"H20" Seventy Days Til Halloween - Week 3 & 4

"H20" 70 Days Til Halloween Challenge (Happy Labor Day)
"Let the pounds 'fall' off"

Welcome, to those who haven't joined the group yet, you are more than welcomed to join in at anytime. You are ALWAYS welcomed. Introduce yourself and join in, its never too late. We always try to keep some kind of a challenge going on for everyone. The only think that I ask, is that we have not fighting going on in the forum. Other than that, jump in and enjoy!


As the "quote" in the photo, ever do something, or find yourself being someone that you don't even understand what you've done. Whether its to yourself, or your loved ones? I have many times I've questioned who I am. Over the next two weeks, I want you to try to understand who you are, and see what you can do the move past the questionable things you've done or said. This will take a little bit of soul searching, and in the end it should help you get more self confidence.

Dont forget to weigh in..

How many miles have you walked/ran of the 150? Are you struggling? What can we do to help motivate you?

How many Crunches & Lunges have you done out of the 1000? Do you need some extra inspiration?

Challenges for WEEKS 3 & 4

Challenge 1: Drink AT LEAST your 8 Glasses of water DAILY & Add some color to your diet. (Reds, Oranges, Greens, ect)

Challenge 2: Give yourself a mini makeover of some kind, to help you feel better about yourself. To remind yourself how much you love, you!

Challenge 3: 200 Push ups over the next 2 weeks. & Put together a "homemade" workout and stick to it, over the duration of the two weeks. (homemade workout, using things around the house to help you workout - its helpful for those who cant get to the gym, or cant afford the workout equipment) If you need help with the "homemade" workouts I can give you some ideas.

As always: remember your daily 3 positive things. You may list them if you'd like.

Quote of the week:

I hope everyone likes the new challenges, hoping for a good 2 weeks for everyone. :) Enjoy! I will have the next challenge up on September 19th. Until then, enjoy! -April Val

Dont for get to add your weight, Miles, Crunches, and Lunges.. http://bit.ly/r6OV9n


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thanks, April! I wasn't really going to do a workout today since I usually only work on Monday's.... but with the holiday I'm off! Yay for lazy days! Maybe I'll get out there and do some of the non-running stuff.... we'll see.

    Great challenges as always, I'm gearing up for my heaviest training week to date. I think there's 28 miles planned, including a 12 mile run this weekend!!! Yikes! I think I'm ready for it, but I'm still intimidated for some reason.

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • I think there's 28 miles planned, including a 12 mile run this weekend!!! Yikes! I think I'm ready for it, but I'm still intimidated for some reason.

    You got this!
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    yay! I'm am so looking forward to this set of challenges!!! Hope everyone is having a great Labor Day!!!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I shall try my best with the challenges, having a bit of time off from exercise, in the hope that when I hit it hard my weight will move.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    wow, 200 pushups! I guess I'll have to get started!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Love the new challenges. Thanks, April! :happy:
  • Im happy to be here and would like to join this group. This seems like a very supportive group to be a part of.
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Thank you April!!
    great challenges~will see what I can do .
  • Saw this post on the boards and thought it might be helpful to those who struggle,


    In dealing with eating issues, I tend to lose myself to the darkness of low self-esteem and self-criticism. I am my own worst enemy and I don't know how to nurture myself. I don't like who I have become. I feel like a failure to myself and to all of those around me.
    In working my program, I learn to surrender and to accept the things I cannot change. I gain wisdom and strength. As I learn to take care of myself, I begin to feel good. I become self-aware. I recognize my needs and work aggressively to make sure they are being fulfilled.
    I realize that I can choose how to react to the things around me. I accept my true self, I voice my opinions, and I make changes. I realize that people do accept me the way I am and I don't have to hide anymore. For the first time, I am able to re-discover my true identity.
    I learn something new about myself. I accept myself for who I am. I prioritize my needs and all of the responsibilities in my life. I find the courage to change the things I can, and I accept the things I cannot. I look in the mirror and with each passing day, I like who I see. I am doing this one day at a time.
  • LOVE the new challenges! They're just what I need. Thanks so much for posting them!!

    This challenge has really helped me to stay on track even when I have a bad day. Before I'd use one bad day as an excuse the next day and it would become a vicious cycle. The weekend was hard on me but I'm ready to reclaim the remainder of this week!

    I'll weigh and post tomorrow. Good luck everyone!!
  • khoran45
    khoran45 Posts: 91 Member
    Excited about the push up challenge and scared at the same time! I used to be able to do a lot of pushups but I have lost so much muscle and strength in my arms. So this will help build that back up! WOOT WOOT!.

    CW 152.4
    Crunches 230/1000
    Miles 7.32/100
    Lunges 120/1000

    1. I LOVE THE FALL and it is here in Northeastern Wisconsin!
    2. My pants are oh so loose today (NICE)!
    3. My fellow H20 go getters are AWESOME and great support! So blessed!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    I love the new challenges! I'm (finally!) back after being away for most of August, and I started today off with a run. Feels good to be back at it and I'll have to get on with the push-ups/lunges/crunches!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yay a new challenge!

    Sorry for not being around her very much, ladies. Our house hunting has totally gotten serious and we're in the process of BUYING a house! Amazing. So, the next couple months will be a roller coaster ride.

    Keep on being awesome, ladies!
  • Yay a new challenge!

    Sorry for not being around her very much, ladies. Our house hunting has totally gotten serious and we're in the process of BUYING a house! Amazing. So, the next couple months will be a roller coaster ride.

    Keep on being awesome, ladies!

    So happy for you!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Back down 1lb this week, 139lb.

    Glad to be back in the 130's not so glad I havent lost new pounds for weeks. Next week is the week though :D
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Sorry for not being around her very much, ladies. Our house hunting has totally gotten serious and we're in the process of BUYING a house! Amazing.

    Christine ~ YAY for you!! :bigsmile:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I think there's 28 miles planned, including a 12 mile run this weekend!!! Yikes! I think I'm ready for it, but I'm still intimidated for some reason.

    You got this!

    Thanks, Linda!!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    2 miles down for the week... 26 to go!!! Tomorrow's going to be tricky with my son's football scrimmage after school, not sure when I'll be able to run. I may just bring my clothes and to it when they take a break or something... we'll see. After we get home would work, but sometimes I'm too tired then.

    Total score tonight on some new jeans... a new Goodwill store opened next door to my gym (1.5 miles from my house) so I swung by there after work and bought 2 new pair of size 6 jeans for $4.99 each!!!!! Totally needed that because I do NOT have the money to be buying me new clothes, but I refuse to wear the size 10's I bought this spring that are hanging on me now! Not complaining, but losing weight is expensive!!! LOL!

    Keep being awesome, ladies... talk to ya later!
  • Hey everyone! I’m super frustrated right now! After weighing in at 160.6 on Saturday, I somehow managed to get up to 165.6 (a pound more than when I joined this challenge) – so annoyed. I’ve gone over my calorie limit on several days but made up for it with exercise. I’d love to hear advice from all of you who are steadily dropping weight.

    I’ve walked 46 of my 150 miles, done 550 crunches and 130 lunges – I hate those but need them!

    Challenge 1: Drink AT LEAST your 8 Glasses of water daily and add some color to your diet. Had 10 bottles of water yesterday and corn on the cob with dinner.

    Challenge 2: Working on it :-)

    Challenge 3: I’ve done 60 push ups so far and am enjoying my “homemade” workout of taking the six flights of stairs up to my office.