Why do I keep eating chips.

5 11 315lbs 26 year old , been on a really strict low calorie diet for a month now and keep eating chips just can’t get over them. The goal for me is 165 lbs with in next year like I once was.


  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Chips are a major comfort food for me. My grandma loved chips and we would eat them together, so it triggers really good memories. I just can't have them in the house, I just don't buy them.
  • KimiAR
    KimiAR Posts: 117 Member
    If for some reason you’re in an environment where you cannot get rid of them (is a spouse has them around or you give them to kids every day) then you have to keep yourself from starting. Don’t have the first one. After that I’m toast. So I don’t even have one. It’s more like a game I play w myself. I also put them away stat so they aren’t in my face. No I don’t even bother with portion control... I WILL eat four portions. So I cannot start.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,573 Member
    I have chips every now and then. But then I don’t have dinner as the calories are about the same. Usually I prefer my dinner, because sateity. Sometimes I chose the crisps
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    Salt craving? Try buying a small tin of flavored almonds. They are salty, but have protein and are more filling. Be sure to measure them out first- it's easy to over do them.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    We can learn to moderate ourselves with foods and portions.

    Believing that you can't is tiptoeing around the truth. Healthy stuff is still healthy but it doesn't make you 'thin' or fit. When the cure becomes worse than the dilemma, Houston, we've got another problem on our hands.

    Throw all that dieting dogma out the window. While the how, how, hows are really nice to have the why, why, whys are equally important. We've been laying down tracks and creating neural pathways in our brain since the day we were born. They're really strong and we are bent on survival.

    The brain is the strongest muscle in the body. It's powerful. It can help you push through any food obstacle if you'll train it with some brain training. You can't pull the rug right out from underneath your brain because it's stronger than any diet.

    Heckatoot. You can remove more than half of a stomach and the brain will still win. The appetite control center is located in the brain and not the stomach. That's why WLS patients can eat it all back just like serial dieters. It's not the stomach we need to remove, it's the brain we need to fix.

  • Lildarlinz
    Lildarlinz Posts: 276 Member
    I wasn’t sure from some of the comments what chips were.
    If it’s crisps...I usually have the potato ones like quavers,squares,wotsits as they are only 79-99 calories depending which ones you get.I used to eat the big bags of Thai sweet chilli and they were like 600 calories and high fat content haha!!

    As for chips! I love chips too! I buy a bag of potatoes and make my own x you don’t get many for the grams, but they satisfy your chip needs
    Also in Iceland slimming world do the same chips...they are nice too but again you don’t get many for the Grams :(
    Or another possible solution is if you can save some of your calories up from the week that you don’t eat, you could treat yourself to a bag of chips from the chip shop on the weekend :D
  • Lynatea
    Lynatea Posts: 311 Member
    Chips are my crack, I cant have them in the house.
  • bdelaney33
    bdelaney33 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm with you...big fan of chips. If I don't have those; revert to peanuts... which; calories wise is just as bad unfortunately,
  • KingsGirl4
    KingsGirl4 Posts: 152 Member
    I think for most people it's the crunch craving. What worked for me was buying bran flakes cereal and eating that dry in 1/2 cup servings. It was delicious, nutritious and really gave me the fulfillment of chips.

    I also strongly disagree with 1200 cal/day. I did that for awhile and it had the opposite affect on me where I started under eating. I suggest finding a site where you can calculate your macros based on your individual needs.
  • Marisela170
    Marisela170 Posts: 48 Member
    Just don’t buy them. I don’t keep any of my major temptation foods in my apartment. It’s just easier that way.

    Sometimes I’ll buy a single serving size as a treat so it’s not like I cut it out completely but it’s just better not to have them available 24/7

    Definitely would be best. I find them addicting and if I buy the box of them from Costco I’ll go through it in less than a week. So maybe just don’t have them readily available.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Chips are my crack, I cant have them in the house.

    Same here. Especially salt and vinegar kettle chips! I just don't bring them in the house. I can moderate almost all other foods just fine but not chips. If they are in the house, I'm going to go at them until they're gone.