April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @shanaber I'm not sure of the shoe mileage. I think I have it all down, so could go back and check. Do you count walking mileage too, or just running? Some of my walking since I got these shoes I did in my older shoes, so I really won't know about that. I'll check the running mileage after I run today.

    So, if you ask the people that claim to know stuff about shoes they will tell you the following:

    1) Most shoes wear out between 300-500 miles depending on use, brand, and style.
    2) A mile is a mile for the most part
    3) Even if you never wear a shoe, some people that claim to know stuff will tell you the shoe breaks down in 1-2 years.

    So at a guess, people that claim to know stuff about shoes would probably tell you that you need new shoes.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited April 2020
    @Avidkeo Yes. Take care of yourself. Now is not the time to get injured. Well, I guess there is never a good time to be injured, now is there. :wink: I'm thinking I may need to get new shoes too. I only have one pair that I have had a little over a year. They still seem to be okay, but I have put a lot of miles on them. Should probably get some before I start having issues.

    Yes. That is what smart and sensible people do*.

    *note: post author makes no claims about being smart or sensible

    What he said. Though I'm probably on the other end of the spectrum, as soon as I get the tiniest hint of a niggle, shoes are out the door. I've suffered enough in my short running career with tendinitis to not muck around. And realistically for me, to date, it's ALWAYS been my shoes. Got new shoes and don't have the problem again, until those ones wear out. Also I no longer bother tracking km - I have 3 pairs of shoes in rotation and it's a PITA changing them for every run. I just go by niggles. And I know which is the oldest - I have one old pair, middle age and young haha.

    Hmmm should probably change my walking shoes too.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    On the topic of food - the grilled cheese sounds amazing.

    On the topic of shoes - Strava is reminding me I need to replace mine because I'm at about 300 miles on this pair. I do get knee pain when I let shoes go too long, so I think I should probably look into replacing these soon.

    @avidkeo - all the states have their own rules about alcohol sales and in New York state we can buy beer in a supermarket but not wine or hard liquor. It's stupid and hasn't been the case in the 3 other states where I've lived.

    Nice job on your runs today, everyone!

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    04/01/20 :::: 5.0 :::: 5.0
    04/02/20 :::: 3.0 :::: 8.0
    04/03/20 :::: 3.5 :::: 11.6
    04/04/20 :::: 10.2 :::: 21.8
    04/05/20 :::: 1.5 :::: 23.3
    04/06/20 :::: 2.3 :::: 25.6
    04/07/20 :::: 4.6 :::: 30.2
    04/08/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 33.3
    04/09/20 :::: 3.0 :::: 36.3
    04/10/20 :::: 4.0 :::: 40.3
    04/11/20 :::: 8.3 :::: 48.6
    04/12/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 51.7
    04/13/20 :::: 5.1 :::: 56.8
    04/14/20 :::: 3.5 :::: 60.3
    04/15/20 :::: 3.3 :::: 63.5
    04/16/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 66.6
    04/17/20 :::: 3.9 :::: 70.6
    04/18/20 :::: 7.1 :::: 77.6
    04/19/20 :::: 9.0 :::: 86.7
    04/20/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 89.7
    04/21/20 :::: 1.6 :::: 91.3
    04/22/20 :::: 3.7 :::: 94.9
    04/23/20 :::: 4.1 :::: 99.0
    04/24/20 :::: 5.0 :::: 104.0
    04/25/20 :::: 7.0 :::: 111.0

    Kind of a repeat of last Saturday - but this time, with lovely weather! Started out in the low 40s this morning, but with the sun it felt great. More stairs with a weighted vest, 40 lbs this time, which was twice as much as I've done before. Hard, but surprisingly not as hard on the legs as I thought. More on the shoulders though and the overall cardio effect was definitely upped by a lot. And I added to the heart racing by not being able to find my keys when I got back to my car. I had just transferred where I put them last minute and forgotten about it but it was a long ordeal of looking for them, and thinking I either lost them or locked them in my car. And then I felt like an idiot when I realized where they were the whole time. Ah well, the brain needs a day off once in a while.

    After I eventually got home, I took Stella for a nice walk and then we took a nap. That was glorious. I still needed to run and realized that tomorrow is supposed to be rainy all day so I should take advantage of this good weather and do a longer run. I really didn't want to, but I headed out and decided to do an out and back along this street I usually don't run along because of traffic. It was still heavier traffic than I really would have liked, but it has wide bike lanes/shoulders so it was okay. At the point where I turned around there is an ice cream stand which has been opened for the season. I briefly regretted not bringing any money (although stopping for ice cream in the middle of a run is probably not a great strategy) until I saw the line. There were a TON of people there. I headed back towards home and added a couple of small loops to get to 7 miles. I had targeted a long run of at least 9 miles for this week, but I did not have 2 more miles in me today.

  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,685 Member
    edited April 2020
    Avidkeo wrote: »

    @katharmonic damn! Can you not buy from a supermarket there?

    Ha. Have you heard of West Auckland. Yes, in a quarter of our wonderful city, you cannot buy alcohol from the supermarket at all. We have something special called the Waitakere Licensing Trust. They are the only people able to sell alcohol in west Auckland.

    They charge more than everywhere else (quite a lot more, like up to 25 percent on some products), but with the stupendous profits they make they 'give back to the community'. Last year we got a first aid kit (RRP about $10), the year before we got a smoke detector (the cheap kind you can get at Mitre 10 for under $5, also emblazoned with their logo meaning you wouldn't hang it in your house). It's an absolute rort.
    During lockdown the Trusts closed a number of their outlets (meaning people had to leave their suburbs to go to the nearest open outlet), reduced their hours and staff. They failed to offer a decent online offering or a click-and-collect that worked (you clicked, went to collect at the specified time given to you, waited for two hours or more, and found your order wasn't ready - there were literally punch ups at the door), and had massive queues every day.

    Even now, when queues for the supermarket have all but gone, there's a queue for the liquor store. Also, at the beginning, as they sell spirits, people were travelling from all over Auckland to go to them until they reduced their offering to match the supermarkets' beer, wine and cider only. Only trust of this kind left in New Zealand. Utter monopoly. Hugely political. Very dodgy.

    The directors get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, they own millions in assets but, even as a community owned asset, we can't get access to their financial data. To get a referendum to have a vote, we need to get 30 percent of the residents to sign - this is before the vote.

    Also, they own ALL the bars out west and every single one of them is grotty, dodgy and full of pokie machines. The only way you can sell alcohol in west Auckland is to also sell food. Consequently, we never go out here, we drive an extra two minutes to Ponsonby or the City.

    It's ridiculous. Rant over.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »

    @katharmonic damn! Can you not buy from a supermarket there?

    Ha. Have you heard of West Auckland. Yes, in a quarter of our wonderful city, you cannot buy alcohol from the supermarket at all. We have something special called the Waitakere Licensing Trust. They are the only people able to sell alcohol in west Auckland.

    They charge more than everywhere else (quite a lot more, like up to 25 percent on some products), but with the stupendous profits they make they 'give back to the community'. Last year we got a first aid kit (RRP about $10), the year before we got a smoke detector (the cheap kind you can get at Mitre 10 for under $5, also emblazoned with their logo meaning you wouldn't hang it in your house). It's an absolute rort.
    During lockdown the Trusts closed a number of their outlets (meaning people had to leave their suburbs to go to the nearest open outlet), reduced their hours and staff. They failed to offer a decent online offering or a click-and-collect that worked (you clicked, went to collect at the specified time given to you, waited for two hours or more, and found your order wasn't ready - there were literally punch ups at the door), and had massive queues every day.

    Even now, when queues for the supermarket have all but gone, there's a queue for the liquor store. Also, at the beginning, as they sell spirits, people were travelling from all over Auckland to go to them until they reduced their offering to match the supermarkets' beer, wine and cider only. Only trust of this kind left in New Zealand. Utter monopoly. Hugely political. Very dodgy.

    The directors get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, they own millions in assets but, even as a community owned asset, we can't get access to their financial data. To get a referendum to have a vote, we need to get 30 percent of the residents to sign - this is before the vote.

    Also, they own ALL the bars out west and every single one of them is grotty, dodgy and full of pokie machines. The only way you can sell alcohol in west Auckland is to also sell food. Consequently, we never go out here, we drive an extra two minutes to Ponsonby or the City.

    It's ridiculous. Rant over.

    OMG, I mean I've been out there when I lived in Auckland and that, but had absolutely no idea about the licencing. How is that even allowed to happen? That's crazy! I saw a few headlines but didn't actually read them.

    West Auckland eh, its own world lol
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    I’m in. I did my first run a a very very long time today. Only managed 3.5km. Will go again tomorrow.


    I could caution that you should be a bit careful and take it easy when working back in. Pushing too far/fast at first is a fast way to burn out and/or injury.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @katharmonic I am in awe of all you do!

    @noblsheep Glad you went out and did something. Some days it's just hard to get out there. How are things going with opening the country back up?

    That was a lot of exercise yesterday @Faebert . No wonder you are sore today. Glad you got out and ran despite that. Great job in getting in over 100 this month. Congratulations!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    I’m in. I did my first run a a very very long time today. Only managed 3.5km. Will go again tomorrow.


    I could caution that you should be a bit careful and take it easy when working back in. Pushing too far/fast at first is a fast way to burn out and/or injury.

    Welcome @HazelNgobeni ! I agree totally with @PastorVincent . Take it easy to begin with. Distance and speed will come with time. BTW, my mom's name is Hazel. :smile:
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    4-1 7k easy
    4-2 7k easy
    4-3 8k slow
    4-4 7k moderate
    4-5 7k moderate
    4-6 7k easy
    4-7 rest
    4-8 7k moderate
    4-9 7k easy
    4-10 7k easy
    4-11 7k easy
    4-12 7k moderate
    4-13 7k easy
    4-14 rest
    4-15 7k moderate
    4-16 11k slow
    4-17 7k moderate
    4-18 7k easy
    4-19 7k threshold
    4-20 7k easy
    4-21 rest
    4-22 7k easy
    4-23 7k easy
    4-24 7k moderate
    4-25 11k easy
    4-26 7k moderate

    April Total: 170k
    April Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k

    2020 Total through March: 509k

    Cloudy and 50 F today. Started out in a light rain, but read the radar correctly and rain gradually petered out, so no bad *kitten* award. Wind was out of the northeast and no fun at all. Intended to just run easy, but everything felt good so I let the pace go where it wanted to go.

    @quilteryoyo That's an excellent 10k time. Well done!!!

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020K in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    5-23 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson OH
    6-20 Freedom Run 5k, Aurora, OH
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary - I think I would avoid the Trust and drive to where I could but it in a regular grocery store! When I was a kid Idaho had government run liquor stores that were only open government hours (9-5, closed on weekends and all holidays) so there would be lines of people stocking up for the weekend. My mom would take a drive (a few hours typically but a lovely drive) to either the Oregon or Nevada border to buy beer and spirits.
    @noblsheep - welcome back! Hope all is going well with you with the country reopening more. Glad the weather is warming up for shorts!
    Welcome @HazelNgobeni! My grandmother was also named Hazel and I love that name! One of our friends has named their little girl Hazel as well.
    @skippygirlsmom - Wow that is a great sale. I've said before, I sure wish there were a Fleet Feet near me! I am sure that the Stay at Home orders are really hard on all the kids.

    04/02.......0.00..........2.77 - Home workout (AKA Vizsla Strength Training)
    04/03.......6.91..........9.68 - Gratitude Un-Canceled Virtual 10k
    04/04.......6.51........16.19 - Gratitude Un-Canceled Virtual 5k
    04/05.......0.00........16.19 - + Stretch and Roll class
    04/08.......6.94........23.13 - Hope Un-Canceled Virtual 5k
    04/09.......0.00........23.13 - + Strength Training @ Home
    04/10.......5.44........28.57 - Rainy day run
    04/11.......7.92........36.49 - Hope Un-Canceled 10k
    04/12.......0.00........36.49 - + Stretch and Roll class
    04/13.......6.72........43.21 - Humor Un-Canceled 10k
    04/14.......5.64........48.85 - Humor Un-Canceled 8k
    04/16.......5.66........54.51 - + Stretch and Roll class
    04/17.......4.42........58.93 - Humor Un-Canceled 5k
    04/19.......0.00........66.43 - Home workout (AKA Vizsla Strength Training)
    04/20.......5.65........72.08 - Inspiration Un-Canceled 5k
    04/21.......5.24........77.32 - Tabata Tuesday/Inspiration Un-Canceled 8k
    04/23.......7.00........84.32 - Inspiration Un-Canceled 10k


    2020 Run the Year Team - 2020 R.I.O.T. (Running Is Our Therapy) 600.60/1000 miles (running and walking)

    2020 Planned and Completed Races
    02/02/20 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Forgot I wanted to post this as well... It is a Rolling Stones video of a song they recorded over a year ago and released last week because it seemed so appropriate for our times. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Not only do I like the song the video is pretty cool
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    edited April 2020
    @skippygirlsmom Sounds like you did great with the shopping. I love getting stuff I need on sale.

    Cool video and song @shanaber . Thanks for sharing.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    4/1- 8.2
    4/2- 6.4
    4/3- 3.5
    4/4- 4.2
    4/5- 7
    4/6- 4.2
    4/7- 4
    4/8- 5.2
    4/9- 9

    I have run every single day this month!!! I haven't hit my goal, yet, but I'm almost there!
