After baby body: Claiming my shape back, who's in?

Hey ladies!!

After 2 beautiful pregnancies I am so ready to work on my shape.
I've always had weight problems, but successfully got in very good shape with mfp a few years ago. But after I moved to another continent, changing lifestyle and no access to a gym I gained some of the weight back. Not too much anyway. I gained back another 20 kilograms during my first pregnancy, lost the half within a month and the rest over the next 5 months. During my second pregnancy I gained even more back, maybe around 30 (!) kilograms and I didn't lose anything yet, in opposite to my first postpartum I have a very big appetite in this postpartum.. maybe because of tandem nursing the boys?!
Anywho, if you are willing to work on your after baby body, feel free to send me a fr request and comment on this post. Let's share our stories and if we get a small nice mommy group together we could share results and motivate each other.. 😊

My goal: losing at least 40 kilograms 😅 and gaining my strength back

What's your goal?



  • LittlefitNikki90
    LittlefitNikki90 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! My goal is to lose 19 kg and gain muscle. My body looks a lot different than it did before. Larger everything and stretch marks! I'm ready to feel like me again! ☺️
  • Terracotta2705
    Terracotta2705 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! My goal is to lose 19 kg and gain muscle. My body looks a lot different than it did before. Larger everything and stretch marks! I'm ready to feel like me again! ☺️

    That's great, yes it's not only about the looks but also about well-being! I know that feeling of not feeling like oneself anymore. You'll get there, thumbs up for you, have a nice, strong journey!
  • Farrell73
    Farrell73 Posts: 94 Member
    I would love to join you guys! I just had my second daughter 7 weeks ago. Today I did a work out from YouTube called fitness blender.
  • schintsanya
    schintsanya Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join you all. My daughter just turned 1 a few weeks ago. I've lost about 25 kg since giving birth, with 10 of this being in the last 5-6 months. Been in a bit of a slump lately, but joined mfp to lose another 10-15 kg before we start trying for baby #2. Would love to support and inspire one another!
  • Terracotta2705
    Terracotta2705 Posts: 5 Member
    Farrell73 wrote: »
    I would love to join you guys! I just had my second daughter 7 weeks ago. Today I did a work out from YouTube called fitness blender.

    Hihi!! Welcome! Great, let's do this. What's your goal?
  • Terracotta2705
    Terracotta2705 Posts: 5 Member
    annaeri26 wrote: »
    Hey all!
    I’d love to join! I’ve been slacking a bit on my weight loss, but I am so ready to get back on track!
    I have a 3 year old little boy, I gained about 70ibs with my pregnancy as I was on strict bed rest.
    Prior to pregnancy I was a bikini competitor and I am so ready to have my body back!

    Hihi! That sounds like you're perfect here.. Wow, so you're more than motivating here as former bikini model 😊
  • Terracotta2705
    Terracotta2705 Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to join you all. My daughter just turned 1 a few weeks ago. I've lost about 25 kg since giving birth, with 10 of this being in the last 5-6 months. Been in a bit of a slump lately, but joined mfp to lose another 10-15 kg before we start trying for baby #2. Would love to support and inspire one another!

    Hihi! That sounds great. Wow, how did you lose the 25 kg??
  • Flirtyflirt2
    Flirtyflirt2 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m down ! I’ll add yall
  • Lihle1201
    Lihle1201 Posts: 5 Member
    I have 3 kids, gained 20kg, lost 5kg.
    I'm ready to claim my body back since the factory is now closed.
    Struggling to stick to my calories, especially when Im tired. The nibbling on the minions leftovers is my biggest problem.
  • annaeri26
    annaeri26 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a 3 year old little boy, I gained about 70ibs with my pregnancy as I was on strict bed rest.
    Prior to pregnancy I was a bikini competitor and I am so ready to have my body back! [/quote]

    Hihi! That sounds like you're perfect here.. Wow, so you're more than motivating here as former bikini model 😊

    Awe you’re so sweet! We can do it! We’ve all just gotta stay committed! Great that we have eachother for support❤️
    How’s everyone doing so far??

  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    Hello mamas! Hopefully it’s not too late to join!
    My daughter is 1.5 now. My only progress so far is losing weight but that’s it. Nothing else’s the same anymore especially my midsection. It was flat and I could even see a bit abs before I found out I was pregnant, but now it’s a lovely pile of loose skin (my daughter loves to poke it with her tiny fingers lol)

    While my food choice hasn’t been that great for the past several weeks (due to the stress from loosing sleep and worrying about the impact from this pandemic), I started this challenge to myself on April 1 to workout everyday for the entire month. I was never committed to working out everyday before and thought it’s too tiresome, but turns out it’s not that bad (just need to space things out).

    For the remaining part of the week I’ll be focusing on just completing my daily workout & giving myself a chance to tone back the aggressive snacking habit lol. Starting from next week I want to add other goals:
    - Seriously cutting sugary food intake
    - Drinking more water
    - 2-3 solid weight training sessions (other days will be kickboxing and hopefully yoga)
    - Play more & be more patient with my toddler <3

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :)
  • hibs2020
    hibs2020 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi girls , I would love to join

    I am a mum of 2 , with the newborn 7 months old I am ready to get active again especially before I go back to work in the covid crisis .

    I was 70kg (154lbs ) and since joining mfp 10 days ago , I think I am now about 67kg .

    My fitness goal is to have more stamina again and a toned/leanbody which is my natural disposition .
    My weight goal is to be 60kg ( although I was 55kg before kids ).
    My clothes size goal is a uk size 10-12 . Again before kids I was an 8-10 depending on the shop but post babies and with hips expanding I am thinking 10-12 is more realistic .

    My struggles are :
    * I like food .
    * I struggle with portion control .
    * I am at home with the kids so limited exercise

    My solution to that is :
    * to get my calories from healthy foods such as lean protein and plenty of veg .
    * If I am craving a snack eat fruit and veg and drink water
    * do an exercise video with the kids every day. Keep active around the house aiming for 3000+ steps .
    * Do a 30 minute rowing session on the tower every other day when the kids are in bed .
  • EurasianLocation
    EurasianLocation Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there mamas! Great thread and great idea. I have 16kg to lose and am a mom of 4 young children with a FT job. Taking it one step at a time. Since the pandemic confinement started I've gained 2kg because I bike commute. Anyone else being challenged with confinement? #stayhome
  • lululapagaille
    lululapagaille Posts: 84 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi girls, I’m going to add you too !
    My name is Lucie, I live in France, I have a 2 year old and I’m struggling to lose those last 3 kilos. It’s the 3 kgs that always keep me from my ideal weight... Before my pregnancy I’d lost 7kgs with MFP. Can do it again ! 💪
  • annaeri26
    annaeri26 Posts: 9 Member
    All you ladies have great ideas for staying motivation and also finding what your struggles are! We can all do this!
  • lananabanana112
    lananabanana112 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there, my little one is 4months now. I'm ebf but the weight is not 'falling off by itself' as it does for some apperently :/ want to loose 5kg (7-8 would be friggin great) and get in shape. Will add you alright!?
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    Hiya, I have 3 kids, my eldest turned 3 last month, my middle just turned 2 and my youngest is 4 months. I lost the weight after my first easily but didn’t lose between 2 and 3 and now I have 3 stone to lose. I’m struggling to get on track as breastfeeding makes me so hungry and crave all of the junk lol
  • yaelle911
    yaelle911 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi!!! I'm a mom of 7!!!
    Yes it can be crazy busy!!!
    But I'm looking for a real buddy!!
    Accountability is really what pushes me to success i've seen in the past.
    My goal is to lose 20 kilo within 8 months . My biggest challenge i would say is consistency in working out and meal prep. being a mom of 7 and accumulated baby weight. i have good knowledge in fitness and healthy eating but i seem to be putting myself last with no one to answer to.... when i try to hide from pictures i know its gone too far....

    anyone interested in an accountability partner that we can help each other reach each others goal. i am very dedicated when i know someone is counting on me and hope the other person can reciprocate.

    As Nike says....let do it!!!😎