I need a fitness buddy....



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday Buddies!

    I went rollerblading yesterday and burned 919 calories in 90 minutes. Yay for me! Then...

    ... I ate 3 cookies from subway, 1 bowl of honey nut cheerios, and 2 chocolate chip granola bars :embarassed: :frown: :angry: :mad: :sick: :sad: :cry:
    I didn't go over on my calories because of the exercise, but the worst part is, I didn't even enjoy those damn cookies :huh: I'm not gonna beat myself up about it anymore... I'm gonna remember how crummy i felt, about wasting all those exercise calories next time. :wink: :love: :wink:

    Sanifrey - I don't have experience with migraines, but I hope you get relief soon :flowerforyou: BE proud of yourself... going out there although you aren't feeling well. :flowerforyou:

    Nicole - Thanks for still taking the time to come and report your workout... It's definately a motivator to see you are BRINGING IT! I think that is PX90 phrase :laugh:

    Jewles - You are ROCKIN! you are burning calories in so many different ways. I know those inches are coming off. That is so Cute that your little girl is your gym partner :) God bless her!

    Sammy - Hi! that was funny with the jump rope... that sounds like a fun workout :)

    Nursevee - Welcome! What do you do for exercise?

    I probably won't be around for the weekend... Have a wonderful day!
  • I did my bowflex routine last night. I thought I was going to flake because we didn't get home until 9pm. I"m proud I didn't! I'm going to be gone for the weekend. My DH is taking me to Laughlin. But, I'm going to try to make healthier choices and have fun. No guilt! I'm going to do an extra workout routine on the my fitness coach today to try to get extra calories!
    Have a great weekend fitness buddies!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello Buddies!!

    I'm feeling a bit better today & was able to get through my workout feeling great!! I did week 5 day 2 of my push up challenge & then the BL Power sculpt video. I added on some jump & jacks & walking lunges at the end & then did my cool down! I feel so successful!! I'm looking forward to getting on the Wii Fit tonight after the girls go to bed!

    Have a great weekend everyone! :drinker:
  • Hey buddies!!! welcome to the new people!!:drinker:

    i just got finished with legs, back and ab ripper. i know this sounds sooooo pathetic, but i couldnt finish the last 2 minutes. i dont know whats wrong with me today...i dont have any energy and i was getting so light headed at the end of my workout. i ate before i worked out and i got enough sleep so im not sure...maybe its because i have been sick all week and i just keep pushing through it...i sure hope i dont feel like this tomorrow.......good thing sunday is my rest day!!!

    well i hope u all have an awesome weekend!!!
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I have been slack and didn't work out for two days but I got back on track today. I only worked out 10 minute but burned 145 on my elliptical I increased my resistance to a 9 out of 12... I had a rough day at work yesterday so I needed to rest and decompress last night. Today all I've eaten is a
    banana for breakfastg

    steamed chicken and vegetables in my zip n steam bags for lunch

    Now, it is time to meet the bf for a drink ( which I don't need) but I have 900 calorie left to use, so I may go had have a nice glass of wine!

    Welcome to the newbees
    Welcome to those returning
    and you girls have been a huge motivator to me so far.

  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    One more thing.. I know my weight isn't reflecting any loss but I originally signed up in January and used it for about a week, then quit and gained roughly 10 more lbs. In the past two weeks since I have met this wonderful group, I have manged to lose 6 of those lbs. Hopefully, I can get below that original weight and start showing some progress.

    Thanks Again.

  • Nicolet- don't beat yourself up. You usually tear it up when you work out!! I hope you feel better.

    Welcome all of our new folks, hope to keep seeing you.

    Shannon- great job losing the 6 lbs. Don't think of it as original weight, Think of it as a mini goal weight on your way to your big goal weight. I did the same thing. i was here for a month and then slacked for a month and gained 12 lbs after my foot surgery. Stick with it!!:flowerforyou:
  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    I went out to eat mexican and have no idea how to log on my calories. I don't think I did it right b/c it is showing over 2000 calores .... I had a stuffed portabella mushroom dish w/ lots of chips. it says one container of mexican restaurant chips is 1400 calories... Is that right? Between me and my bf we had about 2 baskets
  • Hey Shannon- I would definitely check for one on there that gives chip amount (like 10 chips) cause that sounds a little fishy to me.

    I started back at work today so I don't know if I call it my rest day. After 3.5 months of medical leave and being off my feet, 9 hours on my feet sure felt like a workout. But I have my swim class tomorrow and that's an hour and then there is a little bit more challenging one the hour after that, so I think I will try to do that one too.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I had an awesome treadmill workout today! My Polar says 566 calories burned. I had to make up for the Five Guys Burger I had today!! Oh it was so yummy!! I can't even remember the last time I had a burger so yummy!! Yes, now I'm eating half a chicken breast & half a head of brocolli for dinner, but I'm okay with it!! I love that I can have an occasional treat & fit it into my plan for the day!

    Oh yeah, one more thing!! I went to Old Navy today & bought the most awesome, bootylicious size 12 jeans today!!

    Thank you for keeping me going! :drinker:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Buddies!

    Well, I did pretty good this weekend. Saturday, I worked out for a total of 1 hour 45 minutes and my HRM showed 900 calories...YAY! 1 whole hour on the eliptical and 45 minutes of strength training. However, I had a dairy Queen Blizzard for dinner :embarassed: that was ALL my exercise points. :mad:

    On Sunday I went for a nice long walk, a total of 90 minutes. HRM showed 650 calories burned... then I ate a Filet-o-fish meal with no mayo, at McDonald's and Fruity pebbles for dinner... I blew my exercise calories again. :mad: It's no wonder I'm still at 170 this morning.... I don't know why I keep sabotaging myself :explode: I'm feeling really disappointed with myself. :cry:

    Shannan - High Five to you losing 6 WHOLE lbs. :drinker: you should be proud of yourself.

    Nicole - we all have an off day, once in awhile... Like Jewels said, you are usually ROCKIN! How did it go on Saturday? Maybe you're PMSing

    Sanifrey - WAY TO GO! on your Treadmill workout :drinker: That sounds about an WHOLE hour on there. WOO HOO! on your new jeans :happy: That is Awesome.

    Jewels - Hope you had a Great time at Laughling before starting work again. SOunds like your job is a workout in itself... do you wear a HRM to see how many calories you burn :wink:

    Make it a Great Day Buddies!
  • madiha1
    madiha1 Posts: 8
    hey friends...i also need a fitness buddy :cry: someone who could help me generating motivation.i would be glad to find a good friend :smile:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    hey friends...i also need a fitness buddy :cry: someone who could help me generating motivation.i would be glad to find a good friend :smile:

    Welcome Madiha!
    This is a great group.... just report what you did for exercise and you will get all the motivation and support you can stand :)
  • Welcome madhia- this is a great thread and even when I don't want to work out, I know spicy and sanifrey and shannon and everyone else was tearing up their workouts so I never want to be the loser who didn't workout. :laugh:

    shannon- have you tried pre planning your meals? I plan every meal the night before and set up dinner for the next night (that's the meal I'm most likely to botch and go to mcd's instead). If I know what I am having the next day, my breakfast is planned, my lunch is packed, I have meat thawing for dinner, or veggies cut up, I don't deviate and eat junk as often. And I try not to be in the mindset of,"well I work so hard every day, I deserve this blizzard (burger, pizza etc;), because what I deserve is to feel great and look even better, and be healthy for my family, it's not so much about what I deserve, it's what I owe myself. YOU DESERVE SKINNY JEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep going, you'll make it.:flowerforyou:

    Now the bad part. I felt terrible this morning, so I skipped my swim class, but I am going to go to the gym and do the stationary bike since I am feeling better. I promised my daughter that I would wait until she got home from school so she could go too. Between you guys and Eris, I could not be more motivated!!!:laugh: She doesn't let me skip a day!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Welcome Madiha!! Just jump right!!

    I finished my BL Cardio Max & added on some more J&J's, lunges, stair runs & crunches to bring my burn up to 475. I may try a little Wii Fit tonight, but I won't be counting it. Today was hard to get motivated, but as always, I'm glad that I did! I knew that I couldn't let my buddies down!

    KEEP MOVIN'!! :drinker:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Hello everyone! I would love to join this group! I just revamped my schedule after being sick and getting behind in all my schoolwork, so this is just what I need to stick to that schedule! I have an Aerobics class Mon, Wed, and Fri, and I want to work out on my own on Sat and every other Thurs (I have a weird work schedule, so I have a shift every other Thurs) :noway:

    SO FAR, SO GOOD! Today's aerobics class was GREAT! I think it was the best one I've had all semester! I sweated more than I ever have before, and I only had to stop and catch my breath a few times! Hopefully, by the end of the semester, I'll be able to go the entire class without stopping! :bigsmile:
  • madiha1
    madiha1 Posts: 8
    hey friends...i also need a fitness buddy :cry: someone who could help me generating motivation.i would be glad to find a good friend :smile:

    Welcome Madiha!
    This is a great group.... just report what you did for exercise and you will get all the motivation and support you can stand :)

    yeah thanks :smile:
  • madiha1
    madiha1 Posts: 8
    thankyou all you wonderful people here!!
    really so nice of you :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • jhollyw00d
    jhollyw00d Posts: 68 Member
    I could use a fitness buddy, too! Can anyone email with me? I have a blackberry, and that's the easiest way for me to correspond.


  • shannan74
    shannan74 Posts: 115 Member
    sounds like you ladies have had a productive weekend. I've been slack and have went over my calories every day. So, I am about to get up off of my tooch and go upstairs and do my elliptical.

    Welcome to the newbies.. We' will be looking forward to seeing how you begin your progress.

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