Pet Peeves While Running Outside



  • It's been mentioned but I'll say it again, big puddles!

    People who spit on the sidewalk while running in front of me.

    People who walk the middle of the sidewalk and wont share when you're running by.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    4) People who want to talk as I run by. I appreciate your friendliness, but I am breathing hard and have music playing. I can't hear you, and I definitely don't want to stop.

    This... Especially when I'm on the tail end of a 5K and I'm feeling like I'm going to die and really need to focus on pushing to the end of it.
  • When people in passing cars feel the need to honk and/or whistle as they go by.

    ^^ THIS!

    Also, when people slow down in their car and stare at you... Makes me sooo uncomfortable! :grumble:

    People STARE at you? OMG! Tell them to take a picture. It lasts longer.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    loose dogs for sure. Sure your dog may be friendly or whatever but I don't like random dogs coming up by me. I have a dog and she is always on a leash.
    Smokers on the trails.
    Yes the honking and other obnoxious like it.

    People who walk like side by side like on a narrow trail and see me coming up and won't even move pushing me off to the side. Your conversation can't be that intense that you can't move behind your friend for 3 seconds. I even say "on your left/right" or Excuse me and nothing. Seriously share the trail!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    People STARE at you? OMG! Tell them to take a picture. It lasts longer.

    Yes, not to stereotype, but 9 times out of 10 it is lawn men or other handyman-types driving around in their large intimidating trucks. :ohwell:
  • meowow
    meowow Posts: 42 Member
    creepy guys.
    people who talk to you while you're trying to pass by when you clearly have headphones on.
  • KatScarberry
    KatScarberry Posts: 40 Member
    Bikers on the trails that do not say "On your left!" to let me know they're coming so I can scoot over before they zoom by and scare the p*ss out of me and/or take my arm off.

    I agree with you 100%!!! Very thankful for the ones that actually do though!!!
  • janegeno
    janegeno Posts: 37 Member
    People STARE at you? OMG! Tell them to take a picture. It lasts longer.

    Yes, not to stereotype, but 9 times out of 10 it is lawn men or other handyman-types driving around in their large intimidating trucks. :ohwell:

    Bahaha! Just remember: the bigger the truck the smaller the junk.
  • I can't run (very bad knees) so I walk as fast as I can but I can add three more pet peeves:
    1) broken sidewalks (I've narrowly missed sprawling more than once)
    2) cars that make fast turns right in front of you
    3) cars that pass an arm's length away (or less) on country roads - that's just TOO scary!
  • lschramm
    lschramm Posts: 22 Member
    Biggest pet peeve? Bikes on the sidewalk!! As both a runner and a cyclist this annoys me to no end. When I'm running I hate having to run on the grass so a bike can pass. People seem to thing that it's safer to ride on the sidewalk, well no it ain't. Cars still have to pull out of driveways and sidestreets.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    I drive a truck with a six inch lift, but can assure you my junks bigger than my lift thank you!

    Pet peeve: teenagers that swerve at you , or cars that try to skim right by you as your running towards them with plenty of road to get over....
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I'm going to have to ditto the cigarette smoke - that drives me crazy!

    And also, the cat-calls. Seriously, why do men do this? I mean, just in general, not even when I'm running. What the heck do they get out of it except the middle finger from me??? :angry:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Any attention *at all*. I don't like people telling me to 'keep it up' (yes, obviously I was about to pack it in till I heard your words of encouragement), people who stare (yes, I know my boobs jiggle when I run, thank you), people who want to chat....
    I'm acutely self conscious when exercising. I would like to be the world's first invisible runner.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Biggest pet peeve? Bikes on the sidewalk!! As both a runner and a cyclist this annoys me to no end. When I'm running I hate having to run on the grass so a bike can pass. People seem to thing that it's safer to ride on the sidewalk, well no it ain't. Cars still have to pull out of driveways and sidestreets.

    exactly! I am a cyclist, too and this bugs me. We even have bike lanes in the city and I will see people on the sidewalk instead of those when they are available.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Snakes on the road:noway:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I like dogs too but I don't like loose ones. For every dog person who says "they don't bite" I have a story for 'fido' who was so sweet and snipped, bite or chase someone down. Keep them on a leash!!!!!!!! It is the law! Go to a doggy park if want them to run free.
    Okay now I got that all...ditto to all the ones mentioned but I also go to a free city track...It clearly says no strollers but I have to contend with people with stollers on the track, folk who bring kids on tricycles even those are not allowed either, toddlers who the parents are not watching and the run in your lane and you try not to collide with them or fall or those who are walking on the track and smoking!!!!!!!!! REALLY?!?!??!
    I think we all have forgotten social graces.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Snakes on the road:noway:

    I actually ran across a coyote during a morning run once, that was a little nerve racking for a second. I didn't see any others so I kept on going.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    OMG, the bikers on my trail do the same thing.
    The worst is one group of three cyclists that yell "jogger up" or "walker up" as they near you. And they yell at any time. The trail runs through people's backyards and on Sunday 9AM, these jerks ride through yelling at everyone they pass. I try to get them to stop, it worked for some time.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Bikers on the trails that do not say "On your left!" to let me know they're coming so I can scoot over before they zoom by and scare the p*ss out of me and/or take my arm off.
    OMG, the bikers on my trail do the same thing.
    The worst is one group of three cyclists that yell "jogger up" or "walker up" as they near you. And they yell at any time. The trail runs through people's backyards and on Sunday 9AM, these jerks ride through yelling at everyone they pass. I try to get them to stop, it worked for some time.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Inconsiderate people that block the paved path or trail and don't even attempt to move.