HELP! Can't stop GAINING weight??

I'm an 19 yr old female and I'm trying to lose 10 pounds of fat. I've been trying to lose this amount for the last 4-5 months. However, nothing I do seems to be working. I've tried OMAD for the first month with 1-2 hours of training a day. I then tried decreasing my fasting window to only 16:8 the second month because I didn't want to mess up my health (which led to me gaining weight the second month). Afterwards, I took a diet break to boost my metabolism and gained an additional 5 pounds. Now, I have started running 1-2 miles every day, and drinking a lot more water (about 80-100 oz a day), and no surprise, I gained 3 pounds seemingly overnight. My diet is extremely clean, made up of only whole foods. I track and measure my food too, and I eat around 1500 calories a day. Still, nothing is working for me. My best guess at the moment would be due to a hormonal imbalance, as I got my period almost a month late. But other than that, I have no clue why I'm not responding to any of this. Any ideas or tips?


  • sashabee25
    sashabee25 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 128 lbs (was 125 last time i checked) and 5'5.
    I wake up at 8am every morning to run 1-2 miles, and then walk until i hit my 10000 steps. Afterwards I do some additional ab exercises and some HIIT if I feel like it. The rest of the day I work at a desk (but I try to move around every hour). I eat whole foods at a deficit and drink tons of water throughout the day.
  • sashabee25
    sashabee25 Posts: 24 Member
    That is true, I expect to have slow results but I definitely did not expect to GAIN weight...
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,052 Member
    lgfrie wrote: »
    OMAD, IF, water, whole foods - none of this stuff affects weight loss. Focus on the calories. That's how you will get this done.

  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    OP does NOT need to lose weight.
  • Wendyanneroberts
    Wendyanneroberts Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks, I wasn't sure how to repost links.