Want to lose weight but have no idea where to start!!!

casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
edited June 2020 in Getting Started
Hello I’m Casandra I’m in my 30’s I’m 5’1 my start weight was 151 but..., I tried the VLCD (500 calories) I did it for 3 days and went down to 144 it made me sick and just wasn’t for me in the past few days I went back up (not much) to 146.6 my goal is 120-125 lbs I have no idea where to start and honestly I’m scared ( it that makes any sense) to give up food! I’m lazy (hence the high weight gain of 151! ) but I’m starting to walk with my kids we do at least a mile a day ... any advice or motivation is welcome!


  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Use the MFP calorie and activity tracker to set up your calories based on activity level and make a point to eat less calories than your allowed limit.
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    My calorie intake is at 1340 so I should eat less than that ?
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    When you exercise MFP will add in additional food calories for you. Don't eat all of them back. Maybe eat half the extra calories back.
  • llfurbi
    llfurbi Posts: 2 Member
    I am turning 58, 5'2" and over the last 2 years, I went from 117 to 141(all belly). I am trying a low carb diet change. It's been 16 days. Eating 700-900 calories a day, staying under 100 carbs, usually 60-70 and only lost 3 lbs. This programs says I don't eat enough, but this is who I am. I have cut out all snacking, carbs & sugar add weight. lol. Will the changes kick in eventually? Seems really slow progress or not working.
  • freda666
    freda666 Posts: 338 Member
    llfurbi wrote: »
    I am turning 58, 5'2" and over the last 2 years, I went from 117 to 141(all belly). I am trying a low carb diet change. It's been 16 days. Eating 700-900 calories a day, staying under 100 carbs, usually 60-70 and only lost 3 lbs. This programs says I don't eat enough, but this is who I am. I have cut out all snacking, carbs & sugar add weight. lol. Will the changes kick in eventually? Seems really slow progress or not working.

    Health issues aside, the problem with eating such a low amount is that it is unsustainable and you will probably just end up having a binge and undoing a hunk of your efforts.

    Eat a bit more; accept losing weight takes time.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,840 Member
    My calorie intake is at 1340 so I should eat less than that ?

    No, you should not eat less than that. The person above is taking rubbish. Sorry to say. Eat what MFP gives you, provided your rate of weight loss is realistic and not too high. And log your workouts separately, which gives you more calories.
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    @hipari i put the lightly active exercise 1-3 times a week because I just started and didn’t want to go higher than that just in case I didn’t do exercise more than 3 days a week I will adjust when my activity level goes up. I use the scanner option and verify the information is correct on MFP be the container I’m scanning. I do not have a monthly cycle as I had to have a hysterectomy in December. Thank you for your help !
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    @yirara if I choose to do an at home workout such as a routine I found on YouTube how many calories do I put for that ?
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    OK, even if you don't have a monthly cycle give it some time. Periods often create strong weight fluctuations, but those happen for other reasons as well, so it's good to give things some time before trying to readjust your plan.

    Good luck!
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    @melissatwill I think I’m going to just input the calories on MFP do my normal exercise routine and see how i feel if I don’t feel like I have enough energy I’ll bump my calorie intake up a bit . I have cleaned my pantry of the junk and put in mor healthy snacks and side dish options
  • melissatwill
    melissatwill Posts: 246 Member
    @melissatwill I think I’m going to just input the calories on MFP do my normal exercise routine and see how i feel if I don’t feel like I have enough energy I’ll bump my calorie intake up a bit . I have cleaned my pantry of the junk and put in mor healthy snacks and side dish options

    That sounds perfect!! It’s funny how sometimes in order to lose weight, we actually need to eat a little more calories, but it’s definitely true!

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    @hipari i put the lightly active exercise 1-3 times a week because I just started and didn’t want to go higher than that just in case I didn’t do exercise more than 3 days a week I will adjust when my activity level goes up. I use the scanner option and verify the information is correct on MFP be the container I’m scanning. I do not have a monthly cycle as I had to have a hysterectomy in December. Thank you for your help !

    MFP's designed for you to set your activity level based on your daily life (job, home chores, etc.), not including intentional exercise. Then, it wants you to log exercise when you actually do the exercise, and eat back a reasonable estimate of those calories, too.

    It seems like doing it that way would better suit you, if you're uncertain of exercise amounts? (It will put the calories on the day of exercise, but if you want to "bank" some and eat them on a near-future day, that's fine. Quite a few people go by their weekly total, to do that. (It can be seen in the phone/tablet app, on the Nutrition/Calories/Week View part of the app. I don't think it shows up in web-browser MFP).

    If you prefer to have the same calorie goal every day whether you exercise or not, a slightly better way to do that** would be to use an outside TDEE calculator to estimate your calorie needs, then manually set a calorie goal in MFP. (** That's because of some technical differences in how they typically do the calculations between NEAT (pre-exercise) needs calculators, which MFP is one of, and TDEE (all-activity) needs calculators. There are lots of TDEE calculators, but one I think is help full is https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ , which has more activity levels to choose from, with good descriptions of the activity levels, and uses/displays multiple different research-based formulas so you can see the range of variation between different studies' implications).

    BTW: I personally use the MFP method, with a pre-exercise calorie goal, then log and eat back exercise. Been doing it that way for almost 5 years now, to lose weight for almost a year, and now to maintain a healthy weight.

    It's good that you're checking the scanner results against the package, because the scanned entries are no more accurate than any others in the database: They're still crowd-sourced (user entered), so can be wrong, sometimes very wrong. It's not a direct data feed from the manufacturer, as some people imagine.

    You don't have to answer this question on the forum, but what type of hysterectomy did you have? Sometimes they leave one or both ovaries in place, sometimes they remove them. If you still have ovaries, you can still have hormonal cycles that can have water weight implications for some, even though you're not having actual menstrual periods anymore.

    Best wishes!
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    @AnnPT77 I filled out the information on the link you posted however, with all the numbers and things to look at my eyes went cross eyed lol

    In regards to the hysterectomy they did leave both ovaries.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    @AnnPT77 I filled out the information on the link you posted however, with all the numbers and things to look at my eyes went cross eyed lol

    In regards to the hysterectomy they did leave both ovaries.

    If the TDEE calculator is a bit much, I'd suggest you use MFP as designed, then: Set your MFP activity level based on what your life is like not including intentional exercise. Then, log your exercise when you do it, and eat those calories back, too. (It's fine to carry some over to a later day.)

    Some people worry that their exercise calories may be overestimated. A common strategy is to eat back half or three-quarters of them at first, until you have that 4-6 weeks of actual weight loss experience. At that point, you can use your average weight loss rate to figure out whether you can eat a little more for better energy/fullness, or can safely eat a little less to lose faster without it becoming unsustainable or unhealthful.

    Best wishes! :)
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    edited June 2020
    I can’t seem to eat all the calories I need for example yesterday I was supposed to eat 1340 cal and I only ate 1100 cal I don’t want to eat when I’m not hungry so what are alternative snacks or something that I can eat to help me reach my calorie intake for the day or is it ok to be a few hundered calories under ?