Quarantine weight gain?

Anybody gaining weight in quarantine? The past few months I'm up about 8.5 lbs. I still find myself logging but not having as huge calorie deficit without the gym. More urges to binge too. Anybody else struggling to stay motivated?


  • KrissFlavored
    KrissFlavored Posts: 327 Member
    If you're in deficit, then actual gain isnt possible, water weight gain however is if you've been consuming more then usual.

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    Yes. I at first lost a few, then quickly added them back on plus a few more. I decided enough was enough after several weeks of the scale continuously going up. I'm on a cut this week. I started a May challenge and then just set a goal for myself to workout at least an hour a day. I got a few DVDs on loan from the library, I have some of my own, but mostly use YouTube. I have found quite a few channels with really good workouts and just pick what I'm going to do every day. I'm used to working out every morning anyway, so all I lost was my gym for heavy lifting and the park for running. I'm supplementing with smaller weights at home and the park is open now. The heat and distance are going to be limiting factors in the running.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    No weight gain, but I have yet to lose my winter fluff. I've actually been more active as I have more time to get out on rides and we've been going for family walks...but happy hour tends to start earlier now that I'm working from home and don't have an hour long commute when I get off...so more beers poolside and more snacky eating in the evenings, so even though I've been more active overall, everything is evening out with beer and food.

    As far as being motivated goes, I just love to ride and the more time I have to do that, the better. I've unfortunately been nursing a bit of an injury the last couple weeks so haven't been able to do much, but I'm ready to get back out as soon as I can. The gym isn't a particularly large component of my fitness life, so the gym being closed hasn't really been a big deal. My trainer comes to the house every Friday and she and myself and my wife workout in the garage and driveway and then I just do some body weight stuff during the week. I figure I'll be sticking with this for the long haul...I have zero interest in going back to my big commercial gym once they are allowed to open...I figure in the best of times it's a pitre dish so I'm in no big hurry to get back there. Once my trainer is allowed to open her gym back up, we will just go there on Fridays to workout...it's a one on one training gym, so nowhere near the volume of a big commercial gym. There are never more than 4 or 5 people in there vs 300+ during peak hours at my commercial gym.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    I gained 4 lbs very quickly at the beginning of quarantine, after losing almost 70 lbs over the previous 10 months. It was my first reversal!! I've since managed to unwind that 4 lbs and then lose some new tonnage, but weight loss has been quite slow under quarantine. It's just boring boring boring being in the house all day and boredom-eating has always been a thing with me (and my wife). So I'd say we are succeeding at staying on track but our weight loss pace has slowed to a trickle of what we were doing before quarantine. We're trying to think of it as a win to be holding steady and even losing a few pounds, rather than getting into a negative mindset that we're no longer hitting familiar dieting metrics like "1.5 lbs/week" and such.
  • caffeinetanya
    caffeinetanya Posts: 15 Member
    I gained about 4lbs at the start-I had been working with a trainer 3x a week. It’s very hard for me to fit in exercise at home because my daughter requires newborn level of care so when I’m not working my partner and I are caring for her and trying to stay sane. We are trying to take her for a half hour walk every nice day (haven’t had a lot of those) and I started logging her again about 3 weeks ago.

    My partner was also cooking most of the food for awhile and he’s a trained chef-I ate well. But now I’m mostly making my own food again, or he is asking me what to make/giving me the details to track it so it’s been getting easier again.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Definitely gained about 8 pounds since it all started. Back on track now. Sad thing is that I got back to my January 1 weight (lost about 8 in January/February) then promptly gained it all back. Too close to the refrigerator working from home. :(
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    I’m like @bmeadows380, the shut down has given me way more time to focus on my goals and manage my diet. Working out 6 days a week and not being able to go out for dinner and drinks each week has allowed me to drop 30+ pounds since March 1.

    Life is always going to throw you curveballs and challenges. It’s how you respond to them that makes the difference!
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    Like @bmeadows380 and @briscogun, I haven't gained either. I lost my last few pounds very quickly after I started working from home (perhaps too quickly) so switched to maintenance not long after lock down started. Not being in the office means I'm away from the permanent supply of cakes, pastries, chocolates and snacks that were always being brought in. There's no temptation at home. Hopefully, weeks / months away from them will lead to more a disciplined mindset when I do go back to the office!

    Right now, I'm just eating my normal meals plus a handful of nuts or another high-cal snack to bridge the difference between my weight-loss calories number and my maintenance number. My daily brisk walk gives me a few more calories, but I do it more for some fresh air, to get out of the house and to maintain the muscles in my legs. Although I can no longer go to the gym, not eating snacks mean I don't need the extra calories a lengthy cardio workout gave me.
  • PapillonNoire
    PapillonNoire Posts: 76 Member
    I've put on 2-3 lbs since mid March, which isn't terrible. My new hobby in quarantine has been baking so even though I've had time to be more active, I've also been eating way more treats than I normally would. They've been 100% worth it, I have to say- I found a recipe for a Kentucky Derby Pecan Pie Cheesecake that was out of this world. I do need to reign it in before this starts to get out of hand though...
  • slb260
    slb260 Posts: 52 Member
    Yes! Probably about 8 pounds as well. I've hurt my leg/knee so can't get as much exercise as I like either. Stupid Covid.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    I've put on 2-3 lbs since mid March, which isn't terrible. My new hobby in quarantine has been baking so even though I've had time to be more active, I've also been eating way more treats than I normally would. They've been 100% worth it, I have to say- I found a recipe for a Kentucky Derby Pecan Pie Cheesecake that was out of this world. I do need to reign it in before this starts to get out of hand though...

    😲That cheesecake...😋
  • olive1968
    olive1968 Posts: 148 Member
    Yep, 8 pounds. I started worrying the “19” in Covid-19 was for how much weight I was going to gain. So I put a stop to it yesterday. Starting again, again.
  • jesslifts
    jesslifts Posts: 34 Member
    Yep, I’ve put on about 8lbs. I’ve been exercising a mix of weights and cardio 5 times a week but without progressive lifting and my usual level of NEAT I’m struggling. I’ve been logging calories to see where I’m going wrong and it’s definitely at the weekends.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Yes I am having a really hard time with food. I’m up about 10 or so pounds and can’t seem to stop the massive munchies.