April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    I’m in. I did my first run a a very very long time today. Only managed 3.5km. Will go again tomorrow.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @shanaber thanks for sharing the video.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @ContraryMaryMary - I think I would avoid the Trust and drive to where I could but it in a regular grocery store! When I was a kid Idaho had government run liquor stores that were only open government hours (9-5, closed on weekends and all holidays) so there would be lines of people stocking up for the weekend. My mom would take a drive (a few hours typically but a lovely drive) to either the Oregon or Nevada border to buy beer and spirits.

    Lol im guessing they do given that a large part of West Auckland is only a few minutes drive from the next suburb. Still it's hard when it's your local.

    I had a wonderful run this morning! Was just 5k, and after doing the HM on Saturday, it was nice doing a short gentle one. I decided to go a different way and go up a hill I always look at and shudder. Well my stamina must have really improved because the hill was fine! I wouldn't say it was easy, it's about 500m long and fairly steep, but I was able to get up without stopping and could just keep going! So definitely proud of that.

    On the shin splints, after stretching, rolling and scraping on Saturday night, and a gentle walk in new shoes yesterday, I am mostly pain free. I had a really really mild niggle - enough to say it was there - when I started my run this morning, but it disappeared by the end of the first km.

    So shoes? Rolling? Scraping? Who knows. But all 3 seems to have sorted it for now. My money is on shoes causing the issue, with the scraping helping fix it swiftly. No idea if that actually works but every time I use it, I go from a lot of pain to virtually pain free overnight.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,685 Member
    edited April 2020
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @ContraryMaryMary - I think I would avoid the Trust and drive to where I could but it in a regular grocery store! When I was a kid Idaho had government run liquor stores that were only open government hours (9-5, closed on weekends and all holidays) so there would be lines of people stocking up for the weekend. My mom would take a drive (a few hours typically but a lovely drive) to either the Oregon or Nevada border to buy beer and spirits.

    Lol im guessing they do given that a large part of West Auckland is only a few minutes drive from the next suburb. Still it's hard when it's your local.

    The hilarious thing is I can't buy booze at my local Countdown supermarket, but I can buy it at Countdown online and have it delivered. That's what's so irritating, the whole Trusts monopoly is stupid and pointless. I don't actually care about buying alcohol in the supermarket, what annoys me is we can't have a decent cocktail or wine bar in our neighbourhood. Our local Trusts establishment, Mr Illingsworth, which is the newest Trusts venue at only 18 months old and their best and pride and joy, can barely make a G&T, let alone a caprioska or mojito.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @ContraryMaryMary - I think I would avoid the Trust and drive to where I could but it in a regular grocery store! When I was a kid Idaho had government run liquor stores that were only open government hours (9-5, closed on weekends and all holidays) so there would be lines of people stocking up for the weekend. My mom would take a drive (a few hours typically but a lovely drive) to either the Oregon or Nevada border to buy beer and spirits.

    Lol im guessing they do given that a large part of West Auckland is only a few minutes drive from the next suburb. Still it's hard when it's your local.

    The hilarious thing is I can't buy booze at my local Countdown supermarket, but I can buy it at Countdown online and have it delivered. That's what's so irritating, the whole Trusts monopoly is stupid and pointless. I don't actually care about buying alcohol in the supermarket, what annoys me is we can't have a decent cocktail or wine bar in our neighbourhood. Our local Trusts establishment, Mr Illingsworth, which is the newest Trusts venue at only 18 months old and their best and pride and joy, can barely make a G&T, let alone a caprioska or mojito.

    Yeah that is ridiculous. Money and power eh! I did a bit of googling and can see people have tried to overthrow it, but no success. I just can't believe the council/government would allow it
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Not sure if I'll run today or not, decisions decisions. If I do it'll be later when it's 70F instead of 35F, I'm tired of the cold ha ha such a baby.

    @ContraryMaryMary we can’t have wine delivered to our state, not sure about other alcohol. I was in Indiana at a winery and though I’m not a big wine drinker I really like theirs and wanted to be able to buy it online and have it shipped. Nope. Beer I can, that I know because I did the beer of the month once for my ex. My old boss is a HUGE wine drinker and used to have his wine shipped to a coworker who lived just over the border in Tennessee. Ha ha

    When I lived in NJ we had a town that basically closed on Sundays, no businesses, no alcohol at any time, you couldn’t even drive a car in town on Sunday.

    Wow @noblsheep at month later, seems this virus just don’t follow the rules we keep giving it. So glad things are getting back to normal there.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @kgirlhart Glad you had a great run. That's awful about the pedestrian getting killed.

    @noblsheep Sorry about the new cases in your area, but sounds like things are looking up. That gives me hope things can get back to normal, if we don't try to come out of it too soon. That's my concern here.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    4-1 7k easy
    4-2 7k easy
    4-3 8k slow
    4-4 7k moderate
    4-5 7k moderate
    4-6 7k easy
    4-7 rest
    4-8 7k moderate
    4-9 7k easy
    4-10 7k easy
    4-11 7k easy
    4-12 7k moderate
    4-13 7k easy
    4-14 rest
    4-15 7k moderate
    4-16 11k slow
    4-17 7k moderate
    4-18 7k easy
    4-19 7k threshold
    4-20 7k easy
    4-21 rest
    4-22 7k easy
    4-23 7k easy
    4-24 7k moderate
    4-25 11k easy
    4-26 7k moderate
    4-27 7k easy

    April Total: 177k
    April Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k

    2020 Total through March: 509k

    Sunny and low 40s F this morning. There was little wind; took a chance with shorts and tech shirt and was fine. Just a very nice day to run.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020K in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    5-23 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson OH
    6-20 Freedom Run 5k, Aurora, OH
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    bearly63 wrote: »
    Hey runners. Haven't posted in a while since I am not running. Do you really care to hear about my indoor riding, lol? I am sure the answer is a resounding no for some of you. B)

    Feel free to post! We take all kinds here :smiley:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    @PastorVincent you are doing awesome! KEEP GOING! I so want to be you when I grow up!

    Thanks, but I have no plans to grow up at this time.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    One thing I was thinking about a lot while I was running is that in the last couple of months, I have not been pushing myself like I normally would because of injuries. So I can barely run for any period of time but instead have to break it up into structured walk/run intervals. This is really frustrating for me because I had made so many gains. Or so I thought. I'm trying to decide how best to work on endurance again without further injuring myself. What does that look like in conjunction with more focused strength training? Shorter mileage?

    Well done on your run!

    As for endurance, the primary way to increase that is to endure more. :) So longer runs, and more back to back runs with outbreaks. So like run three days in a row, or/and run mid-range run the day after your longest run. That kind of an idea. Do fewer days, or more days depending on what your current physical level and schedule can accommodate.

    Always build slowly and listen to your body. If it hurts in the wrong way, stop. :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @bearly63 Feel free to post about indoor cycling! It's all fitness and I'm seriously impressed by spending three hours on a bike with no breaks. You earned that margarita!