Accountability buddy



  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome @birdy1539. You’re on your way. You can still eat that good stuff, but maybe not so much or not every day. :) You got this.

    Ladies, I’m not gonna lie. I had a bad night. Really bad food and sleep wise. Kind of a disaster. Sigh. Today is a new day. Just got back from a run, and set a new PB — 4 miles in 31.11 minutes! Super stoked. Going to try and ride that high through to good food and sleep choices tonight. Hope everyone has a great day, and if you have a chance to shout at me to stay away from the chocolate chips, I wouldn’t be offended. 😆
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    @birdy1539 Welcome birdy! Congrats on your loss! Good luck on your journey.

    Well I didn't do good on the sweets end again today. I am about to do my exercise for the day. I have been doing intermittent fasting as well and it seems to help even if I mess up. Good news is this morning I was down almost another pound. Another good thing is I have been getting my daily allowance of water in but man it is taking my body a bit to get used to that much water. 😆 I can't wait until my body is used to the water again. Not going to mourn about my mess up. Just pick myself up dust myself off and keep going and trying. One baby step at a time. I will get there!
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    jvando74 wrote: »
    Welcome @birdy1539. You’re on your way. You can still eat that good stuff, but maybe not so much or not every day. :) You got this.

    Ladies, I’m not gonna lie. I had a bad night. Really bad food and sleep wise. Kind of a disaster. Sigh. Today is a new day. Just got back from a run, and set a new PB — 4 miles in 31.11 minutes! Super stoked. Going to try and ride that high through to good food and sleep choices tonight. Hope everyone has a great day, and if you have a chance to shout at me to stay away from the chocolate chips, I wouldn’t be offended. 😆

    Wow what a record! 4 miles in that short of time! Way to go! I feel ya about the chocolate chips. My daughter is wanting me to make her some chocolate chip cookies. I am going to do it but it is sure going to be hard!!!
  • Mahoganylit
    Mahoganylit Posts: 28 Member
    Another good thing is I have been getting my daily allowance of water in but man it is taking my body a bit to get used to that much water. 😆 I can't wait until my body is used to the water again.

    Yes. I can relate to this. I was lucky if I got 32 ounces of water in a day and my body didn’t like that. Just started drinking my Gal of water last week. And that first week my body probably felt like I was trying to drown it. I felt blotted. But this week it has started to adjust. I set a reminder in my outlook since I’m working every day that goes off every hour to drink water. And that’s how I’ve been able to get it in.
  • Mahoganylit
    Mahoganylit Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome Birdy @birdy1539
  • melc2910
    melc2910 Posts: 26 Member
    Omg me too!!!! Let’s be friends :)
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    Another good thing is I have been getting my daily allowance of water in but man it is taking my body a bit to get used to that much water. 😆 I can't wait until my body is used to the water again.

    Yes. I can relate to this. I was lucky if I got 32 ounces of water in a day and my body didn’t like that. Just started drinking my Gal of water last week. And that first week my body probably felt like I was trying to drown it. I felt blotted. But this week it has started to adjust. I set a reminder in my outlook since I’m working every day that goes off every hour to drink water. And that’s how I’ve been able to get it in.

    I am so glad someone can relate 😄😁 I found a calculator that estimates how much water you need to drink based on your age and weight. According the calculations it gave me I am supposed to drink 15-8oz cups a day which is equal to a total of 120 oz (I do better with cups than total oz 😆) I can so tell when I haven't reached my water goal for that day because I get so thirsty. It has also really helped with me thinking I am hungry. I have found sometimes when I think I am hungry. I am really thirsty. I am hoping my body will get so used to it that I won't have to make so many trips to the ladies room. That will be a happy day! 😆😁
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning all

    Hope everyone is doing ok?? My family needed a bit of a rest and reset as everyone was getting a bit bogged under with the lockdown and schooling etc.... So we took a few days off and had a reset. Slept in, watched tv, played outdoors, ate what we felt like. Its been lovely. Today we are going to do some baking so there are treats for the week ahead, and then on Tuesday we will all knuckle back down. We are going to enjoy a Sunday and bank holiday Monday and then hopefully everyone will feel like they've had a change of pace and can settle back in to work and things with a renewed vigour! (and that includes my diet!! :))
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    It feels so long since I’ve checked in and I’ve missed you all, Accountability Buddies! I was sick a couple of days last week and got off track with logging in to MFP but it’s good to be back.

    On the weight loss end, I haven’t budged! I’ve been on this 150-pound (68 kilo) plateau for just over a month. My short-term goal is 145 (66 kilo) because that brings me out of the overweight range and into the ‘normal’ - albeit high end - for my height of 5’4” (~163 cm). I’ve always felt my best at about 125 pounds so, ultimately, I’d like to get closer to that weight again but, it took awhile to get to this point so I’m trying to be patient and realistic about the time it will take to lose the excess pounds. My main problem is rebuilding my habits. I always enjoyed exercising - and I think I will again - but I’ve been unable to participate in the activities that usually keep me accountable and provide some fun social interaction. I used to row 3 days (or more) and play soccer (terribly but with a good sense of humor and a wonderfully supportive team) once a week before the stay-at-home requirement. Except for an occasional run, hike, lunchtime workouts with my son, or a long walk with the dog, I have NOT been able to get into a regular schedule of workouts! I’ll keep trying but I really miss the accountability that a team creates. If you don’t have the 8 (+ coxswain) people needed for crew, it messes up the row for everyone!

    For this week, I’m just going to embrace the variety - and the rewards/pleasures that each activity brings - so I can just concentrate on moving! I caught up on reading all the recent comments and so many of your thoughts and experiences resonated with me. I’ll try to respond in more detail, personally, as a follow up; but, for now, I just want to convey how much I appreciate the support and goodwill of this group!

    Welcome to all the members who have joined while I was sick ... and feeling a bit down on myself for not making more progress! I’m cheering for you ... for being here, showing up and taking care of yourselves. Best wishes in the days ahead!

  • Mahoganylit
    Mahoganylit Posts: 28 Member
    Hello All,

    @kiay131982 - Everyone needs a bit of a reset every now and then. So good for you all. Sounds like it has been a really relaxing weekend.

    @PatriceFitnessPal Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be apart of this group as well. Like you I’ve fallen off and gained weight that I didn’t see coming. Or wasn’t paying attention to. But since logging regularly again I’ve made a few friends on MyFitnessPal and noticed a difference in how I was feeling. It feels nice to be connected with others during this journey. Not feeling alone. So here’s to accountability. And as long as we keep getting back in line with our goals the finish line is possible.

    Have a great day all.

  • kmccrom
    kmccrom Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone I’m new to MFP and just discovering this group. I like the good vibes and support of the group and would like to join.

    Yesterday was my first day and it didn’t go great. I got low blood sugar and then binged. We had had a ‘graduation’ party the day before for my kid who finished middle
    School so a bunch of junk food in the house. Just the five of us who have all been home bound together but it was a good attempt to mix it up and celebrate her. But I literally ate so much my stomach hurt.

    I want to build my awareness of bad habits like that so I can curtail them. Eating regularly is important for me especially when I exercise a lot. I did noom last summer and it really helped me, especially the support through the forums. So here I am!

    I’m 51, and I want to be fit and lean through my middle age years. I struggle with emotional eating and I have trouble reconciling my feminism with dieting. I don’t want to diet, I just want to maintain a healthy lifestyle so I can be fit and lean. I try to keep any obsessions under control, partly because I have three teenaged daughters and am terrified by disordered eating. That’s a little bit about me. Thanks for reading and thanks for the openness in the group.
  • RinChillin
    RinChillin Posts: 4 Member
    Same Here - let me know if you want another accountability buddy. :) Looking for support as well.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Welcome @Mahoganylit, @kmccrom and @RinChillin. This is truly a lovely group for accountability and support :)

    After a week of family self care... Being as carefree as possible, I didnt weigh or track overly, I let the kids run outdoors and we ignored school work and just had fun and some mental wellbeing... I will be firmly back on track tomorrow :)
    Ive enjoyed the time we took as a family to only focus on us, but now we do have to put a bit of effort back into life and schoolwork etc :)

    I will hop on the scales in the morning to see what damage I did in the last week... But actually I dont mind, I know I can work it off again and it was so worth it!!
  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    Not doing good today. I don't dare step on the scales. I have been eating my feelings today. Struggling a lot today. Hopefully I can get my head back in the game tomorrow. 😕
  • swatersk
    swatersk Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I want in. I meal plan my lunches and dinners for the whole week. I do really good with that but my problem is snacking. Walking by something and just popping it in my mouth. It's a habit I need to stop!!
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    Decided to take a few days and pay more attention to how I was feeling and signs of hunger than the numbers. It really didn’t seem to make much of a difference. Back to tracking today. Anyone read any good books about maintaining a good relationship with food?
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    Ok amendment to my last post. As of yesterday am , taking time off didn’t seem to have made a difference. Today’s weigh in was 3 lbs higher! I did not binge last night. And I know some could be water weight. But good grief!! Tracking for 6 weeks- stopped the weight gain I started at the beginning of the shelter at home order- so a win there, but never saw the loss promised by the mfp calculator. I know- measure more tightly, track every bite, those things are key! But sometimes they feel so rigid!
    I have got to get better dialed in and a better mental relationship with food. It should be easy- eat when hungry, nourish your body, move on. But I’m eating too much- obviously! Back to my last question of my last post- any good books out there about repairing ones relationship with food and with self image? Thx for listening. End of rant!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    @kstpierre52020 I haven’t read any good books about maintaining a healthy relationship with food but I really liked ‘Habit’ by Charles Duhigg about the way habits are built, how we can replace negative habits with positive ones, and information that can help us resist being manipulated by marketing campaigns, etc.

    @kmccrom I am in a similar situation at age 53 and wanting to model the right balance of nutrition and fitness, without obsessing over dieting. That’s one of the reasons I enjoy this group so much. We’re all just trying to get better at living life and many people seem to be striving for a healthy balance in various areas of living. You’re so right that our teenagers are watching us and social learning is even more powerful, in my experience, than the ‘behaviorist’ approach of the Habit book I recommended above ... but I’m trying to work all angles!!

    My theory is that a behaviorist approach to change, like MyFitnessPal tracking, is best when the individual is ready for change and dedicated to the effort while social learning builds the habits more naturally through modeling, positive guidance and support. So, I think you’ll make it so much easier for your daughters in the future by offering them a positive example now! Good for you!

    I’m working on showing my teenagers that learning is lifelong and it’s never too late to improve. Thanks for your earlier encouragement on this point, @Mahoganylit!
  • Miss_Snow_White
    Miss_Snow_White Posts: 64 Member
    Oh may I join? I have quite a bit to lose (my first goal is 50lbs). My weight has been a life long struggle and since the stay at home order, not working orgoing to the gym and general depression of it all i put on almost all of the weight I've lost over the last 2 years. (Around 40lbs) I have to start all over 😭😭😭. I don't get support at home. My husband wont workout with me (he hates cardio) and couldn't care less about proper diet or me being on one. I run my own business so my lifestyle is always on the go and doesn't involve many friends. I need some kind of support system or I'm going to just keep failing.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    edited May 2020
    Welcome @Miss_Snow_White! You aren’t starting over because I’m sure you’ve learned a lot about yourself and your journey that you can now rely on! My feeling is that every morning (or every decision) is a renewed opportunity to make a decision that helps us feel proud of the person we’re becoming. If you have a setback, please be kind to yourself as another way to build a positive new habit.

    One time, when my husband was being critical of me (telling me I was procrastinating and making excuses) someone asked me a simple, yet profound question: Is that what you think?
    Your husband doesn’t sound critical but this feels like a similar ‘Aha’ moment of self-transformation ... So, good for you for seeking out your own support network!

    Just set a small manageable goal and post it here. Then, let us know how you are doing by reporting on your progress. We’re all in it for the lifelong habit changes necessary for our health. So, our goals differ but the accountability support is our common thread. We’re all pulling for you!