ANJU WARRIORS (Closed Group)



  • FitJ1210
  • rockyj44
    Checking in:
    current wt. 145 1 lbs lost
    daily exercise YES all were done
    weekly challenges (cal & water) YES all a success. drank lots and lots of water!!
    Bonus bear walk YES

    Great to see all of the wonderful motivation. It sure pushes me to be better

    Took a motorcyle ride yesterday with my man , KB and our dog "Hairy Dog". Awesome ride. Hit rain, but have rain suits. If I posted pics correctly, you should be able to check them out.

    Ready for Week 2!!!!!!!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    CW: 217.0 (using my home scale - I usually weigh on @ the gym but we are having awful weather so I may not have really lost 4.2!)
    I completed all daily & weekly challenges
    No bearwalk though :(
  • Jycooper
    Current weight 187.2
    Daily exercises.... Yes all 3 are done
    Weekly challenge( cals & water) no all 3 days are done
    Bonus 3 minute bear walk No
  • FitJ1210
    Thanks team for last weeks stats. Meredith.. I'd take that 4.2 lbs and run with it!

    Were only lacking Sarah's.
  • FitJ1210
    Checking in:
    current wt. 145 1 lbs lost
    daily exercise YES all were done
    weekly challenges (cal & water) YES all a success. drank lots and lots of water!!
    Bonus bear walk YES

    Great to see all of the wonderful motivation. It sure pushes me to be better

    Took a motorcyle ride yesterday with my man , KB and our dog "Hairy Dog". Awesome ride. Hit rain, but have rain suits. If I posted pics correctly, you should be able to check them out.

    Ready for Week 2!!!!!!!

    Sounded like fun... but no pics.