Women over 40- Let's lose 20 pounds!



  • healthytink
    healthytink Posts: 12 Member
    @foodie4run Congrats on getting ready for your first marathon. I wish you the best of luck and hope it isn't cancelled. Also, great job on cutting down on snacks. I can definitely relate to boredom eating as well as stress eating. If it wasn't for tracking calories, it would be the death of me.

    @copernicus0001 I agree with you 100% on Noom. That's what I started this journey with on 12/3/19. I liked reading the articles at first and was looking forward to a lot of support from my group mates and coaches. However, my group was hardly active, so I didn't get much out of it. Then I had my personal coach. What a joke! I honestly thought it was an automated response system, so I changed coaches. The next was a smidge better but not by much. I do have to give it props though. I lost about 30 lbs using it. My biggest win was learning I didn't have to restrict or deprive myself of any food as long as I fit it into my calorie budget. Now that I have all the knowledge, I'm looking forward to the group support on MFP. I still have a month or so left on Noom, but I'm a full-time MFP user now :smiley: I look forward to seeing what you come up with as far as accountability. Hopefully, we can help keep you on track. I need to think of specifics as well in order to get the most out of this.

    Tonight I plan on doing TaeBo again. Last week I did it 2 days in a row, and it killed me. So for now, every other day is what I'm shooting for with walking on the treadmill in between.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    @foodie4run Good for you for passing on the snacks. That's really hard for me, too. And yes, 100% I'm struggling with it more out of boredom. I also agree with you on their needing to be a balance. That old 80/20 we've all heard about so many times. Pizza is my favorite, but I only have it about once a month now. :( I just know if I eat too much of that stuff, as you said, it can get out of control. Boredom has caused me to do clean out a lot of closets and drawers since we've been stuck at home though so I guess that's good. It's been fun to take all of my too-big clothes out of my bedroom.

    @copernicus0001 Funny thing-I used to live on Copernicus Way in Madison. :) I have heard other people complain that Noom offers all of this "personal coaching" but it seems like computerized responses. I think it's a waste of money because basically you can Google what they are going to tell you! And you are so right about the feeling when your workout is done. I work from home and take a break at noon to exercise. Today is the second day this week that I was too busy with work to do it. Now I have to make sure I do it right after work before starting anything else. I don't like procrastinating it but sometimes work does have to come first. For a few months I got up early and did it before work, but that got too hard-I am not one to get up at 5am lol.

    You are so right about the shelter in place helping with eating healthier. Socializing is the hardest thing for me with trying to keep weight off. It's hard not to feel deprived when you see everyone else eating the "bad" food you want. I'm hoping that my good habits are going to be instilled enough by then to help me resist.

    @healthytink Wow, your Noom experience sounds a lot like my Weight Watchers experience. I won't bad mouth them because the program really helped me lose weight. I started 09/23 and have lost 45 pounds as of today. But, on 04/12 I started putting some of my diary days into MFP and was shocked at how low my calories were. LIke 800 a day! I just don't feel like that is healthy or sustainable at all, especially not with exercising for an hour almost every day. I also have about another month that is paid for, and I am also pretty much not using it at all. I sort of transitioned-I entered my food in both places last week to keep comparing. The biggest plus for me with WW was the in-person meetings. I really enjoyed them a lot, and now they won't be having any until about June 1st, and that's assuming it doesn't get extended further. So I really see no benefit to pay for it. Their social media platform is terrible, too. It's very hard to search for things or people, and you can't have group threads like this easily. I think just checking in here daily is a great way to keep yourself accountable. Because let's face it, this is up to each of US to do - nobody else is going to do it for us. (Unless someone here is secretly a wealthy celebrity with a cook and personal trainer lol.)

    I said to copernicus that I had to skip my noon workout. At the time, I was working on a work project and wanted to finish. The problem is if I don't do it at noon, I have to wait until afterwards. My boss is in another state and I've told him i'll be gone for that hour. So if he should call me later and I don't answer, well, I don't want him to think I'm slacking.

    So today will be Total Body Core from 80 Day Obsession. Two days in a row with CORE in the name! Ack!

  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    It sounds like everyone responding is continuing to make efforts to change their minds and bodies! The progress in your stories are wonderful! I remember Tae Bo! Some of these programs sound so difficult. I am sorry that I am not able to really push you all in regards to those programs. I hope I can encourage you guys but not sound like a complete hypocrite. You all have come so far - look at what you have accomplished! You can do this last push to make it to your goal!!!

    Time for me to carve out my *ACCOUNTABILITY*.

    I need to strive for consistency. While I have been walking, I haven't been consistent with distance or pace. I have an old FitBit that does not sync anymore. Apparently, there was some kind of little device that came with it that has been misplaced or tossed during our moves. However, it still can count steps and keep track of my heart rate, so I will use that for monitoring my walks. I also have downloaded the Map My Walk App that I can use to determine distance on the routes around my house so I know how far a 1 mile/2 mile walk will take me (as opposed to calling my husband again when I found myself too tired and too far away from home. lol!)

    *I will start walking two miles a day. My average target hear rate will be 130 bpm.

    *Every walk, I will devote four minutes to Santana's "Oye Como Va"; so I can swing my hips and really focus on tightening my core muscles because strengthening those muscles will help me become stronger and because it is a hell of a lot of fun!

    *I will stretch with every walk.

    I am glad that some here have found isolation helpful with their diet. My issue has been that we are trying to limit our exposure with a weekly grocery store run. However, our refrigerator is not equipped to hold all the food I would like to have in the house for myself and my family. I had become a bit of a slacker and eating the meals that I was making for the kids and also eating out of dealing with the stress of life around me...trying to be a teacher, activity organizer, cafeteria worker, and counselor for my husband and children. I have taken the time to make myself a separate meal when needed and managed not to eat any of my children's leftovers for the past two days.

    *I will commit to eating 1600 calories and not eating back my exercise calories. I will work on increasing my water intake to at least 48 ounces (even though I know I should be drinking even more, I have struggled with drinking water since chemo. Some days it still is off putting to me).

  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    @sweetstevens regarding the Fitbit, you should be able to sync with your smart phone. You just have to download the Fitbit app. You only need the single to sync with your computer. I hope that helps!
  • ktdoraohara
    ktdoraohara Posts: 2 Member
    @italysharon @PedmomJill @gela130 @donnamharris2014 @healthytink and everyone in this thread..I need this!

    I’m 42, 5ft 6 and 175 (started at 180) but last July I was 162! Yo yo much? My goal is 145 for a healthy BMI (and to be honest, vanity). I ride my peloton 5 days a week and I am starting to run again. I need some motivation to say no to rosé and track my calories in earnest. I also need to get back to strength training. Would love to be a part of a group with similar healthy goals and struggles!

  • RunsOnCoffee_
    RunsOnCoffee_ Posts: 12 Member
    @ktdoraohara Welcome! You already lost 5 lbs so that's a great start. Congrats! It is true when they say 75% of weight loss is diet and our food choices. I struggle with this so much especially since I'm pretty active and I feel that gives me permission to eat a lot more. Reality check for me, nope. It's awesome you have Peloton bike, I've been dropping hints to my hubby to get one for Xmas. Do you like yours?

    @sweetstevens Your plan and goals are solid. Walking is such great exercise. It is easy on the joints, it is effective, it burns calories and it is good for the soul when done outside. I love to run but walking is my second favorite.

    Today, I started the day with walking the dog then dropped her off at home and went for a 4 mile neighborhood run. It was easy pace since I'm sore from yesterday's strength workout. I love how grass is turning green, flowers are starting to bloom, birds are chirping and there is Spring in the air. Amidst this coronavirus pandemic I try to notice and appreciate the little things that we take for granted.
  • Helenmarshall5636
    Helenmarshall5636 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi can I join?!🙌🏻 please? I have 8lbs to lose and I’m miserable :( was meant to be getting married in May ... now it’s next May which is fine but I’ve just been eating rubbish! Tracked yesterday and tracked today and I’m on this ! X
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    @ktdoraohara LOL I am your co-queen of yo yo weight! :) Saying no to wine is not easy, especially these days. I used to have a glass every night to "help me sleep". LOL that is really how I justified it. But I have weaned off now and with the shelter in place, I haven't had any alcohol at all in over a month. It is much easier when you can't socialize! For weights, you could check out Cathe Friedrich. She is having live workouts on Facebook several times every day, for free. She is amazing and I have a LOT of her dvd workouts. I'm more into Beachbody now, but if you don't want to commit to that, her live classes could be good. Her gym is called Four Seasons Health Club and is in Glassboro, NJ, so you can find it if you want to.

    @foodie4run Sometimes pain is good lol. The instructor in my workout the other day said "No pain, no gain, now shut up and train!" Made me laugh. I agree about spring---it's so nice to see the grass greening up! I had to cut my grass once already and with all the rain we've had in SE WI this week, it looks like it will need it again. I don't mind, it only takes about an hour and is good exercise. What I don't enjoy outside is gardening-like weeding and trimming. Ugh. But it all has to be done.

    @Helenmarshall5636 Of course, welcome!! The more the merrier :) I'm so sorry your wedding has been postponed. That is terrible. There are just so many bad things that have happened due to Covid 19. :( I'm trying to focus on the positives that counteract the negatives, like having more time to workout and cook healthy meals.

    My workout today was 80 Day Obsession Legs. Yep, nothing but legs. I actually like leg day but today was harder than the first four weeks of the program. I'm afraid I'll be doing the DOMS limping dance tomorrow haha.
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Hoping a quick update before dinner will help me from over eating. My husband made home made pizza and it is always so delicious. I usually devour two slices instantly and then crave more, hold off for 10 minutes, then eat another slice...then eat my kids leftover crusts. Then I input the calories into MFP and my jaw drops to the floor. Ok. I know how many calories are in a slice and I know that I need to space out my eating so I can start feeling full after the first slice. Ok, I am going to eat a sclice, then eat a small low cal salad and then eat my second piece. Ok. I'm going in...
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Hoping a quick update before dinner will help me from over eating. My husband made home made pizza and it is always so delicious. I usually devour two slices instantly and then crave more, hold off for 10 minutes, then eat another slice...then eat my kids leftover crusts. Then I input the calories into MFP and my jaw drops to the floor. Ok. I know how many calories are in a slice and I know that I need to space out my eating so I can start feeling full after the first slice. Ok, I am going to eat a sclice, then eat a small low cal salad and then eat my second piece. Ok. I'm going in...

    I hope you did okay. When I know I’m going to have a big dinner, I put my whole day’s food in right away in the morning. It gives me an idea of where I will end up, and helps me stay on track. 😊

  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Pedmom Jill - I went slightly over about 30 calories. My attack plan did work! I had a slice, ate a salad, drank a full glass of unsweet tea, and then munched on my youngest daughter's crust, as opposed to eating that and another slice. I like your idea of putting that big meal into your diary at the beginning of the day - I could have skipped my coffee creamer and been on point. Thanks for that! I hope your day went well!

    I hope everyone else had an achievement of their own today!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    I"d like to be part of this group. In the last year, I gained 20 pounds due to stress, menopause, divorce, etc. I have to stop the weight gain. MFP really worked for me in the past if I logged faithfully. I once logged over 700 days in a row. And during that time I maintained. When I stopped logging, weight gain crept up fast.

    I'm 50 and now weigh a 180 lbs for my 5'4 frame; my hips hurt because of the weight gain. The Covid isolation didn't help either; although I walked a lot, the calories I consumed were much more than I burned. I have to stop this madness. I put sticky notes in my kitchen with my weight and wrote "Stop it." I also wrote a sticky notes that said "tank tops and shorts season soon". I just am tired of being overweight. Thanks for starting this group! I like reading your stories. <3
  • Sundaenia
    Sundaenia Posts: 23 Member
    This is the first time being on MFP that I feel like I have found my people! I will turn 43 next month and like many of you, the pounds don't melt off nearly as easily as they used to, but there are a lot of things I have not taken full advantage of recently. I am lucky enough to get to go to work every day right now so that does get me moving, and out weather here in Alberta has just turned into walking weather so yay! Like the lady who started this thread, I also have access to Les Mills (Body Combat is the best) videos but it is so much harder to get motivated when I am not attending the actual classes at my gym. I just rejoined MFP yesterday and would live to have more accountability buddies. I am at 146 lbs (only 5'3") and want to be at 126. Anyone here, please feel free to add me!
  • rinaid
    rinaid Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all- I'm going to try to keep up with some weight loss action. I'm 45, 184 pounds. I've been dieting on and off for the past few years. I gained 40 lbs since turning 40! Tried noom, which I really liked, but then got too busy to keep up. Then I overate a bit, gained weight, gave up. sigh. I feel terrible right now- I feel like my system is at the limit of what it can handle, feel swollen, etc.
    I would like to lose 40 lbs, but for now my goal is to get used to calorie restrictions again and record food. I actually love exercise, but I know from my experience in the last year that even intensive weight training and moderate cardio is not enough to get the weight off without real calorie restriction- though it does make me feel better.
    Summer clothes ahead! I would like to look forward to the change of wardrobe!
    I have such a hard time with calorie restriction. I love all food, including very healthy food, but I hate feeling like I can't have things. And every time I lose about 10 pounds, I eat a little too much one weekend, gain a couple pounds, and give up. But I'm going to try to focus on having choices, instead of cant's- I can have whatever I want, or I can choose to forego things in order to lose weight!
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    @sweetstevens Yay! Good job. I love that we can have a treat and still be faithful to our long term goals! I'm the same way with pizza-it's my favorite and can easily scarf down 3 pieces before I even realize what I've done. :)

    @rubyred427 Welcome! 700 days, wow! I hear you, I've been on and off here for years, and definitely gain when I'm off. I have finally come to the realization that I need to track all the time. Maybe not every single day, but I have to set a limit on how many pounds the scale can add before I diligently track every single thing again. I am 54 and also 5'4" and started at 186.6 when I started on 09/23/19, so I can really understand how you feel. I weighed 140 this morning and am just about to my goal weight. It so hard to stay on track.

    @Sundaenia Welcome and again, so many things I can relate to in your post. Motivating yourself is not easy at all. I used to love going to the gym for group classes, but I now have a gym at home and so far, I've exercised almost every day for the last 7 months. It's a bit easier for me to stay motivated when I'm losing; I'm not sure how I'll keep that motivation once I get to my goal weight. It's hard because you get used to all the compliments while you're losing. Then you're thin and everyone gets used to seeing you like that. Personal pride is a good motivator, so when those comments stop, it can get harder.

    @rinaid Boy, there are so many of us that share the same experience with our weight. And it's so unfair that the scale can go up 5 pounds in one weekend, and then it takes 2 weeks to get it off again. As far as deprivation, have you looked into any of the recipes here and on other sites? I have found some really good ones on skinnytaste.com and pounddropper.com-there are a lot.

    I didn't get my usual noon workout in today. My work is "normal" and although I work from home all the time, some days I just have a time limit on getting things done. Today was one of those days and it's the third day this week! Next week I'm going to work harder on making sure I can take that hour for myself all 5 days of the week.

    Today is 80 Day Obsession day #31-AAA. Abs, arms, and *kitten* lol. My quads are sore from yesterday's legs day so that should be fun lol.
  • wendyron3
    wendyron3 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone, I’m a hairdresser here in Ohio and of course I’ve been off work now for almost 6 weeks and it looks like it could be 2 more. Since being off I have been working out everyday. I am lucky to have live videos from my ymca instructors. It really is the only thing keeping me motivated. I’m used to moving all the time so being home is very hard. I haven’t weighed but I’m feeling good with my progress- tracking and exercise. I’m worried I will loose momentum when we start back because of long hours. The thought causes me a lot of anxiety!! I’m happy to have found this sight for accountability!!
  • healthytink
    healthytink Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2020
    @sweetstevens It's great to see your Accountability goals, especially the added Santana music lol. I wouldn't be able to do my treadmill without music. Even if I'm watching tv, I still have my headphones on listening to music. And way to go on conquering your pizza night. I have the same issues with Domino's. I love your added salad idea. I think I will do that too the next time we have pizza.

    @foodie4run I envy your 4 mile run. No matter how in shape I am, I just can't run. Also, I love that you are appreciating the little things, so many of us forget to do that.

    @PedmomJill Thanks for sharing your workouts with us. I know how hard it can be to get them in sometimes. I do my workouts at night, usually from 8:30 to 9:30 and in bed by 10. So when family things pop up during that time, I have to decide if I should stay up late and lose sleep or work out. It's definitley a balancing act. Good luck next week. I have faith you can get in your 5 workouts.

    @ktdoraohara Welcome to our group! Tracking your calories religiously is a great goal. That is what has helped me the most this time around. That with knowing that no food is off limits as long as it fits in your daily budget.

    @Helenmarshall5636 Welcome to our group and congratulations on your upcoming marriage! By then you will be a sexy, self-confident bride. You can do this!

    @RubyRed427 Welcome to our group! It sounds like you're a pro at this. Logging 700 days in a row is outstanding! I think little reminders help a lot. I have a chart at home with lbs to lose and incentives along the way. And I have a vision board at work right by my computer. I'd be more than happy to share either of them with you if you'd like some inspiration.

    @Sundaenia Welcome to our group! I'm also 5'3" and as of today I weigh 144 (181 beginning weight). My goal weight is 130, so we are pretty much on the same track. We got this girl!!

    @rinaid Welcome to the group! I also did Noom, and one of the biggest take-aways for me was the fact that are no "bad" foods. Now that I know I don't have to deprive myself of what I want as long as I make it fit into my daily calorie budget, I am so much more successful than ANY time I've tried to lose weight in the past. Just make sure you track your calories everyday. Some people on here even enter their meals ahead of time to make sure everything fits in their budget ahead of time. Good luck. You can do this!

    @wendyron3 I'm sorry you've been out of work so long. I can't imagine how stressful it must be. I've been lucky to keep doing my job through this craziness. I'm not sure how your salon is set up, but maybe you can get a small stationary bike that won't be in the way and jump on it for 5 min here or there in between clients. I have one in my office, and it is amazing. It would at least be some kind of exercise on those busy days that you can't get in a full workout.

    Yesterday was a very stressful and upsetting day for me. I won't bore you with the details, but I did have a win from it. The old me would have gone straight to McDonald's for a caramel frappe to relieve my stress. Then I would have eaten very unhealthy comfort food for dinner. Instead I took a bath to relax and ate rotisserie chicken for dinner and stayed within my budget. Bikini body here I come lol.
  • Sundaenia
    Sundaenia Posts: 23 Member
    @healthytink Sorry to hear you had a stressful day. Congrats on fighting back with healthy choices! Thanks for the mention and yes, we totally got this :)
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Hello New Members! I'm sorry that I post mostly from my phone and I have no idea how to individually respond to everyone. One day, I will take notes and sit at the computer! Lol! Long story short, I am way behind on understanding and working with technology. Thank goodness I have a 16 year old who is teaching the tricks of the trade to his younger brother who can then teach me. Lol!

    HealthyTink - Congrats on your win! I know how those cravings can be. I am so happy you drove straight home to a bath!

    Pedmom Jill - I think you were the one who mentioned taking the dog on a quick walk and then following up with a run? I love that idea. I love walks with my dog, but it is hard to maintain a steady pace with him because he is older and has to take so many bathroom breaks. I think it's a great idea to do a "warm up" with him and then go hard on my own.

    I went slightly over my calories, but I am glad that I am starting to know the calorie calculations in my head. I almost didn't go out to walk because the weather was not nice, but it cleared up, and I went out on a late walk and it was great! Don't you love it when some really great songs come on and it makes moving so much easier?
  • laughingdakini1
    laughingdakini1 Posts: 52 Member
    I have no friends here yet, and am unsure how to get them since nobody I know uses mfp right now and I don't want to spam people to join. I'm vegetarian and trying to avoid the outrageously high sodium in prepared foods, and cook a good creative meal maybe once a day, and do a lot of dancing around in front of my computer to log some minutes. Health is a factor in my lifestyle. Anybody who can be okay with that and not unsolicitedly preachy about what I 'should' do is welcome to be my friend, and you can tell me the level of food-and-fitness preachiness you want in return!

    Thanks and best wishes