Accountability buddy



  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Had a great day yesterday. Got in a 6.3 km jog followed by squats and abs. Today I am helping at our local grocery store unloading the truck so that will be my workout today.

    @kstpierre52020 I always try to pretrack my day I’m the morning. Find when I know where I am going to be sitting at it helps to know what I can eat throughout the day.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited June 2020
    Anybody have fitbits on here. I love doing the challenges. Feel free to add me. My email is [removed by mods; please share contact details in private messages]
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited May 2020
    @renagry I couldn’t find half of my Fitbit for the longest time but I recently reunited the misplaced piece with the lonely partner that’s been waiting patiently in my bedside table drawer. it’s charging now so, if it’s still viable, I’ll give it a try. I also like the goal @jvando74 set to get to bed earlier so I’m going to make this a quick check in and get to bed earlier. I did a ton of sit ups and other core work with my son today, and had physical therapy exercises for my shoulder impingement, so I’m feeling a bit tired ... It wasn’t much relative to the inspiring workouts I’ve been reading about here but my plan is to keep increasing gradually. My goal this week was to clean up the house in a more active way (and finding my Fitbit was a bonus!). I’ve made progress there, and submitted my invoice to get paid, so it feels good to get rid of some figurative weight.

    Next week, I’ll get back on track with more exercise. I find that burning about 200-300 calories leaves just enough room for a snack. So, in response to the question you posed @kstpierre52020, I I keep my overall daily ‘goal’ calories at a deficit, but eat the extra calories burned as part of the exercises I do when my life is more balanced than it is right now. I’m getting there ... as long as I can stay patient through this weight plateau and rededicate myself to running and other cardio workouts. This week was a bit of a planned ‘wash’ on the weight loss front but I appreciate this ‘accountability buddy’ group keeping me from going totally off the rails during the stall ... Starting tomorrow, I’m committed to no more calorie deficits! Thank you for the motivation and support while I try to get fired up again. 🔥

    P.S. Welcome to all the new group members! How’s the jump roping going @arameni? I love jumping rope but hardly ever do it these days. I might try that if I can find my jump rope ... it wasn’t with my Fitbit ... but I’m sure it will turn up! 🤣
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    Oh! ... and happy birthday to all the accountability friends and family members celebrating this month. Enjoy!
  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry haven't posted in 2 weeks. Have been a bit down in the dumps but have managed to keep going and as of today have lost 14lb since the 2nd April. Very pleased. Seems to have come off quite swiftly but I am not trying to manage it. Just focussing on eating to goal and moving and let the rest follow.
    How is everyone? Lots of posts and new group members!! I feel like we should actually set up a group?
    What is everyone doing this weekend?
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi all!! I think we have all had a quiet few days!!! For me, the reason was this little dude arriving yesterday! Hes been planned for ages, the breeder kept him a bit longer but he is ten weeks old on Saturday so it was time for him to come to his forever home. Our older dog is currently a bit grumpy about it but she will come round :)
    I havent been great on my macros this week, so i need to get back on making sure I hit my protein target!!
  • DarleneT357
    DarleneT357 Posts: 5 Member
    Would like to join the group! I definitely need friends to hold me accountable and help encourage and keep me going!!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited May 2020
    Congratulations @kiay131982 - What an adorable puppy! So fun and worthy of distraction! ... Welcome back @LJRS2019 - I’ve missed your updates and sage advice to others. Thanks for sharing your success! That’s fantastic ... congratulations on the weight loss!

    Welcome @DarleneT357! What are the goals you’ve set for yourself? Let us know so we can encourage, support and (gently) nudge you along... I’m planning to take a long walk, lift some weights and do some core strengthening at home. I know my sons are preparing to cook a big breakfast of crepes tomorrow so my plan is to add more fruit and less whipped cream! One son asked if I wanted eggs Benedict, which he knows I love, so I think settling on crepes was probably a calorie-saving choice. We’ll see ... 😉 Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  • DarleneT357
    DarleneT357 Posts: 5 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I have a hard time staying motivated so my first goal is to 1. Take this one day at a time! I can be really hard on myself when I feel like I’ve messed up so 2. Keep my eye on my goal (losing weight) and stay positive! Positive thinking = Positive results. My third goal would be to move more. I am trying to overcome a knee injury, which has side-lined my walking routine, so I need to look for other means of exercise. 3. Move more! Exercise at least 3 times a week for starters. And lastly 4. Log everything I eat! Weighing and measuring everything is also part of that. It will help me be accountable.
    So that’s where I’m starting. Any suggestions or pointers are welcome!
  • dhcurtis22
    dhcurtis22 Posts: 13 Member
    Add me to in your group please....because I’m in this for the long least another two years!
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    So glad to hear how everyone is doing on their journeys. Did some pre- tracking as you guys suggested and worked hard to listen to my body as far as hunger cues, etc when life was too fast paced to keep up. It seems to be working. No major weight loss milestones. But staying on the lower side of the few lbs I range between. Changing my goals on mfp to allow for fewer cals/day is helping too. Thanks for the advice and encouragement you guys!!

    Kiay - your puppy is amazingly precious! Enjoy!!!!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Evening all, from here anyway :)

    Welcome @DarleneT357 and @dhcurtis22!!!
    Feel free to join and post your successes and goals etc as often as you like!!

    Puppy is lovely, has kept us busy though and Ive done 21k steps today.... :)
    Well done @kstpierre52020, pre tracking really helps!! Had a good day here today.... Tracked and focussed on protein, didnt quite hit target but its all steps in the right direction!!!
  • mollziwollzi
    mollziwollzi Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya! Would really love to join this group, have been yo-yo dieting since I was 11. Am now about to turn 23 and would really like to finally establish a consistent, sustainable routine.

    SW: 152lbs
    CW: 144.3lbs
    GW: 125lbs

    Height: 5 foot 4

    Had a lot of success two years ago with tracking my calories/macros but began restricting more and more and became very unhealthy and was not eating at all. This time round have seen relatively steady weight loss of about 0.5lbs per week for the past 3.5 months but the last two weeks did not lose any and actually gained 0.5lbs on my last weigh in. Currently eating about 1300 calories per day, have just reduced to 1200 to see if that helps but am starting to worry about falling into old patterns and restricting below 1000 again. Really looking to keep motivated and keep my eye on goal of slow but steady weight loss without panicking and restricting too far. Finding it particularly difficult without social distancing and therefore much less physical movement than I would normally get. Any and all advice/support would really be appreciated, hoping this group can be the place for me to find that :)
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member

    Welcome @mollziwollzi amd welcome to the group x I know that pattern of unhealthy eating all too well, I did similar a few years ago.
    What I will say is that restrciting your calories too hard does not work, it makes you feel bad, and inevitably at some point you will regain all that you lose.

    Im also 5ft 4. My start weight (this time around!!) was 160lb, Im currently at 152lb, I dont have a final goal just yet.
    My calories are set at about 1470 a day, and I exercise and eat back some of those calories too. My weight loss has been slower than when I crashed dieted... But Im also building muscle. I feel better as Im not starving all the time and hopefully Im forming life long habits xxxx

    Sunday is rest day... So no specific work out planned... But I will keep moving!!
  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    edited May 2020
    Thanks for the welcome, you all!

    Also, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!

    Just got myself a food scale this week. It's been fun(??) seeing how off all of my estimates were 😅

    I'm also back from a previous lose and gain cycle. In the past, I ended up struggling with in maintaining the habit of logging meals after I reached my GW. I want to really focus on fitness this time and set goals for myself that are not based on only weight. I love the NSV (non scale victory) thread!

    @mollziwollzi Would it be possible to reframe from a "restriction of calories" mindset to an "achievement of macros" mindset? Changing the way you look at food might help to alleviate your worries a bit. As a way to find the balance to nourish, protect, and strengthen your body instead of something to cut away. I did a trial of Noom earlier this year, and they had a lot of good tips based on positive psychology. I found it quite helpful. The actual subscription is too expensive for me to justify, but I feel like I learned a lot of good stuff from the trial!
    It's good that you're staying in tune with your feelings and are watching out for your old patterns. Since you're worried about your decrease in activity due to the pandemic, is there any kind of physical activity you can take up in your home? We'll be back at our regular daily routines before you know it!
    Cheers to you and your health!!

    Also, what a cute puppy!!
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    Very difficult day to track thanks to my kids sweet efforts throughout this mother’s day (even breakfast in bed!) but added an extra bike ride to keep balanced and moving.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers, grand mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, friends. Take a moment to love the person you are inside and out.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey all!!!

    Feeling accomplished today.... it was run day and I missed my usual slot after work as we were just too busy... Then dinner happened and dog walks and bedtime for our 4 year old. I had decided I just wouldnt bother today. It didnt matter... Right?
    Then I felt bad. I was cheating myself. I put on my kit, put little one to bed and went out and ran. I never usually do an evening run, it was actually quite pleasant!!! And Im SOO glad I did it :)

    @arameni were your estimates way off??? :) i think some things Im really good at eyeballing.... But others Im really not. I do weigh everything else it doesn't go in my mouth... But I am always suprised by things like pasta and how heavy it is.... 😂😂

  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    @kiay131982 yes, mine were totally off!! With cereal I was really shorting myself, but with milk I apparently had a heavy pour. Shredded cheese estimate was pretty close, but hummus I was estimating about HALF of what I actually served myself.
    It really makes me feel like my plates and bowls are oversized.

    Nice job sticking to your running habit!!
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    All celebrating is past. The scale says I survived. Back to strict tracking today and thanks guys- time for food scale to come out. I’ve just been measuring.

    Kiay- you are so right. Sometimes getting out the door to exercise is hard, but there is never, ever, ever a time that i wished I hadn’t when I was done.... way to go with your run!!

    New goal for me: loosing the 1lb/week that is part of my plan through focused tracking and getting the sleep I need to stay mentally healthy.

    Keep going strong, guys.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning!! @arameni thats really interesting... Scales and weighing absolutely everything is definitely the way to go!!
    @kstpierre52020 well done on surviving your celebrations!!!

    Todays mission is to drink enough water... Ive really slacked off with that lately!!