Sexy in Six Week 2 ***closed group***



  • Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    ICE CREAM and I have alternative ice cream bars that are 100 calories. Having a container in my fridge isn't an option for me anymore. The bars allow me to indulge without over indulging.
  • Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.

    I occasionally plan ahead and do find i stick to that plan if i have everthing bought in for it, if i have a off day where theres nothing bought in and go to the supermarket hungry i usually run around liek a headless chicken loking for somethign quick but lowfat/cals and it deff is much harder!
  • Did my crunches.