Accountability buddy



  • Mahoganylit
    Mahoganylit Posts: 28 Member
    Hello. My name is Mahogany. I am a newbie to the groups and all. I would love to connect and gain some encouraging accountability partners. I am 47 and looking to lose at least 20 pounds. You know how you look up one day and say, where did all that mod section come from. Can’t fit into my clothes and I’ve had it. Current weight is 168.4. My highest weight has been 172. HELP!! 😕

    Ultimate Goal weight: 155
    Current weight: 168.4

    Goal is to learn healthier eating habits. Exercise at least 3 times a week and walk daily.

    I need accountability buddies. I think we get through things together much harder alone.
  • mollziwollzi
    mollziwollzi Posts: 5 Member
    @arameni that's a good idea, I'm trying really hard to hit my protein macros particularly. Do you recommend doing the Noom trial? I see it advertised all the time but, like you, can't justify the cost!

    @kiay131982 really nice to know there's someone who's at about the same point as me! I'm trying to get back into home workouts currently, using my family weights set and going for our daily walks with the dog but I was working in a very busy hospitality role that saw me doing 25-30,000 steps per day so struggling to make up those lost steps.. Does anyone have any other ideas for getting extra exercise that I can do at home? The whole family is back for lockdown so limited to how much space I can use.

    Somewhat dreading my weigh-in on Friday, having not lost any weight for the last three weeks has really got me anxious to see the scale.
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    Good day yesterday. Got an extra walk in and hit my tracking goal. It was cool when I hit the “complete diary” button at the end of the day and it showed “if every day were like today you’d be .... in 5 weeks” and it was my goal weight! Gotta keep working.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi all!!!

    I try not to sit down during the day so Im constantly moving.... That and adding in extra dog walks and I feel like Im making progress!
    Having everyone home at lunchtime is hard.... Theyre such carb fiends and its so hard to resist somedays!!! Ended up with baguette for lunch.... So Ill be going for a run soon..... :)

    I never click on the complete my diary, I should if its going to be motivational though!!!!
  • Mahoganylit
    Mahoganylit Posts: 28 Member
    kiay131982 wrote: »
    Hi all!!!

    I try not to sit down during the day so Im constantly moving.... That and adding in extra dog walks and I feel like Im making progress!
    Having everyone home at lunchtime is hard.... Theyre such carb fiends and its so hard to resist somedays!!! Ended up with baguette for lunch.... So Ill be going for a run soon..... :)

    I never click on the complete my diary, I should if its going to be motivational though!!!!

    🙂 I hit the complete button this morning for yesterday and it said I had lost 3 lbs. so I guess that’s something. Weighed in at 167.4 today. That is 3 lbs less. So I’m using that as motivation. Trying to move more. I have gotten a bit lazy.
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Welcome ALL NEW MEMBERS!

    Sorry I have been MIA again. Work has been picking up. Our state has allowed some business to open with restrictions as of last Friday. Right now our "stay at home" is still in effect until June 1st. Fingers crossed we are slowly returning back to normal.

    I have still been tracking all my meals, as best I can. I think there might have been a day or two I missed. The macro split of 30-30-40 just wasn’t cutting it. I was staying under calorie and as close as I could but the scale was moving up and the waistline was tightening.

    I have decided to cut back on my carbs for a few weeks. I have been going a little overboard with them, I think. This is the first week, so far so good. Official weigh in is Monday, but I did step on the scale this morning just to see how I am making out... down 3 lbs. (15% carb (abt. 50g), 20% protein, 65% fat - not quite keto)

    Now I just have to get my rear end into motion with working out. I have set up a plan at work (though today was super busy I didn't get it done). I have selected stretches and exercises to do every hour, just to try and get me moving.

    This a late response to your boys. Clemson is a good school. I had a friend who taught architecture there. He just moved back up to PA though this past year & is now teaching at Delaware University. My cousin moved to Boston for school a few years back and fell in love with it & stayed.

    @arameni … don’t feel discouraged. I was attending the gym 6-7 days a week for weight training & I still can’t do a push up or a pull up fully.

    @kiay131982 … carbs… instead of pasta, have you tried spaghetti squash or zoodles?

    @CatieMay123 … congrats on the coaching. I am still trying to plug away at the BOD workouts. Haven’t found one I can fall in love with yet and stay committed. Mainly because I feel discouraged by the fact that just the cardio aspects wear me down. I have no problem doing weight training programs, but mix in cardio and I am done, put a fork in me. Anyone wanting to get a workout that’s worth it… don’t underestimate BOD. I did at first & now I know better.

    I do have to say after reading through some of the posts I missed, I am glad I am not the only one who craves carbs during Mother Nature’s visit.

    Promise to try my best at checking in.

    CONGRATS on all the small achievements & don’t let the discouraging days over weigh the good days.
  • healthynfit4me
    healthynfit4me Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm looking to lose 20 lbs, add some muscle and tone up. I'm 5''5 ish 147lbs. I believe all body types are beautiful and its important to feel good in your own skin. For me, that's 20lbs fitter. I truly enjoy working out, even through the hard parts. Some days it may take a little longer but the most important part to me is that I finish and I'm proud of my progress. I use to swim a few times a week as my workout before quarantine when I had access to a pool but for now I'm working on adapting my workouts until I can swim again, just started using pinterest and You Tube workouts . On the other end of things I absolutely love cooking and have been cooking and baking so much since quarantine began I've gained at least 15 lbs! I've been working on making healthier meals that are still really tasty. Somedays I'm working out just to make sure I've burned enough calories to eat what I want 🤣 It feels like an oxymoron. Looking for a group/accountability buddies to discuss workouts and meals!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning all!!

    Welcome @healthynfit4me... This is a great group for accountability and sharing your story, whilst supporting others on theirs. :)

    Just under a 2lb loss for me here this week, so I'm happy! I was able to meet my PT in the park for my workout yesterday which was great! :)
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi healthynfit4me! Great group.
    I’ve been tracking mostly, working out and adding bike rides with my 13yo (we have a 13 mile ride today) to my regular work outs. I feel strong which is great.
    The scale isn’t budging. But I’m feeling well. So that’s good. Keep moving guys!
  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    @mnalsa83 Thanks for the encouragement and welcome!

    Unrelated... I ate out twice this week, got a Mexican sandwich (semitas, delicious!!) for breakfast on Thursday and just ordered takeout for tonight. Do y'all just estimate the servings with a similar dish that's in the system?
    I guess now I can weigh it with my food scale, but I can't possibly know the composition of the restaurant's dish. For now I just searched "general tso's tofu" and logged 1.5 servings.

    Happy update for me: got an antihistamine prescription for sleep problems I've been having since this whole pandemic business hit my area! Even though the provider really had an attitude of "and what do you expect me to do about it?" that really irked me, I was finally able to get a good night's sleep! Should be good for both my immune system and metabolism! I've been doing all this crazy stuff lately (threw away my wallet instead of my coffee cup) from sleep deprivation and I've been afraid to get into a car accident or something.

    @mollziwollzi, I do recommend doing the noom trial! It's kind of fun! The database over there is not really as complete as the MFP food database, but they have all these lessons and daily tasks that are informative and engaging. The first day they have you do nothing for some reason. And to cancel you have to message your coach. I didn't really like my coach because she didn't really check in with me much over the trial period. I think it might have been a cultural difference because I'm quite indirect, so your experience may be very different. The message after I said I wanted to cancel was just automated, so that was fine.

    @healthynfit4me, welcome!!!
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    How’s everyone doing out there?
  • Cerizez
    Cerizez Posts: 155 Member
    Hi All,

    hope you're all doing well?

    @kstpierre52020 - how are you doing?

    I was struggling a few weeks ago as I was being too strict, eating only 1200 and not eating any exercise calories. I couldn't understand why I was gaining rather than losing. Someone here (couldn't find the text, apologies) suggested my body was in starvation mode and I should loosen up. So - I've been eating more, and it's been working. I began losing again. So thank you peeps for the advice.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Cerizez wrote: »
    Hi All,

    hope you're all doing well?

    @kstpierre52020 - how are you doing?

    I was struggling a few weeks ago as I was being too strict, eating only 1200 and not eating any exercise calories. I couldn't understand why I was gaining rather than losing. Someone here (couldn't find the text, apologies) suggested my body was in starvation mode and I should loosen up. So - I've been eating more, and it's been working. I began losing again. So thank you peeps for the advice.

    This is amazing news! I bet you feel so much better for it too, losing weight AND eating more :) win win!!!

    All is good here... Nothing really to report, life feels a bit like groundhog day atm!!!
  • Mahoganylit
    Mahoganylit Posts: 28 Member
    How’s everyone doing out there?

    How are you @kstpierre52020

    All is ok. This journey is an emotional roller coaster for me. Every time I look in the mirror I get discouraged. Even with the scale not moving I am trying to keep going. Trying to stay the course and know if I keep working it will come off. Little by little. One step at a time. But boy is it hard to stay motivated.

  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    Cerizez- great news! Way to go. Way to honor your body by nourishing it, too. Must feel super!!

    Mahoganylit- keep it up. If you throw in the towel, you might feel disappointed. As you keep focusing on taking care of yourself, remember stress isn’t good either. And stress over food or weight isn’t worth it. We are all here because we want to loose, but focus on your health d taking care of yourself physically and mentally. Keep going! It’ll pay off.

    I’m doing ok. Scale still isn’t budging. I’m 8 lbs from my target. Maybe this is as far as my body goes right now? Maybe with my 1200 cals and lifestyle, this is where I stop? Idk. But not giving up.
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hello everyone! I am new to this thread. My name is Crystal and I need to lose a lot of weight. I am trying to get the baby weight back off. After 2 back to back miscarriages and 3 years recovering from that physically, I got pregnant again. I had my rainbow baby April 4th, 2019. My first boy, my miracle baby. I have 2 beautiful teenage daughters as well. Crazy thing is during pregnancy I gave up sugar and I was smaller then than I am now. (I am diabetic and have blood pressure issues.) After I had little man I went nuts on the sugar and gained a ton of weight. I have already lost 17.4 pounds. My short term goal is I am trying to get down to 210 right now. I still struggle with the sugar beast but now I am trying to move and exercise more and get back to eating right. I would love to have accountability, support, and motivation. I am starting to get into hiking. I forgot how much I loved it. I am not able to go as much as I would like but when I do go I love it. I was able to go yesterday with my family and man am I feeling it today. It was the most challenging one I had been on yet. I look forward to getting to know everyone here! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Welcome @crystalsan726! We’re here for you. Congratulations on your rainbow baby — you’ve got this.

    Ladies, I slipped. I stopped checking in regularly, told myself I was too busy, and the started sliding on both my tracking and my sleep (you all know what a major health goal that is for me). And guess what? Mindless chocolate consumption, eating crackers at night when I wasn’t even hungry, staying up even later than I had been, waking up exhausted, vulnerable and carb craving again at night. And I had been doing really well, seeing the results. What’s the lesson? Accountability and support works! Tracking food intake is necessary! I have to keep myself honest. I’m going to to try checking in and leaving a message each time I’m tempted to make a poor choice. I don’t expect a response to all my little check ins, but I think in need to feel like there is some one out there witnessing my struggle and supporting me through it. So, forgive me if it feels like I’m playing too much, I just think I need to for a little while to hold myself in check better.

    Thank you all for being so conscientious and real. Sometimes we fall down, but we can pick ourselves back up and start again. Knowing you all are out there doing the same thing, having ups and downs and successes on your journeys really inspires me.

  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    @jvando74 Thank you for the welcome and the kind words.

    I have been having a hard time with sweets as well. I am hoping that being accountable on here will help.

    I had 3 helpings of grape salad today 🤦‍♀️ You know the kind with the cream cheese and brown sugar and pecans. I justified it saying it's grapes it could be worse. Thankful tomorrow is a new day to start fresh again.

    So quick question how often does everyone weigh themselves? I used to be a once a week scale checker even a once a month check in. I have now fallen into the bad habit of checking the scale daily.
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    @crystalsan726 I think when you are looking to loose a significant amount of weight once a week is appropriate. As I’m sure you’ve discovered, getting on the scale every day is a good way to burst your mood and motivation if your weight hasn’t gone down or if it has gone a bit up. Daily fluctuations are normal and probably don’t accurately capture your weight loss journey. Based on what others had said on here in the past, I think once a week is the norm. Am I correct folks?

    Also, I’m checking in to keep myself honest. Just finished a healthy, appropriate dinner. Soooooo close to getting the boys in bed and relaxing. Chocolate chips in the cupboard (damn my baking habit!) are screaming my name. Screaming! I’m not going to give in, right everyone? I am not hungry, in fact I’m perfectly sated from dinner. I can think about having a mindful treat later. Right now I will just gobble them down. Not. Going. To. Let. This. Happen. Three. Nights. In. A. Row. I’ve stumbled on a step, doesn’t mean I need to fall all the way to the bottom of the stairs. I can do this. I swear I can do this.
  • birdy1539
    birdy1539 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone, I’m new here. After being married for two years I finally gained that marriage 20lbs everyone talks about. I started dieting and exercising about a month ago because I was worried I wouldn’t fit back in my work clothes after quarantine 😅 I’ve lost about 3-4lbs and my clothes aren’t as tight anymore! I want to lose another 15-20lbs and gain some muscle. My favorite foods to eat were bread, chips, and cake and I was used to being that tiny girl who would eat stuff like that everyday, but not anymore.