2020Lose 52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • laureljenn
    laureljenn Posts: 267 Member
    Starting weight: 204 on 1/1/2020
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 194.8 on 6/1
    Weekly weight lost: 2.4
    Total weight lost: 9.2
    This week's successes: Finished E-learning school year with my 3rd and 5th grader. No one died.
    This week's challenges: Saying no to alcoholic drinks when friend/husband hands them to me. Ended up having 2, so could have been worse.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Starting weight: 227.5 on 1/2/2020
    Goal weight: 180
    Current weight: 228.9 on 6/1
    Weekly weight lost: 0
    Total weight lost: +1.4
    This week's successes: Rejoining this amazing group after a 2-year hiatus!
    This week's challenges:

    I’m so happy to be back with this great group! 🥰

  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    @jm216 Welcome back!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Here is to a new day!
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Here is to a new day!

    Here is to a new Month :) Welcome back!
  • Lady_Beth
    Lady_Beth Posts: 2 Member
    I’m in! After three children, and a couple injuries, I need to get healthy again.

    Starting weight: 191
    Goal weight: 147
    Current weight: 187
    Total weight lost: 4
    This week's successes: Sticking to my calorie count
    This week's challenges: Very little exercise or water, and eating Chinese last night
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 685 Member
    Every pound gone is a plus, don't get discouraged if the progress is slow.

    Starting weight: 272 (1-1-20)

    Goal WT 220: ohhh that would be freaking awesome bro

    4/28 :267.0 Hoping for good progress in May.
    5/04: 266.1 ok May lets get this thing moving
    5/11: 265.5 holding steady, ready for a boost
    5/18: 266.6
    5/25: 267.3
    6/03: 267.5 reboot time refocus time

    Weight lost YTD: -4.5 June is gonna be great!!!!!

    This week's successes: Adding more core work, planks, etc, averaging about 8500 steps per day.
    This week's challenges : More weight training, healthy choices limiting carbs & added sugars
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    Current Weight (28-day average):

    Weekly change in 28-day average:

    Cumulative change (Month/Quarter/Year):

    This week's successes:
    • Accurate logging.
    • Maintaining meeting my step goal, added 100 more steps/day (current goal streak at 149 days).
    • Have returned to consistently strength training.
    • Getting med issues worked out somewhat by changing timing of dose.
    • Getting back into the groove FINALLY, at least somewhat.

    This week's challenges:
    • Slipped and had a mega-binge on Sunday. I think I've learned the lesson related to that one to avoid similar ones going forward.
    • This coming week will begin the cyclical downward slide. Must remain vigilant.

    Truly, I'm not sure what's going on with the weight jump, as I'd think Sunday's binge should have worn off by now (I did not eat THAT much as to gain more than a pound). With training water weight added, I was really expecting to see somewhere around 193-194. Must be some other water fluctuation... frustrating.

    High Weight/Stats:
    252.0 pounds, 5'1" F

    Challenge Starting Weight:

    21.5% body fat
    (currently estimated around 140)


    Last post:

    Current Weight (28-day average):

    Weekly change in 28-day average:

    Cumulative change (Month/Quarter/Year):

    This week's successes:
    • Accurate logging.
    • Maintaining meeting my step goal, added 100 more steps/day (current goal streak at 141 days).
    • Did strength training for the first time in more than a month.

    This week's challenges:
    • Can't seem to find the groove to get back into deficit
    • Stuck in a slump fatigue-wise, might be due to a new med, so checking in with Dr.

    Q2 History:
    2020/04/08: 192.5
    2020/04/15: 191.8
    2020/04/22: 194.5
    2020/04/29: 191.8, 194.2 (28-day average)
    2020/05/06: 192.3, 193.6
    2020/05/13: 191.0, 193.0
    2020/05/20: 191.7, 193.1
    2020/05/27: 193.6, 193.1
    2020/06/03: 196.9, 193.7

    Q1 History:
    2020/01/01: 197.1
    2020/01/08: 192.5
    2020/01/15: 190.7
    2020/01/22: 187.2
    2020/01/29: 185.0
    2020/02/05: 184.1
    2020/02/12: 182.5
    2020/02/19: ???
    2020/02/26: ???
    2020/02/29 (end of month): 184.7
    2020/03/04: 181.2 (estimated using different scale)
    2020/03/11: 183.4
    2020/03/17: 189.4
    Original post:
    I'm not sure I have 52 pounds of fat that I want/need to lose at this point, but I'm close enough that I'm going to call myself "in."

    Starting weight: 197.1 pounds
    (HSW: 252, MFP restart: 242.7)
    5'1" F

    Goal: 21.5% body fat
    (currently estimated at 140-145)

    Current weight: 197.1
    Total challenge weight lost: 0.0

    This week's successes: Getting back into deficit after a maintenance break.
    This week's challenges: Extremely low motivation (for life-ing in general -- not out of the norm, as I battle physical and mental health issues on an ongoing basis).

    A heads up: I will likely go faster than 1 pound/week for the first 4-ish months, then looking to tighten up and go into a slow loss followed by a recomp phase. I'll likely make 52 pounds of weight loss on the scale with some skin loss (hopefully), along with lean mass having to do with the support of the fat stores I have. I am aiming to maintain/increase muscle mass and bone density, so that may throw off the scale results. I do hope to reach my goal body fat percentage by the year's end, whatever scale weight that puts me at.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    Starting weight: 227.5 on 1/2/2020
    Age: 50
    Goal weight: 180
    Current weight: 227.9
    6/1– 228.9
    6/4– 227.9

    Weekly weight lost: 1 pound YES!
    Total weight lost: +.4
    This week’s successes: Logging
    This week's challenges: Continuing to log.

    I’m consistently getting exercise with walking my dog, yard work, and swimming, so I really need to log what I eat... that is what really gets things moving.

    Jill 👍
  • PurpleTurtle8
    PurpleTurtle8 Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight: 175 lbs
    Current weight: 172.4 lbs
    Goal weight: 125 lbs
    Weight change: -2.6 lbs
    Lbs to go: 47.4
    Weigh in on Friday mornings.

    5/8/2020: 175 lbs
    5/15/2020: 174 lbs
    5/22/2020: 172.2 - went low carb this week
    5/29/2020: 170.8 - low carb (relaxed on weekends) is working
    6/5/2020: 172.4 - tough week. hoping to improve again by next week.
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    edited June 2020
    Starting weight: 218.4 (12/1/19)
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 198.2
    Total weight loss: 20.2

    I haven’t logged since February since I was embarrassed that I fell off the wagon and basically gained everything back. The last 5 weeks I’ve gotten my crap together and have been more motivated than I have in a long time and am loving the results!

    This week's successes: I stuck to my calorie goals and workouts
    This week's challenges: Not to over do it on my cheat day- that sometimes puts be a few lbs behind each week.
  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    Highest weight 188.

    Starting weight: 135
    Goal weight: 120

    12/31: 135.0
    1/6: 135.0
    1/27: 143.0
    2/4: 139.2
    2/24: 140.2
    3/3: 142. 0
    3/10: 141.0
    3/24: 141.0
    3/31: 140.8
    4/7: 140.8
    4/15: 140.6
    4/21: 139.0
    4/28: 139.0
    5/6: 139.4
    5/12: 139.2
    5/20: 138.8
    5/26: 138.8
    6/1: 139.0
    6/7: 139.2

    Lots of rain and stuck inside with the chips and popcorn. Getting in some treadmill time.

  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member
    Starting weight: 190
    Current weight: 169
    Week 23 Total weight lost: 20

    This week's successes: Pandemic restrictions are easing up. Started daily exercise group again and softball practice is gearing up

    This week's challenges: I gained another pound this week. (Wrong Trend) Have dropped 3 pounds below our 52/52 curve. I really need to concentrate on diet this week.

  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    I am joining in. I need accountability, need to consistently track all my meals each day, need to make myself walk.
    SW 201
    GW 135
    Daily: track meals, snacks and exercise
  • osier5
    osier5 Posts: 429 Member
    Highest weight: 250 (07/11/18)
    Challenge starting weight: 173.2 (12/31/19)
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 183.4 (06/07/2020)
    Total weight lost: -66.6
    Challenge weight loss: +10.2

    This week's successes: I walked every day.

    This week's failures: I'm still eating too many calories.
  • mariatn2003
    mariatn2003 Posts: 238 Member
    Starting weight: 180
    Goal weight: 135
    Current weight: 176
    Total weight lost: 4
    This week's successes: I was active every day this week. Ate fairly healthy. Drinking more water.
    This week's challenges: Trying to go to sleep earlier than normal. Avoiding to have to wake up so much at night to go to the bathroom.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Starting weight: 196lbs

    Goal weight: 143lbs

    Current weight: 194.2lbs

    Total weight lost: -1.8lbs

    This week's successes:
    Working out consistently is getting easier and easier!

    This week's challenges:
    The usual - making good choices!