Reality Show - Big Sexy



  • jamja
    jamja Posts: 190
    I think a shows that sends a message to young women that obesity as an acceptable lifestyle choice is harmful just I as I believe setting expectations that a thin model body type should be their goal. Either way it harms womens self image.
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    I haven't seen that show, but to answer your question. I wan to lose weight for me. I look good and feel sexy the way I am, BUT high blood pressure, heart disease, fibroids, and diabeties run rampant in my family. Mind you, so far all the people in my family that are currently diabetic are rail thin and always have been. My brother was just diagnosed with it and he has never been fat, and has been active military going on 23 years now. I know my chances are double being overweight. I am sick of shopping in Avenue and Lane Bryant trying to make them ugly clothes look good. But heck, where else is the big girl to go? Plus size clothes are expensive. Movement is limited, and high heeled shoes are almost impossible. Weight makes a big difference in high heeled shoes, and I own a closet full. I don't think my confidence will change withthe weight, but I know my activity level will. Oh and, ever try to sit in the middle seat on the plane? UGH!!!
  • I saw the show too and to be honest, i didnt think they were as super confident as they claimed to be, i think that in a way they have accepted the reality they are not willing to change thus embracing the lifestyle.
    There is absolutely nothing good about being obese and it bugs me that they're unapologetic about indulgence. One of them said: "i want to eat a whole chicken" or something like that. One thing is to be confident of yourself and hoping that society as a whole accepts you for who you are, not based on looks.
    But for those confused girls who are trying to find themselves in this world, telling them that is ok to give in to excess to me, is wrong. Just like it is wrong to promote barfing to be model skinny.

    I'm not morbidly obese but im not happy with the way i look or feel either. That's why im trying my hardest. I believe im looking for a happy middle of the road. This life is about choices. Mine is, to be healthy, to not shorten my life with diabetes, heart disease and such.

    I'm probably going to get a lot of grief for it, but I agree with this. While it's great to have self confidence, I dont agree with condoning an unhealthy lifestyle regardless of whether or not the person is over or under weight. Every woman should embrace their curves but I still dont agree with embracing obesity and saying its ok to be unhealthy because you still feel sexy.

    I personally wanted to lose weight because I wasnt comfortable in my own skin anymore. I was also really unhealthy with a lot of bad eating habits. I still struggle with a few bad habits but overall feel better and am on my way to a much healthier person. After starting to eat properly and exercise, I've realized that being healthy overall and being able to challenege my body to do things I didnt know I could is more important to me than how many pounds I actually lose in the long run.

    I agree with both these posts, I think anyone of anysize can be beautuful and confident, but promoting being overweight is worng. Just like shows about promoting teen pregnancy is wrong. I feel that they really do not have the confidence that we do becuase if they did, they would be confident that they could make a healthy lifestyle change. They are really just like terminal patients that have cone to terms that they are dying . . . they 'live it up" because they don't care about consequences.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    If I looked good at a larger size, I probably wouldn't be trying to lose weight. But I don't. I'm sloppy-looking when I'm carrying extra poundage -- I don't know if it's because my skin isn't firm, or what, but any extra fat on me is just floppy and not attractive. I've seen some really gorgeous bigger women and actually envy their bodies, but I wouldn't look like that if I were the same size.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I found this show today too; I have mixed feelings on it. I know that everybody won't be a 10 or 12 for the matter so i'm glad that they can embrace thier bodies. I disagree with the over eating and no self control. I also heard her say she could eat a whole chicken. I hope it was a joke. I hope to see more of this show because we do need to treat people with respect no matter what size they are.

    I personally want to lose weight because i'm unhappy with who i see. I've always loved me for who I am. With all this extra weight its makes it hard to live. I can't run without giving out of breathe, taking the stairs hurts my knees, and i hate paying more for clothing because i'm larger.

    Skinny is not even close to my radar but i want to be healthy and appreciate the person i see when i walk by a mirror or window.

    People will always talk about you no matter what so i could careless what others think.

    I did see some post that said this show sets a bad example but there are a lot of shows that set a bad example only difference is all these cast members are overweight and on real world, bad girls club, real housewives, etc they are thin.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I haven't seen that show, but to answer your question. I wan to lose weight for me. I look good and feel sexy the way I am, BUT high blood pressure, heart disease, fibroids, and diabeties run rampant in my family. Mind you, so far all the people in my family that are currently diabetic are rail thin and always have been. My brother was just diagnosed with it and he has never been fat, and has been active military going on 23 years now. I know my chances are double being overweight. I am sick of shopping in Avenue and Lane Bryant trying to make them ugly clothes look good. But heck, where else is the big girl to go? Plus size clothes are expensive. Movement is limited, and high heeled shoes are almost impossible. Weight makes a big difference in high heeled shoes, and I own a closet full. I don't think my confidence will change withthe weight, but I know my activity level will. Oh and, ever try to sit in the middle seat on the plane? UGH!!!

    I love the comment about Lane Bryant; I feel they are making bigger women look old and horrible. The tent dresses make me gag. I 'm also a shoe fanatic so cheer to wearing more heels. I'll be so glad to shop at New York & Company again.
  • I sae the show and saw in those women the same insecurities I have. I did not think they were confident at all but trying to be ok with it.

    I am blessed to be one of those people that carries my weight well. When I tell people how much I weigh they ask where am I putting it. But I know. I see.

    I have been riddled in the last few years with all of the health problems that come with obesity. High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, high cholesterol. Right now I am just on the brink of all of these. I want to be in normal range for all of these.

    On the other hand, I have been single for many years. Part of the problem is in my head. I do not feel desireable. I think I am inside but not on the outside. When I was young I had a wonderful body. No really I did. I want to feel as desireable as I did. then. I want to be my very best when I meet someone. I don't want to have that fear of rejection because of my weight, to be an issue.
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    Mrs Pittman,

    I have heard about the show but never had the chance to actually see an episode. I am currently the largest that I have ever been (Size 22/24). Before having my children I was a size 16/18. I want to lose weight because I am not happy with the way I look in all of my favorite clothes. I don't like the fact that I have to wear a girdle with all of my outfits to somewhat be okay with my body. Now don't get me wrong, anyone who knows me can attest for the fact that I am extremely comfortable in my own skin and I love me....but I want to return back to the healthier fitter me.
  • Lstrhi
    Lstrhi Posts: 132
    since everyone was talking about how this show is demonstrating that being obese is okay when in fact it's extremely unhealthy (which i agree, btw), i wanted to point out that the nichole richeys and runway models of the world aren't healthy goals either. if i had a chance to snap my fingers and make all the actresses and models a healthy size 5-7, i really would. i think a lot of young women never get the chance to feel beautiful in their skin just because they aren't a size zero.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I always wonder if these women are truly comfortable in their skin.

    I am one who will not be scrutinized about my body by the media. I will not try to look like Kim K just because that's all I see all over the magazines and such. So on that, I see the point of being comfortable in MY skin. I am tall, I have hips, I have small/medium boobs, not much of a booty, but I <3 my legs. Within those elements, I will be comfortable but when you're hauling around an extra 40-100lbs (or more) there is NOTHING comfortable about it. You cannot keep up during certain activities. You are threatened each time you go for a check up because of cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose levels etc. You sometimes have a hard time fitting in rollercoaster seats, airplane seats, go carts, etc.
    What is comfortable about that?

    I fear that these women might think that they will never change because they're can't... but we all know that's not the truth. We can change. You just have to want it bad enough.
  • I'll admit it: I'm losing weight partially because of society. I was chubby my whole life but then in high school I lost a bunch of weight and I loved the way it changed people's opinion of me and how they treated me. I'm bipolar and my self-esteem has never been great, and that was probably the best string of years I've had since I was a kid.

    After I gained all the weight, it kind of went down hill. I spent a little bit of time rapid cycling, which made it a little bit hard to care because I was sort of . . . attempting to not kill myself . . . but now that I've stabilized I realize how much better I felt about myself before I gained the weight.

    So, I'm losing it.
  • Being bigger and sexy is an interesting topic for me this week. I can honestly say that for the first time in few years I have started to feel a little bit sexier in my skin. I know that this is 100% due to my serious attempt at improving my health. I feel better about how I am taking care of my body. I changed my hair to a new color last week and threw in a couple color extensions. For the first time I feel comfortable drawing a little bit of attention to myself. I still have a long way to go in terms of getting healthy, but I feel better about how I am taking care of myself and I think that is coming through when I look at myself in the mirror, and when people look at me.

    Several people have written about being limited to Lane Bryant and the Avenue. I do feel that these companies have tried to make their looks more modern but often I think the designs, styles, and patterns just aren't flattering. I long for the days where the other 95% of the mall is approachable to me.

    The main reason that I need to drop weight is my health, no questions, but I also know that I'm seriously over the social aspects of being heavy. I wanted to cry for these ladies when I saw how they were treated while trying to get into a night club. That particular thing hasn't happened to me but other things have. I don't know how they can honestly maintain the level of confidence they claim to have when they have to endure moments like what I saw in the first episode. There are some scenarios where being my being overweight impacts others and makes them uncomfortable, and then there other scenarios where people just like to make you feel uncomfortable for being overweight. When I was healthier I traveled 100% for work. While walking down the airplane aisle in my head I could hear seated passengers silently praying that I wasn’t about to sit next to them, and honestly I have to say that I can understand why they would not want to share their small airline space with me. On the flip side of that, I know my most embarrassing 'fat' moment was when I waited in line with a group of friends for 30 minutes to ride a ride at the top of the Stratosphere hotel in Vegas only to determine I was too fat to be belted in. As I walked away a bunch of people laughed. Can you really keep your confidence that high while facing these kinds of challenges? I’m just not sure it’s sincerely possible. It might be possible to assemble some form of confidence to get on a reality show but to truly have it in your heart, I don’t think so.

    As I write this I am watching the 2nd episode. Already one of the girls is concerned about losing weight for her modeling job and is seeking the advice of a doctor. I’m fairly certain that all of them would fall into the morbidly obese category (along with myself). If these ladies get checked out and have no health issues, then flaunt it if you really want but I don't really think the numbers (medically speaking) will be on their side. I’ll be watching to see what happens.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    For my health. I'm 34 and have been on bp meds since my early 20's. It's ridiculous. My mom never took care of herself and died of a heart attack at 46. I don't want that to be me. Also, I don't want to be limited in what I can do because of my weight. For example, my husband and I went to a quaint little mountain town for our 16th anniversary. I wanted to go horseback riding but the weight limit was 200 lbs. That sucked.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I always wonder if these women are truly comfortable in their skin.

    I am one who will not be scrutinized about my body by the media. I will not try to look like Kim K just because that's all I see all over the magazines and such. So on that, I see the point of being comfortable in MY skin. I am tall, I have hips, I have small/medium boobs, not much of a booty, but I <3 my legs. Within those elements, I will be comfortable but when you're hauling around an extra 40-100lbs (or more) there is NOTHING comfortable about it. You cannot keep up during certain activities. You are threatened each time you go for a check up because of cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose levels etc. You sometimes have a hard time fitting in rollercoaster seats, airplane seats, go carts, etc.
    What is comfortable about that?

    I fear that these women might think that they will never change because they're can't... but we all know that's not the truth. We can change. You just have to want it bad enough.

    newaustinite:flowerforyou: Love your attitude about yourself , not feeling you need to compromise to advertising, society's ideals about the Female body etc. :heart: