Currently 116 KG and goal weight is 75 Kg !

I keep saying to my self you can do it......
But then I look at the numbers and then get discouraged! Will this ever happen! Can I really do this! I would really appreciate some encouragement /sucsess stories!


  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    5kg increments😊
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 644 Member
    You can do this. My ultimate goal is also 75 kg, I’m 176 cm tall so that puts my in the healthy BMI.

    If it helps I weighed in at 135 kg last July and I’ve been hovering around 101kg for the last 2 months. Mo

    It can be quite discouraging, with a lot to lose I don’t get to downsize in clothing very quickly for example. Looking back at the last year I’m really pleased with my accomplishment even though my commitment has definitely wavered from time to time. My tentative goal for 2020 is to get below 90kg which brings me into the overweight BMI.

    The main thing for me is to hit 10K steps per day, if I do that for some reason it really sets me up to be responsible about my food and all sorts of other things.
  • carasnewlife
    carasnewlife Posts: 53 Member
    You totally can do it. It takes time, but you will get there! Take small steps and keep at it. One day at a time!

    From my personal experience... the effort is worth it. My life changed so much, I feel lika a whole new world opened up for me.
  • rkcle009
    rkcle009 Posts: 6 Member
    It is possible! I went down from 98kg to 86kg in six months it takes time. I used a Personal Trainer. It does help if you can afford.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Yes focusing on weekly goals of a pound or two worked best. In 9 months I went from 113kg. to 82kg, obviously it's do-able.
  • Geneveremfp
    Geneveremfp Posts: 504 Member
    One day at a time. You'll get there. In 6 months time you'll be glad you started today.

    I was about 110kg at my highest. Went down to around 75kg and maintained for a couple of years. I'm now back on it after pregnancy and breastfeeding meant I put 20kg back on. I'm just taking it one day at a time sticking to the calories and doing exercise and it's coming off.

    Look at 5kg mini goals if the big amount seems too much. Don't set a time limit - it'll come off when it comes off. If you have a bad day don't ditch the whole week just get back on it the next day. Before you know it you'll be at your first mini goal and then the next one etc etc
  • sirjamerie
    sirjamerie Posts: 40 Member
    Add me as a friend! I'm going from 111kg to hopefully 65. But for now I'm only looking at 96.4kg bc it will get me down in the obese type 1 instead of type 3. Baby steps.
    Search the plateau of latent potential! If you change 1% for the better each day, at the end of the year you will be 36 times better than now.
    I'm working on daily/weekly goals. Drinking water, more than 1.5 liters daily has been a goal for the last 2 weeks. I downloaded a 30days stretching app. Its not yet actual super hard workouts but I know I can't do those yet. But the notification on my phone helps and I'm getting in 10 minutes a day of at least some sort of exercise. It's not a marathon but no one wakes up one day and can do a marathon. They train months if not years for this. Think about how long it took for you to put on the weight, the loss doesn't happen overnight. But every day you're working on it you keep getting better. Honestly, the hardest part is to get into the right mindset and then keep at it. If you don't quit then one day you will succeed.
  • Farahfarooha
    Farahfarooha Posts: 7 Member
    Wow.Thank you all for the encouraging words and inspiring stories.Ok , so just to make sure I am
    Using this app right. Is it ok to
    eat that exercise calories it gives me on top of my regular calorie budget?
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    MFP (My Fitness Pal) greatly exaggerates exercise calories. When I used a Fitbit, the calories were only half of what MFP prescribed. So most (many?) of the folks on MFP will only eat HALF of the exercise calories MFP assigns their activities.
  • The_Movie_Chair
    The_Movie_Chair Posts: 112 Member
    Confucius — 'The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

    Small goals, reward yourself, and be honest, be brutally honest when you log your food. Every bite, weigh it, enjoy it -log it...repeat :-)

    Forget the weight, focus on your overall health and fitness -the weight will fall into place. It worked for me.
  • mhassan160
    mhassan160 Posts: 312 Member
    I keep saying to my self you can do it......
    But then I look at the numbers and then get discouraged! Will this ever happen! Can I really do this! I would really appreciate some encouragement /sucsess stories!

    Yes you can! I started 122kg last November and now 101kg , logged my food here every day and try to stay under calories, exercise 3 times a week for just 30 minutes, any type of exercise just keep moving and I set a realistic goal to lose 10kg every 3 months, don’t give up and you will post your success story here soon!
  • cleopold4
    cleopold4 Posts: 16 Member
    mhassan160 wrote: »
    I keep saying to my self you can do it......
    But then I look at the numbers and then get discouraged! Will this ever happen! Can I really do this! I would really appreciate some encouragement /sucsess stories!

    Yes you can! I started 122kg last November and now 101kg , logged my food here every day and try to stay under calories, exercise 3 times a week for just 30 minutes, any type of exercise just keep moving and I set a realistic goal to lose 10kg every 3 months, don’t give up and you will post your success story here soon!

    I'm 124 and started today with a similar attitude. Tx for your post.
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 443 Member
    You just keep going, even on the weeks where you think you should have lost weight and the scales don't move. You're doing it because you know that eating the right things and moving more is the most important, and if you keep at it, you will get there. I like the 5kg goal ideas. What about mini rewards every 5kg to keep you motivated?
  • Farahfarooha
    Farahfarooha Posts: 7 Member
    Omg, very inspiring .Thank you for sharing and the photos too! You look amazing 👊💪👏
  • Farahfarooha
    Farahfarooha Posts: 7 Member
    cleopold4 wrote: »
    mhassan160 wrote: »
    I keep saying to my self you can do it......
    But then I look at the numbers and then get discouraged! Will this ever happen! Can I really do this! I would really appreciate some encouragement /sucsess stories!

    Yes you can! I started 122kg last November and now 101kg , logged my food here every day and try to stay under calories, exercise 3 times a week for just 30 minutes, any type of exercise just keep moving and I set a realistic goal to lose 10kg every 3 months, don’t give up and you will post your success story here soon!

    I'm 124 and started today with a similar attitude. Tx for your post.

  • Farahfarooha
    Farahfarooha Posts: 7 Member
    We got this! This people did it and so can we. I like the idea of mini goals .Like 5 kg a time.So let’s lose 5 KGs :wink:
  • petethebest
    petethebest Posts: 6 Member
    I started out at 115 kg last July and am now at 94kg. I too am aiming for <75kg and I had hoped to be there by next month. Obviously that won’t happen now! but I’m alright with the slow and steady progress because for the first time in my life I am also trying to address the deep psychological factors that have been the root cause of my yo-yo weight cycles my whole life. Once I see the overall downward trend that keeps me going. I agree with all the other comments re logging, mini-goals and other great advice but for me, half-way through my journey, it’s only when I changed the goal to be enjoying the process rather than straining for a number have I felt happy and self-sufficient in my weight loss. Impatience has always been a weakness of mine so I fully relate to the desire to get there ASAP, but once you start to see positive changes day by day, week by week,they all add up! It totally can be done. Best of luck to you!
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