Want to lose weight but have no idea where to start!!!



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    I can’t seem to eat all the calories I need for example yesterday I was supposed to eat 1340 cal and I only ate 1100 cal I don’t want to eat when I’m not hungry so what are alternative snacks or something that I can eat to help me reach my calorie intake for the day or is it ok to be a few hundered calories under ?

    Nuts are good. Nutritious, calorie-dense, not very filling. Peanut butter is another. Avocados, full-fat dairy products instead of low/nonfat if you eat dairy, a little extra butter or oil or dressing on veggies/salad or used in cooking.

    It's fine to be under sometimes, as long as you're not overall losing weight at an unhealthfully fast rate. (Unhealthfully fast rule of thumb, no more than 1% of current body weight per week unless under close medical supervision, slower is fine; slower recommended if less than around 50 pounds above goal weight).

    If you're regularly and frequently that far under your goal, and are just getting started so don't know how fast you're losing yet, it would be a good idea to eat closer to goal calories until you have that 4-6 weeks of experience.

    It's not unusual to feel full and not hungry at first, especially if you've switched what you eat to include more of the less processed or whole foods, which many people find more filling. The problem is that undereating is unhealthful, and speaking as someone who did it unintentionally/accidentally for a bit, a person can feel great for a while, then hit a wall. (I got weak and fatigued, then took several weeks to recover even after I started eating more.)

    Also, undereating can feel fine for a while, but suddenly result in an an uncontrolled/way-over-goal day(s) if the body rebels (especially likely if under stress, or fatigued for other reasons). That's obviously counter-productive, and for a few people can set up binge/restrict cycles and a dysfunctional relationship with food.

    If you're having trouble eating enough, especially if you're already getting close to your protein and fat goals (those are important for health!), it's also fine to eat a considered portion of some treat food, and it can even be psychologically helpful to fit those in now and then. Some people like a couple of squares of good chocolate, a small cookie, an ounce or smaller of chips/crisps, some ice cream, or something like that. If you've been telling yourself not to have treats because they're "junk food" and bad for you . . . consider that eating too few calories is also bad for you. (Besides, the badness of those things is pretty overstated, if you're otherwise getting overall good nutrition, and having small treat portions. ) If you're avoiding treat foods because you can't eat them in moderation, then that's a different matter.
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    edited June 2020
    How much fats should I be eating a day MFP has me with a goal of not over 45 g of fat day a day is that right ?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,733 Member
    How much fats should I be eating a day MFP has me with a goal of not over 45 g of fat day a day is that right ?

    Many of us look at fat and protein goals as minimums, or at least try to get up close to them if not over. We need a certain minimum of fat and protein for health.

    When we cut calories, we still need that same minimum. At low calories, the percentage-based approach tends to put them on the lower side of absolute needs (but this varies because people choose different extremes in calorie goal).

    In health and nutrition terms, the exact amount of carbs matters less (unless someone has a relevant health condition such as diabetes), so those can be used to balance out the calories. (A few people find that eating too low carb hurts their energy level, or eating too high carb spikes their appetite/cravings. Those are individual, so you'd have to figure out via experience whether either one applies to you. As you'd guess, "too high" and "too low" is a personalized number, too, not an absolute.)

    So, try to get at least to your protein goal and fat goal, or close. Over is fine. Try to get a reasonable minimum number of daily servings of veggies and fruits, too (USDA and the like usually recommend 5+) .

    All of that protein-fats-carbs-veggies/fruits stuff is about nutrition and health.

    For weight loss, only calories matter, especially in the short run.

    In the long run, poor nutrition can cause fatigue (so we move less, and burn fewer calories). In the long run, poor nutrition can cause hunger/cravings, so cause people to eat too many calories. In those way, poor nutrition can indirectly affect weight loss.

    In a direct sense, weight loss is about getting your calorie intake (via eating) below your calorie expenditure (via daily life and exercise).

    Weight loss is just calories. Nutrition is important for health. Most of us want to be healthy, not just thin, though, right? :)
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited June 2020
    @hipari i put the lightly active exercise 1-3 times a week because I just started and didn’t want to go higher than that just in case I didn’t do exercise more than 3 days a week I will adjust when my activity level goes up. I use the scanner option and verify the information is correct on MFP be the container I’m scanning. I do not have a monthly cycle as I had to have a hysterectomy in December. Thank you for your help !

    After reading, this is what jumped out to me...... Just because you scan the items does not mean you are accurately logging your calories. If you want to accurately track your calories you will need a food scale.

    I can’t seem to eat all the calories I need for example yesterday I was supposed to eat 1340 cal and I only ate 1100 cal I don’t want to eat when I’m not hungry so what are alternative snacks or something that I can eat to help me reach my calorie intake for the day or is it ok to be a few hundred calories under ?

    IMO you probably ate more than 1100 calories because you are just estimating and scanning the bar codes of foods to log.

    Good luck with your weight loss!!
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    @Go_Deskercise i do have a good scale and do weigh things that I know could be more or under what the nutrition label says for example mushrooms says 1/2 cup is 20 cal (this is an example ) but there are 42 g in that cup so I weight the grams to make it more accurate ... is this what your talking about ?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,133 Member
    yes, weighing the items you eat is more accurate and so is double checking that the label agrees with the entry you're using.

    mushrooms are not the first thing I would worry about... olive oil or peanut butter would be much more immediate concerns (that said, of course I would weigh my mushrooms when striving for accuracy).

    the more common reasons for a currently overweight person to not be able to reach a deficit goal are usually:

    --incorrect database entries and under-estimation of portion sizes due to not using a scale
    --not including things such as liquids, condiments, spices, fish-oil capsules, vitamins and other pills, even gum in quantity... items that individually seem like nothing but all together add up
    --being taken in by the idea that 0 Cal food is 0 Cal in quantity (looking at you 0 Cal granulated splenda used in quantity in baking, and 0 Cal oil spray used in actual usage as opposed to imagined nano-second length sprays)
    --having done a compete 180 and eating food that is totally different than the food that they used to eat before.

    OF course other reasons could exist, but the above seem to be the most common. And are all relatively easy to remedy and mitigate with a bit of work and imagination! :smiley:
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,757 Member
    *Measure your food.* Limit processed foods. *Keep your food diary. *Drink plenty of water.* exersize.
    I'm in an ultimate accountability group that's real good.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    I’d like to add to Pav’s point that mushrooms aren’t the most important thing to weigh - if there’s no time or mental energy to suddenly weigh every single thing at first, build the habit gradually by starting with the more ”important” stuff to weigh. What you eat every day is more important than an occasional thing (those do still add up!), but if your everyday breakfast estimation is off by 100 calories per day, it adds up to 700 extra calories per week, 0,2lbs not lost (hypothetically) right threre.

    Next, or equal importance, are items with high calorie density: oils, nuts and nut butters, chips and chocolate etc, high fat meats, dense carbs (bread, pasta, rice etc.) and high sugar products, other high fat products like avocado and cheese. This is not a comprehensive list, just a guideline for things where you’d be more likely to make estimation mistakes leading to big calorie mistakes. While we’re mentioning high fat foods, I’d like to point out that fat is a good and vital thing to eat, it just happens to have more calories per gram.
  • casandraeaddy
    casandraeaddy Posts: 37 Member
    Weighing of the mushrooms was just an example. I weight just about everything (meat , cheese, etc) I measure the oils I use and scan those I do not weight the oils but I will start what do I put the oil in to weigh it ?
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,703 Member
    Weighing of the mushrooms was just an example. I weight just about everything (meat , cheese, etc) I measure the oils I use and scan those I do not weight the oils but I will start what do I put the oil in to weigh it ?

    For oil, the easiest thing is to put the bottle on the scale, tare it, pour out what you'll use in the pan/pot/... and then put the bottle back on the scale to see the difference in weight.