

  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    Are we going to do weigh-ins on a weekly basis to keep track?
  • rklewis
    rklewis Posts: 21 Member
    I am totally interested in the group! I am going out to run my 1 mi right now, I will be back to enter my info and measurements this afternoon! Awesome goals and ideas so far! Thanks for putting together the group and awesome name Mel!
  • MelanieOnTheRun
    i think we should do weekly weigh-ins. how about like on mondays or fridays? or totally up for anything!
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I think friday's would probably be good! (Dunno what everyone else thinks? :P) Just since we started yesterday, and now it's friday..and I'm going to assume friday's would be better than thursdays for most people and easier to remember!
  • alissa0312
    I'm good with Friday!
  • poisongirl1
    poisongirl1 Posts: 93 Member
    MFP'er: poisongirl1
    age: 23
    height: 5'8"
    weight: 173.6 lbs
    bust/chest: 40"
    waist: 34"
    hips: 40"
    1km time: 7:19

    I just got back from doing the 1km time for today! Turns out a trip around the block is almost exactly a km, how convenient!
  • alissa0312
    MFP'er: Alissa0312
    age: 29
    height: 5'4"
    weight: 209.5
    bust/chest: 45.5
    waist: 46.5
    hips: 50.0
    1km/mile time: Don't know just yet and I just saw the challenges so I will have to catch up on these tomorrow.
  • rklewis
    rklewis Posts: 21 Member
    MFP'er: rklewis
    age: 25
    height: 5'10"
    weight: 173 lbs
    waist: 33.5"
    hips: 42.5"
    1km/mile time: 1 mile: 9 minutes 50 seconds

    Exercise time (so far) today: 38 minutes, included 1 mile as fast as I could go, it was tough but I didnt have to walk :)
    Friday Weigh in: 173lbs... (1st day UNDER the overweight BMI category! SO EXCITED :) )

    Thanks again or putting this group together! I am excited for Sizziling September!

    Rachel L.
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    i would love to join too! i just don't have a tape measure on me because i am at work :( is this ok for now?

    MFP'er: dancingnancies
    age: 28
    height: 5'4
    weight: 154 lbs
    bust/chest:don't know!
    waist: don't know!
    hips: don't know!
    1km/mile time: 1 mile: 10 mins 50 seconds.
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    Woohoo! So glad to see so many want to join in on the fun! I have started another thread to officially kick off the group "Sizzling in September!" Check it out for all the new info -
  • bwalton73
    HI all,

    I am relatively new to this and would love to join the group. I will post my basic info tonight and get started on the challenges. Anyone who would like to friend me, please do! I'm looking to create a support system of like minded people. I find it so hard to stay on track/motivated when I am at work around people who bring in all kinds of junk food and don't understand my motivation.

    A little bit about me: I am 38 yrs old and married to my best friend. Between us, we have 3 children (2 teenage boys from his first marriage and our 6 year old daughter.) I was a stay-at-home mom while she was little, but when she started school, I couldn't stay home and be bored so I returned to work and I am a teen services librarian. Between my family, my husband (and his travel schedule for work), the kids, and my job...not to mention all of the other things in life that I want to do and is hard to always find time for myself.

    About 11 years ago, I weighted 310lbs. I needed to make a change and focused on changing my diet, exercising and getting healthy. At the time I was single and only had myself to worry about. I was very successful and had lost 145lbs. After I met my husband and I became less focused a few pounds crept back on and then I had my daughter and a few more found their way onto my frame. It wasn't too bad but I saw myself slowly creeping back up that slipperly slope. On top of that, I saw my healthy eating habits floating out the window. I would take the time to make breakfast for everyone else and pack lunches, etc but I was too busy running errands, cleaning, working, etc that I never had time to feed myself and I would go all day without eating until I was ravenous and found something which was usually quick, greasy, laden with fat, etc. Then after dinner, when everyone was asleep and I should be sleeping, I would be so wound up and hungry I would be snacking deep into the night.

    For the last 3 years I haven't been feeling well and I recently went to the doctor. I was diagnosed with unspecified autoimmune disease. There were days that I cried to get out of bed because the pain was so bad. Everything on my body hurt, my head ached, I felt like a truck hit me and I was ready to give up. My husband, the wonderful man that he is, did a lot of research. Afterdoing a lot of reading and watching the movie "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" we decided that not only for weight purposes, but for the sake of my physical health, we needed to change our diets. We had to get the junk, fat, preservatives, etc out of our diet. All of the reading he did about my disease told him that many of the quick fods that we eat today are so laden with chemicals and no vitamins that our bodies are deficient in what we need. We are not giving ourselves what we need and many diseases can be "cured" just by detoxing the body and eating the way our bodies are designed to eat.

    At the begining of June, my husband said he would make this lifestyle change with me. He has been much more successful than I have, but I have to say that I have been grateful for his support along the way. I get frustrated that I do not lose weight as quickly as he does. I get lonely because the people in my life do not understand why I have made this choice. I am always looking for like-minded individuals who will know what I am going through--who will udnerstand that just because I am hungry for a piece of pizza that doesn't mean that I am a failure. Changing your food lifestyle is a process and a difficult one at that. I think Ihave been pretty successful. I am loving all of the fruits and veggies that I have incorporated into my diet. I have realized that I was a sugar addict, so keeping sugars, carbs, breads, etc to a minimun makes me feel best...physically. For me, the biggest challenge is finding time to devote to me....time to actually go and exercise and say it's ok to not be there for the kids or to let someone else take over for a little while.

    I am looking forward to the challeneges on thie group and hope to make some new friends to boot! Good luck everyone!
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    Wow, that is an amazing story! We are all glad to have you join the group :) Wishing you many successes!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member