April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo That's a lot prettier than most of the cow pastures around here! And Tippy looks quite content there! I don't really have any advise on the heart rate.

    Pretty much agree, especially since there is not much in the way of cows here in Pittsburgh.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Final cake pic

    The mirror glaze was gross but the rest was great. Kids LOVE it, and that's all that matters

    First class cake porn!!!!
    To be a baker requires real artistry -- you have it!!

    So does that make me a porn star 😜

    I mean, if the cake fits wear it... or something :smiley:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @bearly63 - how do you jog on the bike?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @Avidkeo I will eat jelly beans and/or tootsie rolls during long runs, however, since they have so much sugar I’m not sure they would stay with you as a good carb until the next day. I ate tootsie rolls all through my fastest HM. In my opinion.. you shouldn’t try to lose weight when training for a big race. You need to fuel your body and if that is eating at maintenance for the whole training cycle then you need to do that. I’m sure 4 weeks will give you plenty of time to get the nutrition you need but don’t short yourself on good training runs by dieting now. I also agree with @ContraryMaryMary about carb loading, definitely can’t be done the day before and be effective. For Skip’s marathon she started making sure to eat good carbs and lots of them a week before, she said she thought it really helped, but what she was sure helped was eating all during the race. She has gui’s and bars in every pocket she had, she also grabbed things like pretzels on the course and was very tempted to grab a cold beer ha ha Of course everyone’s mileage may vary.

    @PastorVincent she is transferring to the University of South Alabama majoring in Communications (she wants to be in the new casting or sports casting business) with a minor in Political Science – at least that is as of today.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    My "Hug a Runner" shirt came in the mail yesterday. On the back, it says, "Designated Hugger." I love love love it.

    That is one shirt among many you will never see me wearing so long as I have a choice. :smiley:
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member

    My "Hug a Runner" shirt came in the mail yesterday. On the back, it says, "Designated Hugger." I love love love it.

    If you're interested, you can go to the Run the Edge site and buy one. They just donated $21K to Feeding America from their shirt sales for the Uncanceled Project. I bought two shirts, because $21K equates to 211,000 meals. It's worth your $20 for sure. They even did a live video where we could watch them donate the money. It's a small operation of 5 people running the whole thing, so if you support them, it actually matters.

    Anyway, I haven't run again since Saturday because @Tramboman I am trying to LISTEN to my body and let it heal. Instead this week, I've been focusing on strength training and PT exercises.

    Today only the muscles in my quads hurt and that could just be soreness. Hopefully, I'm on the actual road to recovery and pain-free running!

    @Avidkeo - what @ContraryMaryMary said. She's 100% right.

    Just keep in mind I'm one of those "Do what I say; don't do what I do" kind of guys...
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    4-1 7k easy
    4-2 7k easy
    4-3 8k slow
    4-4 7k moderate
    4-5 7k moderate
    4-6 7k easy
    4-7 rest
    4-8 7k moderate
    4-9 7k easy
    4-10 7k easy
    4-11 7k easy
    4-12 7k moderate
    4-13 7k easy
    4-14 rest
    4-15 7k moderate
    4-16 11k slow
    4-17 7k moderate
    4-18 7k easy
    4-19 7k threshold
    4-20 7k easy
    4-21 rest
    4-22 7k easy
    4-23 7k easy

    April Total: 145k
    April Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k

    2020 Total through March: 509k

    Mostly cloudy, mid 30s F and a breeze from the east today. Sun came out during the last kilometer, so at least it ended on a bright note. Nothing but the usual niggles today, which is what I expected.
    Yesterday's high point consisted of watching people playing golf amid the snow flurries. Now, I am a golfer, but that's taking it a little too far.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020K in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    5-23 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson OH
    6-20 Freedom Run 5k, Aurora, OH
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    I think I’m working more hours from home than I did when in the office. Thank goodness I have to go downstairs to the kitchen or I might never leave my desk! I finished my weekly mileage with a run at lunch yesterday and made my marathon-a-week goal with a total of 28.17 miles. Thanks again @katharmonic for sharing that challenge. It is a motivating factor for me.

    Sorry I don’t have time to respond to everyone. I’ve read all the posts and have given a lot of likes, hugs and inspiring clicks.

    One huge shout-out to @Avidkeo for the cake video. Working from home has it’s advantages but human contact is not one of them. It brought me such a blessing to see into the window of “normal” life and to hear your children’s giggles. Thank you!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited April 2020
    Awww @Teresa502 thank you 😊

    Thanks for the advice guys. As always! I'll have to do some real soul searching this weekend. I don't know if I'm mentally ready to move to maintenance atm so that may mean putting the marathon training on hold. Health comes first. My deficit isn't much but then any deficit is a deficit so...

    And may be a moot point anyway, I'm half expecting the Marathon to be postponed...
    I'll see how I go after tomorrow's run.

    Today was a 9.5k run. I had work at 730am so had set the alarm for 520am. Ouch! But it was beautiful! No clouds, the stars were bright and I didn't see anyone at all till towards the end of my run. It was just lovely! I've been doing a lot of walking lately and think I may have overdone yesterdays morning walk, I was a bit sore in the it band before going out, but it didn't bother me on the run.

    Tomorrow is the HM distance run! 8m kinda excited actually. Not race excited but there is something about doing a HM distance that just feels awesome.

    Hmmm I'm thinking that I should probably eat maintenance today then lol. Yah that's definitely sensible. Sigh. Damn it, running IS more important atm. Grumble grumble.
    I REALLY want to run a marathon now. You guys are bad influences.

    ETA OK changed to maintain. Omg so many calories! What do I do with them all! Seriously, after all I had planned to eat today I have 900 calories left.

    May end up in a deficit from not being able to eat all my calories. Who am I kidding, chocolate and a piece of cake will solve that
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @Teresa502 glad you are finding the challenge motivating - it's definitely been for me too. It's gotten my mileage up there quite a bit compared to the last couple of months.

    I find the schedule of working from home very mixed. In a way it works well for me and I love that I can work for a while, take the dog out, work some more, go for a run, etc. But I end up working later and possibly more hours overall too, although the academic schedule is always irregular anyway. I just know that I look forward to leaving my office at the end of a day again at some point.

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    04/01/20 :::: 5.0 :::: 5.0
    04/02/20 :::: 3.0 :::: 8.0
    04/03/20 :::: 3.5 :::: 11.6
    04/04/20 :::: 10.2 :::: 21.8
    04/05/20 :::: 1.5 :::: 23.3
    04/06/20 :::: 2.3 :::: 25.6
    04/07/20 :::: 4.6 :::: 30.2
    04/08/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 33.3
    04/09/20 :::: 3.0 :::: 36.3
    04/10/20 :::: 4.0 :::: 40.3
    04/11/20 :::: 8.3 :::: 48.6
    04/12/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 51.7
    04/13/20 :::: 5.1 :::: 56.8
    04/14/20 :::: 3.5 :::: 60.3
    04/15/20 :::: 3.3 :::: 63.5
    04/16/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 66.6
    04/17/20 :::: 3.9 :::: 70.6
    04/18/20 :::: 7.1 :::: 77.6
    04/19/20 :::: 9.0 :::: 86.7
    04/20/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 89.7
    04/21/20 :::: 1.6 :::: 91.3
    04/22/20 :::: 3.7 :::: 94.9
    04/23/20 :::: 4.1 :::: 99.0

    Today I ran between my afternoon classes, and even managed to get a shower in and dry my hair before showing up on video. My standards have really slipped on that front, but I rely on the poor quality of my webcam to kind of make it not too noticeable. Not a fabulous run, but at least the temps were more reasonable in the 40s today. I was layered up more than necessary.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Awww @Teresa502 thank you 😊

    Thanks for the advice guys. As always! I'll have to do some real soul searching this weekend. I don't know if I'm mentally ready to move to maintenance atm so that may mean putting the marathon training on hold. Health comes first. My deficit isn't much but then any deficit is a deficit so...

    And may be a moot point anyway, I'm half expecting the Marathon to be postponed...
    I'll see how I go after tomorrow's run.

    Today was a 9.5k run. I had work at 730am so had set the alarm for 520am. Ouch! But it was beautiful! No clouds, the stars were bright and I didn't see anyone at all till towards the end of my run. It was just lovely! I've been doing a lot of walking lately and think I may have overdone yesterdays morning walk, I was a bit sore in the it band before going out, but it didn't bother me on the run.

    Tomorrow is the HM distance run! 8m kinda excited actually. Not race excited but there is something about doing a HM distance that just feels awesome.

    Hmmm I'm thinking that I should probably eat maintenance today then lol. Yah that's definitely sensible. Sigh. Damn it, running IS more important atm. Grumble grumble.
    I REALLY want to run a marathon now. You guys are bad influences.

    ETA OK changed to maintain. Omg so many calories! What do I do with them all! Seriously, after all I had planned to eat today I have 900 calories left.

    May end up in a deficit from not being able to eat all my calories. Who am I kidding, chocolate and a piece of cake will solve that

    I hear ya. You want to lose weight, you want to train well. How about a small deficit - a kilo a month perhaps, 100-200 calories a day. You should be still able to train well on that amount of fuel. It will also help prevent what happens to most people while training for a marathon - weight gain - and also give you some wiggle room for wobbles and general falling off the wagon.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Awww @Teresa502 thank you 😊

    Thanks for the advice guys. As always! I'll have to do some real soul searching this weekend. I don't know if I'm mentally ready to move to maintenance atm so that may mean putting the marathon training on hold. Health comes first. My deficit isn't much but then any deficit is a deficit so...

    And may be a moot point anyway, I'm half expecting the Marathon to be postponed...
    I'll see how I go after tomorrow's run.

    Today was a 9.5k run. I had work at 730am so had set the alarm for 520am. Ouch! But it was beautiful! No clouds, the stars were bright and I didn't see anyone at all till towards the end of my run. It was just lovely! I've been doing a lot of walking lately and think I may have overdone yesterdays morning walk, I was a bit sore in the it band before going out, but it didn't bother me on the run.

    Tomorrow is the HM distance run! 8m kinda excited actually. Not race excited but there is something about doing a HM distance that just feels awesome.

    Hmmm I'm thinking that I should probably eat maintenance today then lol. Yah that's definitely sensible. Sigh. Damn it, running IS more important atm. Grumble grumble.
    I REALLY want to run a marathon now. You guys are bad influences.

    ETA OK changed to maintain. Omg so many calories! What do I do with them all! Seriously, after all I had planned to eat today I have 900 calories left.

    May end up in a deficit from not being able to eat all my calories. Who am I kidding, chocolate and a piece of cake will solve that

    I hear ya. You want to lose weight, you want to train well. How about a small deficit - a kilo a month perhaps, 100-200 calories a day. You should be still able to train well on that amount of fuel. It will also help prevent what happens to most people while training for a marathon - weight gain - and also give you some wiggle room for wobbles and general falling off the wagon.

    Excellent suggestion, and since I'm within 5kg of goal, probably the best move anyway.

    I had thought of just eating back only half my exercise calories but on long runs that doesn't make sense given thats over 500 calories.

    Thank you.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @quilteryoyo - good news about your cousin!
    @Avidkeo - good luck with the half marathon. You’ll be brilliant.
    @katharmonic and @teresa502 - although I’m not technically doing the marathon a week in April challenge, I have it in my mind and am roughly on target to hit the total required miles. Lockdown is crazy hard in many ways but it has definitely got my mileage up as I’m determined to get out there once a day if I can.

    So I’m now at the most miles run in a month ever for me and still 5 days to go. I’m still not at my old pace but I am proud of myself nonetheless.

    Have a good Friday all. X

    April goal: 75 miles
    April total: 90.5 miles

    1/4: 3.6 miles
    2/4: 3.7 miles
    3/4: 3.5 miles
    4/4: 4.1 miles
    5/4: 3.5 miles
    6/4: 3.6 miles
    7/4: 3.5 miles
    8/4: 3.5 miles
    9/4: 3.5 miles
    10/4: 5 miles
    11/4: 4 miles
    12/4: 3.7 miles
    13/4: 3.6 miles
    14/4: 4.5 miles
    15/4: 6.2 miles
    18/4: 5.6 miles
    19/4: 5.1 miles
    20/4: 4.7 miles
    21/4: 3.8 miles
    22/4: 4 miles
    23/4: 3.8 miles
    24/4: 3.9 miles

    March: 76.4 m
    February: 17.8 m
    January: 0