

  • JanetReyna
    JanetReyna Posts: 291 Member
    Girl I like working out and lifting weights, the thing is I have friends who have had a BBL and I like the look and it sucks to wait for results that long, I don’t mind waiting the thing is that I don’t know if it’ll actually get me the look I’m striving for.
    "Phatt booty" is genetics.
    And "muscular" booties behave pretty similarly to fat ones when they aren't flexed, only difference is they typically are rounder and less flabby. Not saying non-muscular booties are gonna be flabby in a gross way, but if they're primarily fat...well, that's just how fat is.
    If you're not 100% committed to the work, you absolutely won't get the results you want. And it sounds like you want a quick fix, so no, I don't think working towards a bigger butt will work for you at all. Just based on what everyone else is saying about you getting the same answers and continuously asking.

  • rdulco
    rdulco Posts: 12 Member
    Food for thought... having surgery to change our bodies is a topic that is controversial, like politics or religion... it’s each person’s own choice. I challenge you to research the process, side effects, and personal beliefs. When we adjust our bodies surgically, the fat will appear elsewhere; therefore, one problem you never had before is a problem you have now. It is also something that requires life long maintenance because if you don’t, then the weight gain/loss can ruin the look you were going for in the first place. So, with that said... both takes time and effort and both need to be maintained daily.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    edited May 2020
    OP: try and be happy with what you have. What if the liposuction goes wrong?

    I was formerly a medical negligence solicitor. I specialised in boob jobs gone wrong. I have seen some awful pictures. I’d never run the risk personally.

    THIS is what I think too. Surgery can go very wrong and then you can have problems for life. Is this fixation worth it? Really worth it? Then just do it. However, I have a sneaking hunch that after surgery you won't be happy and will have something new that you want to fix.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,473 Member
    M_GC80 wrote: »
    Big-n-jiggly you say? These should do the trick.


  • JanetReyna
    JanetReyna Posts: 291 Member
    1.) there have been several deaths in our area and elsewhere from people trying to get cheap booty lifts. Make sure you know who you’re dealing with.

    2.) fashions change on a dime. How many body “styles” have there been in the last two or three decades. Where are you going to be in four or five years when folks are over the Kardashian/rapper chick look and a pancake butt becomes the style? why do we have to strive to look like some”body” we’ve seen on Instagram ?

    3.) my former neighbor was office manager for a large plastic surgery practice. One of her “perks” was a free plastic surgery per year. She laughed and said it wasn’t worth it. Her explanation was that when folks have liposuction, and have fat removed, the body often compensates by making wierd lumps and bumps pop up elsewhere. She claimed to have seen it a hundred times and said no way would she have lipo done herself. I don’t know if she was pulling my leg, but it made sense and it’s stuck with me over the years.

    4.) I’d rather obsess over the quality of my knowledge in my head and my kindness to myself and others, than my *kitten*. That just bothers me, but each to their own, I suppose. This kind of smacks of pressure by, or to be perfect for, a significant other. If that’s the case, reevaluate priorities. YOU are worth more than the sum total of the shape of your two buns, honey.

    I see a beautiful woman in your profile pic. Lots of women would and do have plastic surgery to look like YOU. The grass is ALWAYS greener.

    Thank you so so much. I doubt anyone would want to look like me lol there’s many other girls way prettier than me but thanks. It’s just so so very hard to accept my body type. 1. I WILL ALWAYS COMPLAIN WITH THE CLOTHES I WEAR! 2. I LIKE THE CURVY SMALL WAIST BIG BUTT LOOK. 3. I FEEL I DO NOT HAVE CURVES LIKE MANY OTHER WOMEN.
    It’s just hard for me and it has always been hard, I really wish I was curvier and I love the look of a big bum, heck it even grabs my attention tbh.
    My butt has always been naturally a bubble butt but it isn’t as big as I wanted and I just feel with a fat transfer I will have more size to it.
    I just think weight lifting will make the shape nicer, but not the size.
    Sometimes I don’t know what to do anymore, I also want a small waist and my genetics don’t help at all.
    I am tired of posting and looking for help but I just don’t know what to do anymore.
  • JanetReyna
    JanetReyna Posts: 291 Member
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    JanetReyna wrote: »
    harper16 wrote: »
    JanetReyna wrote: »
    Well it was really hard for me because where I live no one really knows a lot about gaining muscle etc. I would post questions here and I would do the work but it didn’t work :( My butt never grew and I’m Apple shape so that makes everything worse. I accepted the fact I’ll never have the shape I want because my hips are narrowed. Surgery is so popular right now it gets me questioning if I want it, something mild of course but still, it sucks not liking your shape at all. Sorry if I was being annoying I just don’t have anyone else to vent to about this.
    harper16 wrote: »
    Just get the surgery and move on. I agree you keep posting this over and over again, but you never seem to want to put in any time or effort to get any results you'd like to see.

    It can take months or years to see the results you are wanting. If they can be accomplished at all. You can't expect to see results in a couple months. That's a drastic change. It's like me getting upset that I haven't lost 50 lbs in 2 months. It's not going to happen that quickly.

    And, in my opinion the girl in the picture doesn't look muscular.

    I don’t like the muscular look, I like the natural fat booty look. But tbh; I don’t know it my goals match the goal weight training gives you. I want it big round and jiggly. Not super hard like a rock, so I don’t even know what to do.

    Is it just me or is fat booty and fit sort of an oxymoron?

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    When I lost weight, I also kinda lost my butt. It was deflated and sort of flat. I started lifting and doing squats, deadlifts, lunges, step ups, hip thrusts, and glute bridges. I also gained a few lbs because my low weight was really low. Anyways, hubby loves my butt now and I have gotten compliments on my shape. When you lift in a small surplus, you can make some booty gains of both muscle and a little fat, which will help round your butt. Have you looked up Brett Contreras?
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    cupcakesandproteinshakes Posts: 1,096 Member
    When I lost weight, I also kinda lost my butt. It was deflated and sort of flat. I started lifting and doing squats, deadlifts, lunges, step ups, hip thrusts, and glute bridges. I also gained a few lbs because my low weight was really low. Anyways, hubby loves my butt now and I have gotten compliments on my shape. When you lift in a small surplus, you can make some booty gains of both muscle and a little fat, which will help round your butt. Have you looked up Brett Contreras?


    Also didn’t you recently have a baby OP Or am I confusing you with someone else? Go easy on your body if it just grew another human.

    Please don’t get stuff injected into your bum. Wear paddied undies if that’s the look you prefer. No one will know.