Beating sugar addiction



  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    I'm going to recommend checking out "The Belly Fat Cure". I've lost 24 lbs. using it as a starting point. I did not buy all of the whole food store products it suggested, just followed the advice within and bought food at my local grocery store. The key is to come up with foods that are healthy, that you also like to eat and make it as available as possible. You can expect to have the withdrawal symptoms you speak about, but after that, it really does get easier... or at least it did for me... and have read of the same for others. Took me a solid 3 days to get better control, then another 2 weeks or so to really feel a difference, but only 1 week to see weight loss. I switched out my milk, chocolates, yogurt, cereal, etc. for better, lower-sugar options. Best of luck!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    I just purchased both "Potatoes Not Prozac" and "The Sugar Addicts Total Recovery Program." I hope these two books will help shed some insight on why I eat the foods I do and why I crave certain foods at certain times. Thanks again for your suggestions. I'm about to watch "The Bitter Truth about Sugar- Short Version" on youtube!

    Those are the two I would most recommend. I started out with her book "Little Sugar Addicts", reading it for my daughter, but I resonated SO much with what was in it that I moved on to her adult books. She has a website and forum as well - - and some email lists that are topic-specific.
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
    I have noticed I'll eat stuff with sugar in it without even thinking twice. It's such a natural thing to me anymore. I'll do it especially when I'm stressed. I hate it! I hope I can soon stop it and change my horrible ways!
  • humanskin
    humanskin Posts: 42
    I used to be seriously addicted to sugars. I'd have like 6-12 sodas in a day, a super sweet extra large coffee drink, candy (like high-test Skittles and other junk), and would be constantly shoving chocolate in my face in some way shape or form. Now, I never drink soda, avoid all candy, rarely eat chocolate (and when I do, it's in a small tasty quantity), and only have regular coffee with cream and no extra sweetener.

    How I did it, was I started by cutting back. 6 sodas became 2 a day which eventually became 2 a week, and then not at all. I started bribing myself with the sweets -- do this and you get to eat a little bit of that that guilt free -- and eventually, the reward wasn't worth it. As I was cutting back, I came across some information about how it might not actually be ME craving the sugar, rather an overgrowth of candida albicans yeast.

    Once I got to a point where I didn't feel like I was losing my mind without sugar, I started a detox program for candida. After about a week, I felt great and had no more cravings for sweets. Of course, chocolate is good and I enjoy it from time to time but I don't CRAVE it.

    So... maybe this could be something worth looking into for you?
    Especially if you feel like it's not you controlling your urges anymore.
  • dkbrummitt
    I am a sugar addict too. The pull is especially strong when I am stressed. When I am stressed i more or less forget to eat, then when i remember the first thing i reach for is sugar, sugar, with a little sugar sprinkled on top.

    I really had to wean my self off of it. starting w/ simple stuff like... making my coffee w half sugar half splenda..., using splenda in my oatmeal. Then when i was comfortable cutting sugar in the simple things, I took a deep breath and stopped cold turkey for about a month. I think the only sugar i had came from fruits, veggies, and my protein shakes.

    After a while, i allowed myself a coke zero, and it was like ambrosia from heaven. i no longer notice a difference between regular and diet. More importantly, i can make it past the Panera's display case without any real temptation. Though, I still have to avoid Krispy Kreme when the Hot sign is on.
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
    I have heard of candida. I never ever drink soda unless I am at the movies and I have to have a small serving of cherry coke. I don't go to the movies that often though ;-) My main cravings are for sugar and bread. Definitely sounds candida-ish.
  • I'm a complete sugar addict. If I have one sweet thing, then it sets me off eating sugar for months at a time until I muster up the strength (surrender to a power greater than myself) to stop again.

    I've recently been really struggling with sugar consumption, so as of tomorrow I'm a sugar-free zone and working out again.

    I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.