4'10" , and 165 pounds, anybody else?



  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,177 Member
    5’1” and 167lbs here. Goal weight 135lbs. My highest weight was 176lbs a few years ago. I lost 15 pounds by measuring my rice and pasta portions to half a cup. That’s it. Since then instead of losing more my weight is creeping up again. So I’ve started measuring again and being more careful with how many calories I’m consuming. I’m going to weigh myself in a week or two and track my progress. Good luck ladies! Feel free to add me! I’m very inspired by some of your success stories.
  • kdubsc
    kdubsc Posts: 6 Member
    5’ 5” at 173 Looking for motivation and support with healthy diet and exercise!
  • average2aphrodite
    average2aphrodite Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 4'9 and was 150lbs in January, now I'm at 136lbs by just managing my portions and working out regularly. I still have a ways to go (~15-25 lbs) but it's totally possible. The only advice I can give is don't lose hope, don't weigh yourself too often, stick to a schedule, and stick to your goals.
  • tjhodge4
    tjhodge4 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m 4’10. I was 169.50 I am now 159.50. My goal weight is 115-120.
  • madagirl81
    madagirl81 Posts: 72 Member
    I'll add you guys to the petites group so we can help each other
  • madagirl81
    madagirl81 Posts: 72 Member
    Ok so I've added everybody in this discussion here so you can all accept the invitation if you want, thank you!
  • madagirl81
    madagirl81 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you, love your words, I'm adding you to the group cuz we need somebody inspiring and encouraging as you
  • TayaCurragh
    TayaCurragh Posts: 709 Member
    I'm similar, im 4"10 and about 160. I started my journey at 168 which was my heaviest, i got down to 148 but have now crept back to 160 mostly due to stress eating since I've been at home. My current goal is to get back to 148 - I've done it once so I must be able to do it again!
  • karenlaundon1
    karenlaundon1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'4", age 46, and weigh 168lbs, which seems to toggle around 170lbs depending on the time of day. Not going to lie; I went on a bit of a stress bender for the first 1.5 months of this whole "thing" (e.g. nightly wine, booze, snacks, weed). Now I'm trying to correct course and make better choices. I'm trying not to get hung up on a weight#, but it is a good indicator of progress/regression. The warmer weather definitely makes it easier to stay positive and look forward to exercise.

    Triggers: Night time when the kids go to bed. I have been seeing that as a break and my time to have a little pity party. So, I have (a) started running and doing weight/floor exercises daily; (b) doing it after 4pm. That has been key for me. That way, the rush of exercise stays with me in the evening and I'm less likely to make bad food/drink choices after 8:30pm. The scale hasn't budged, but I think I'm on the right track! It's very helpful to read about your experiences and your journeys!
  • greyhoundwalker
    greyhoundwalker Posts: 21 Member
    I’m 4ft 10 age 55. Started Jan 2019 at 159 lb, lost 29lb and got my prediabetic blood sugars back in the healthy range. Been maintaining at 129-131lb since sept 2019. Was planning to lose another 12-15 lb this spring but then covid happened. I lost 5lb at the start of lockdown through anxiety but have put it back on again from comfort eating, that’s okay for now but don't want to continue gaining. I’m due back to work in just over a week which I’m anxious about, so I’m trying to prioritise good nutrition.
  • madagirl81
    madagirl81 Posts: 72 Member
    Awesome I'll add you guys to the group too
  • louisejen5918
    louisejen5918 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, my current weight is 209 and I'm 4ft 10.
    Just started this week. Hoping to lose a lot!
  • srsteinb
    srsteinb Posts: 5 Member
    5 ft tall, 31, current weight around 180. I'm trying to get used to tracking my food intake consistently before setting an official goal weight.
  • jantor07
    jantor07 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'0" and just hit 169.9 after being home for 11 weeks thanks to COVID-19 (not that I was thin before), but I added 10 pounds during this social distancing period. I love walking and I enjoy Tai chi, but I have to get a handle on my eating!
  • missgold2
    missgold2 Posts: 18 Member
    I’m 5’1 and 160 pounds my lowest weight was 140 I’m trying so hard to get there! Let’s be friends :)
  • madagirl81
    madagirl81 Posts: 72 Member
    Ok I'll invite you guys to the group
  • vegtolose10
    vegtolose10 Posts: 12 Member
    5' and need to lose the last 10 lbs 40+ . Current 117.5. Goal 110. Can you please add me.
  • Viylette
    Viylette Posts: 18 Member
    Hi guys. I am 5’1” and 135pounds and 46 years old. I am getting married in Scotland next October and I want to be 115 pounds by the wedding. So, I would love the hear all the tips you may have. And if you could add me that would be great. Thank you.
  • GetHeroFit
    GetHeroFit Posts: 27 Member
    5' even and currently at 169 lbs (down from 175). I'm looking to get back down to 130 lbs. And get back into running (I miss being able to just go out and run).