in every Sunday. If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me :)
  • Day 3 Challenge complete - and kicked my behind just like day 1 :sad: Could have been the kickbox workout I did before it though LOL:laugh:
  • Just wondering.... I know we only have exercise challenges 6 days a weeks, so are our weekly challenges only 6 days of the week as well?

    If I understand your question, the bear walk was our weekly challenge, so we do that only one time this week. Again, somebody please correct me if this isn't correct. :)
  • Hi STRONG Warriors... your all doing wonderful :smile:

    I hope everyone is having a good Saturday!

    I see that there is ??

    I'll be back soon to answer.

  • Julie The boys feeling better?

    Reese Thank you! Hope your feeling better. Good luck painting.

    desiny 18 cups a water .. you have it down pat.
  • Day 1 exercise challenge completed. Under cals for the day.
    Day 2 exercise challenge completed. Under cals for this day also. YEA!!
    *Note: are we suppose to check in every day or just report on Sat or Sun? I logged daily cals/eats but did not log exercise challenge at completion. Hope I have not lost us team points for this!!

    Linda Glad to see you:smile: Perfect on the exercise challenges for Day 1 & 2. Also your on your cals. How is your water going?

    We sure would like you to check in everyday to let us know how your doing and keep the motivation of our team going.

    You will be logging in your totals for this week for Thurs, Fri & Sat on Sunday or Monday morn.

    You still have time to complete todays exercises... its not to late.

    There are the Daily exercise challenge.
    There is the Weekly Challenge. under cals & 64 oz water.

    If everyone does each the team gets 5 bonus points.