Dressing "age appropriate", what do you think?



  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Write an article with your own fashion rules and publish it on the web. Will be just as valid as any other "rules" out there :wink:
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I think you should dress to fit your personality, not your age.

    Well put!

    While I will *never* be able to wear a bikini or short skirt (too many surgeries/too much loose skin), no one is going to tell me that I'm "too old" to wear my Gryffindor t-shirt or my skull and crossbones earrings. Yes, I also shop at Hollister... and yes, I love to wear shirts with oddball sayings or graphics on them -- GIR, anyone? -- but these things are what make me the unique ME that I am.

    And while we're at it, I'd like to give a giant MYOB to those who tell me that 42 year old women need to cut their hair into a more "mature" style...

    I have hair down to my bottom and I get the "aren't you a bit old for long flowing hair" I'm 38 but most people think I'm 28.
    I think that if you are honest about what works with your body-shape and there aren't ugly bulges and underwear flashing; go for it and express your personality. I've seen ladies in their eighties with long hair in a plait or in a French bun. Really sophisticated. But I've also seen girls that don't appear to own a mirror and could do with a helping hand! Being an object of ridicule isnt very cool. I'm sure we've all seen them in shopping malls. But I would never presume to tell them what to wear - it's none of my business and I would hate to hurt anyones feelings. I do compliment strangers if I think they look great tho. :-)
  • hotstuff76
    everyone should wear what they feel comfy in n feck everyones opinion x
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I'm 44 and my closet has so many different kinds of clothing. When I try something on I know if it's too young for me or not, I don't need an "expert" to tell me what the mirror is saying loud and clear.
  • livnlite
    I am of the mindset that you should wear what ever makes YOU feel good, and comfortable...but, when it comes to popular opinion ... that's a different thing entirely.

    I've seen many 'mature' women wear very short skirts and look amazing. Then, I've seen very young women wear short skirts and well, I'm think'n maybe they shouldn't have. I don't think it's JUST about age . Body structure and class have a lot to do with it.

    Much the same as some women can wear spandex or shortie tops .. and some who do .. well, again .. perhaps shouldn't ...at least not in public. I guess it comes down to what a person prefers .. How they feel or how the rest of the world feels about it.

    Some women like to dress in a manner that they percieve as 'sexy' ... It may not BE sexy to everyone, but, then again, who am I to say? As long as they are not on the walmartians photo hall of fame, we will deal with it.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I plan on wearing whatever looks good on me as I age. I plan on it being tasteful however. It's one thing to wear a mini that's almost to the crotch and another that's only an inch above the knees. Even though I'm 26 I still dress fairly 'matronly'...I had my daughter at 18...so I don't show my stomach. I do love showing off my legs and I'm proud of them. I wear a high cut one-piece swimsuit and it looks wonderful. It's all about being comfortable in your own skin....if a lady in their 80's wears a two piece I sure as heck am not going to knock it...just because I don't have the guts to do so. Remember...wear what you love and if it looks trashy or shanky...you'll get looks and then you can tone it down a bit. Lol.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I think that is just ignorant to say woman after 35 should not wear bikinis or short skirts. If you have the body and/or confidence to wear certain things then go for it. I admit I dont want to see a 300 lb man or woman in a teeny bikini / speedo on the beach, but HEY, I dont have to look either. Knock yourself out!
    As for specific clothing brands, beit Hollister, or other brands, I dont have issue with that. I buy clothes because I like them, not because I am worried about the name brand may be seen as age appropriate. Now, the way I wear my clothes is different. I am not going to wear my jeans so large that they hang around my knees on purpose so my boxer shorts are hanging out for the world to see and a shirt half tucked in and half out. THAT I will leave for the teenagers / early 20s. I dont like the look, and think it looks tacky as hell, but remember what it was like when we were that age. I am sure we wore things that people our age now didnt agree with either. Remember, the 80s were a terrible fashion era!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    You don't need to be wearing those bikini's and mini skirts. You can look just as attractive with showing off some ankle (not to much) from under your home spun dress. Also at the beach, don't worry, just cover up, and wear a large hat or babushka.
    Spaghetti straps. HAH, not a chance, maybe a shawl after you get done cooking the spaghetti. -Sincerely, the internet fashion police

    Here to help illustrate:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    There are certain women that you do look at and think they are trying to dress like a teenager, but what you described wouldn't be that. And while i think they might look a little silly, they are free to do whatever they want and truefully I don't care much.
  • paintitblack
    I think you should dress figure appropriate rather than age. If you're 35 but it better shape than you were when you were 25, then why not where the same sort of stuff?

    I do agree there is kind of a limit on these things, though! Sometimes it can look incredibly tacky. I think being tasteful and a good fit are the main things that matter.
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    You're only as you feel.
  • ItsMeLori
    You dress how you feel you can dress. I wore a bikini and mini skirts until mid 40's. My head tells me as I age now, not to wear that stuff. I like to dress cute, and wear low rise jeans but stay away from tiny bopper clothes now
  • orleansmith
    orleansmith Posts: 61 Member
    Just thought I would share ... my great grandmother (b 1909) sometime in the early 70s I believe. Sure, this was at a gathering with her group for a luau, but I have no idea where these "rules" come from!

  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I like bikinis and don't think I've ever own a one piece. It's not a matter of trying to dress younger it's what you are used to. Besides how would you get your stomach tanned? ha

    I've also seen 19-20 year olds who might look better in a one piece.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I wore my Hollister plaid shirt yesterday and today I'm wearing stuff from Forever 21. I have worked hard for this body and I'm gonna show it! Of course I'm not over the top crazy, I wear one trendy/young piece and the rest is "age appropriate".