The Diamond Challenge: Round 5: Wk 2 - Little Diamond's



  • Rubyjjones
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    My Response:
    I am spending more money on healthy food...I don't care what anyone says, dieting is expensive!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I spent extra money on good running shoes and Zumba shoes. I have also spent extra buying shares of fresh organic vegetables from my local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group. Then I learned to can the fresh organic vegetables, which cost me extra this year but I will have all the tools I need for next year.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I purchased a HRM last month - LOVE IT!! I also had Gaitt analysis done last year, before I even started seriously working out, and I buy the running shoes that are best for me, regardless of price (Brooks does put them on clearance when the new models come out, so I've saved some money that way, but I would pay full price if necessary). My grocery bill is higher than it used to be, but I figure that is offset by the fact that I don't go out to eat nearly as often as I used to. I did pay a premium for apples last week because that has been my evening snack of choice, and one store didn't have the kind that I like so I had to go somewhere else, but I feel it was worth it. I also joined the "water club" at work (that is inexpensive but has made a huge difference so I thought I would include it).
  • Mommyof3loves
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I haven't spent any extra money on anything cause we just don't have it, we are struggling too much for me to spend anything extra on things right now. Though I would like to get an HRM eventually, also I am going in for shoulder surgery on the 12th so that won't help me so I will just have to be extra careful with what I eat and once I am up for it just go walking.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    Ughh I have spent so much money over the last year on diet and exercise related things, it has definately not been cheap for me to get fit and healthy!! But I figure in the long run my health is always going to be money well spent, both for me and my family :smile: I have purchased a HRM, which I think is definately the best money ever spent!! I also did an online 12 week challenge with one of the trainers from Australia's Biggest Loser, I actually did 2 rounds, so 24 weeks and this was the most money I have ever spent on such things but it helped me to lose over 40 pounds in that time and although it was expensive I think it has set me up with some really good tools to continue a healthy lifestyle now that I am getting close to my healthy weight.

    I have a 12 month gym membership (and a membership for my 3yo twins so they can go into the childcare as many times a week as I want to go to the gym). I have started also paying $30 a week extra for personal training once a week, I have found the biggest change in my body since doing this, I do mainly weight training with her as I am not really confident doing it by myself. It is a lot of money but has been worth it for me.

    I have an addiction to buying gym clothes :blushing: who would have thought that would ever happen!! We have a very expensive brand of womens exercise gear called Lorna Jane in Australia, it is fantastic quality and great looking but really expensive!!! I have a few things (mostly bought on sale) but I try to just stay out of the shop because although I love the stuff I just can't justify the price of it!! Saying that I bought my favorite sports bra from there and its lucky it dries really quick because I pretty much wear and wash it constantly!!

    So I also have purchased DVD's although I don't have as much time to do them now my twins are getting older and sleeping less and my husband and I have bought bikes (second hand so not muhc $$$) and recently bought boxing gloves and focus pads to start a bit of home boxing. We are thinking of setting up a home gym, we have a treadmill in the loungeroom but would like to get a boxing bag and some weights. Just need to find somewhere to fit it all!!

    Foodwise, I guess I spend more money on fresh fruit and veg than I used to. Also lean meats are much more expensive here. But I think that the fast food we don't buy so much of probably balances out the extra cost.

    Hmmm putting it all down like this makes me realise just how much I have spent on this, oh well I am worth it :bigsmile:
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I purchased a HRM last month - LOVE IT!! I also had Gaitt analysis done last year, before I even started seriously working out, and I buy the running shoes that are best for me, regardless of price (Brooks does put them on clearance when the new models come out, so I've saved some money that way, but I would pay full price if necessary). My grocery bill is higher than it used to be, but I figure that is offset by the fact that I don't go out to eat nearly as often as I used to. I did pay a premium for apples last week because that has been my evening snack of choice, and one store didn't have the kind that I like so I had to go somewhere else, but I feel it was worth it. I also joined the "water club" at work (that is inexpensive but has made a huge difference so I thought I would include it).

    I'm curious, where did you get your gait analysis done?
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    If I took all the money I've spent on trying to lose weight...I could probably have purchased an entire 4 star gym...ah most recent cost was a pair of GOOD sneakers and I agree - our food bill is higher. The next big purchase I WANT is a good elliptical - but the boy has started to get skeptical about my commitment when it comes to dropping $900...sigh...who can blame him...
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Friday QOTD: List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    Honestly, I don't spend more on anything in or to support my weight loss. This is a life style change for me and I just make due with what I have. I am a mother of 4 kids rangeing from ages 5 to 15 so their various expenses consume me. I would love to have a gym membership but cheap workout videos and run/walks through the neighborhood fit me well. As for food. I may buy a little extra veggies but who doesn't need extra veggies in their diet.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Friday QOTD: List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I not only pay for my gym membership, but membership for my hubby also, so that we can both get healthy together. Some foods that I spend more on are avocados, sundried tomatoes, and goat and feta cheeses.

    I won't buy close yet until I absolutely have to.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    If I took all the money I've spent on trying to lose weight...I could probably have purchased an entire 4 star gym...ah most recent cost was a pair of GOOD sneakers and I agree - our food bill is higher. The next big purchase I WANT is a good elliptical - but the boy has started to get skeptical about my commitment when it comes to dropping $900...sigh...who can blame him...

    My parents bought an elliptical at sears and its broken twice so - if you do go for it make sure you get it someplace like sears that has good service contracts. The second time it broke it actually got just plain replaced with a better one. Not sure if they just picked out a bad model or if that's common, so do your research.

    Also they take an INSANE amount of space. My honey thinks he wants to own a treadmill but I would prefer not to own any equipment like that - walking/running outside is better and less space consuming. We do plan to setup a home gym with weights and maybe a total gym (my trainer has one and I love it - and there are tons of them on craigslist for way less than new)
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I have gym membership and bought a hr monitor, new trainers and an expensive sports bra for exercise.... All of which I do not regret for a second.

    I probably spend more on fresh fruit but am planting some soft fruit canes so hopefully I will be able to grow my own. Have been eating a lot of plums from a tree on our farm and always accept gifts of cooking apples etc. I think one day not too far in the distance we may all need to grow some food of our own so am getting some practice in!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I think one day not too far in the distance we may all need to grow some food of our own so am getting some practice in!

    Nikki, oh my gosh I was just having this exact conversation with a friend yesterday! I recently grew veggies for the first time--herbs, tomatoes, peppers... not large quantities, but enough to say that I did it. I recently moved to a place with a little yard, so I really hope to start growing all of my own veggies. In fact, my ultimate goal is to go to the grocery store for luxuries rather than necessities... but that's a distant goal!

    In response to the QOTD, I can say that I definitely spend a little extra on food. I figure, better to spend extra nourishing myself than on breaking myself down. I also bough a pair of boxing gloves today as well as membership to a wellness. I'm not too into gyms any more because I feel a little like a hamster in a cage, but I am excited to try this boutique wellness center that is more intimate and personal. This is the place:


    Happy Long Weekend (United States) Diamonds!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    I'm curious, where did you get your gait analysis done?

    I went to a local running store that provided complimentary gait analysis. Most specialty running stores will do that. I highly recommend it to everyone. I have flat feet and tend to walk on the outsides of my heels. I got shoes with the support that I need and have never regretted it!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I haven't been worrying about the cost of things too much if it is something I feel I need or really want. My most expensive weight loss purchase has been my HRM and it was worth every penny! I've bought a lot of workout dvds and Wii 'games' and I am always spending the extra $$$ for fresh fruit and veggies. I think it is all totally worth it. I figure, if I wasn't spending money on this stuff, I would be buying fast food and bigger clothes - this is the much healthier/better choice! :o)
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    Friday QOTD: List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    Honestly, I don't spend more on anything in or to support my weight loss. This is a life style change for me and I just make due with what I have. I am a mother of 4 kids rangeing from ages 5 to 15 so their various expenses consume me. I would love to have a gym membership but cheap workout videos and run/walks through the neighborhood fit me well. As for food. I may buy a little extra veggies but who doesn't need extra veggies in their diet.

    i'm a little late for friday's question but i'm here to answer it :)...

    i'm the same way, although i'm not a mother, i help out my parents financially so i really don't have any extra money to spend on my weight loss journey. but the money i have spent has been on dvds & healthier food. i'm not against spending the money, if i had it, i'd definitely have a 5 star gym at home! and all the fun goodies to go with it, best HRM, top of the line personal trainer and a chef :)! i LOVE miss jamaica's idea, growing my own veggies and herbs...

    but... coming back to reality, i don't spend money on a gym or extra gym clothes, i just do with what i have :). but that doesn't mean i won't in the future... i'm one of those people that doesn't rule anything out because at some point my views on what i will or won't spend money will definitely change. i LOVE miss jamaica's idea, growing my own veggies and herbs...

    i hope everyone is having a fabulous long weekend!!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings

    little slow on the Friday question. I've spent extra money on personal training (1 time per week) and on really good running pants that provide knee and hip support. It really has made a big difference in my progress and I've seen amazing changes in what I can do physically, and honestly he pushes me to do things I otherwise would not have even tried to do.

    food - I've pretty much offset the fruit and vegetable costs by no longer going out to lunch at work except for special occasions or while traveling...
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I've spent money on gear, like a heart rate monitor, running shoes, tennis shoes, and other small miscellaneous items (running cap, water bottles, etc). I don't have a gym membership, but I pay drop in fees to go to classes like zumba, step or aquafit. I've also signed up for tennis lessons/recreational leagues and running clinics and will be signing up for swimming lessons soon. It's definitely expensive trying to be healthy, but I don't mind when the activities are also fun.
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing... List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things.

    Cheese - if it's going to be little , it better be good quality.
    Protein powder - it is expensive but such a dense source of protein, I've got to have it for morning smoothies
    Fish - I hate picking around bones so I pay more for the fillets and enjoy eating fish more often.

    As a family we don't spend money we don't have, so all the other fitness frills don't happen around here. Books are my trainers, my basement = my gym, my body = my weights! But my $100 used tredmill has made me so happy and more active.
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing... List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things.

    As part of my new lifestyle I plan to become fitter and part of this is running a 10k in a little over3 weeks time. Due to shin splints and severe muscle pain I have been splashing out and seeing a physiotherapist once a week which equates to £160/month. This is a huge expense for me as I only spend £15/month on my gym membership!!

    I also splurged out on a proper pair of running shoes and a HRM (i figure if I want to do more than just 1 race I should probably monitor my progress and wear the correct footware!)
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I think one day not too far in the distance we may all need to grow some food of our own so am getting some practice in!

    Nikki, oh my gosh I was just having this exact conversation with a friend yesterday! I recently grew veggies for the first time--herbs, tomatoes, peppers... not large quantities, but enough to say that I did it. I recently moved to a place with a little yard, so I really hope to start growing all of my own veggies. In fact, my ultimate goal is to go to the grocery store for luxuries rather than necessities... but that's a distant goal!

    In response to the QOTD, I can say that I definitely spend a little extra on food. I figure, better to spend extra nourishing myself than on breaking myself down. I also bough a pair of boxing gloves today as well as membership to a wellness. I'm not too into gyms any more because I feel a little like a hamster in a cage, but I am excited to try this boutique wellness center that is more intimate and personal. This is the place:


    Happy Long Weekend (United States) Diamonds!

    This place looks lovely!!