Protruding Belly / Fat % 24.7 / Skinny

I have a protruding belly, looks like a bowling bowl. I look 3 mths pregnant.

But i'm actually skinny. and I have never been pregnant before. I started having the belly 3-4 years ago.

Weight : 45.5 kg
Height 156cm
Fat % 24.7
Muscle mass 32.1 kg
Visceral fat 3
Age 43

Questions :
- What can I do to get rid of this bloating belly ?
- For body transformation, should I focus on building muscles through strenght training first, or cardio to burn fat first ?
- What is the ideal diet to get rid of belly ? Currently, I'm pro-vegetarian (80% of my meals are vegetarian ). I do not consume alcohol, nor coffee, not do i have a sweet tooth.
- Will juice fast help ?
- Could my protruding belly be due to blocked intestines (indigestion) or bloating besides visceral fat?

Sadly my belly got worse during lockdown....


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I've always found that consistent strength/weight training is really good for the whole body but it noticeably helps the abdominal area too.
  • QueenOfVines
    QueenOfVines Posts: 50 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Has it always been this way or is this a new issue? If it's new, talk to your doctor. If it's old, I would say to build core strength (so that your ab muscles tighten up) and consider whether you are eating so much fiber that it's blowing you up and making you gassy. Some probiotics or digestive enzymes might help you break down all the plant matter you eat. If you had an intestinal blockage, you would not be pooping and that would be a medical emergency. You would notice.

    Maybe its age. Or maybe im too successful at my attempt to gain weight....n i gained the wrong kind of weight maybe?

    I was 37-39kg in 2015. (I was really really skinny)
    Then 43 kg in 2016
    Today im 45.5-46 kg.

    Im taking milk kefir for probiotics....

    Thanks for the suggestions on digestive enzymes.. perhaps i should try that.
  • QueenOfVines
    QueenOfVines Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 2020
    harper16 wrote: »
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Has it always been this way or is this a new issue? If it's new, talk to your doctor. If it's old, I would say to build core strength (so that your ab muscles tighten up) and consider whether you are eating so much fiber that it's blowing you up and making you gassy. Some probiotics or digestive enzymes might help you break down all the plant matter you eat. If you had an intestinal blockage, you would not be pooping and that would be a medical emergency. You would notice.

    Maybe its age. Or maybe im too successful at my attempt to gain weight....n i gained the wrong kind of weight maybe?

    I was 37-39kg in 2015. (I was really really skinny)
    Then 43 kg in 2016
    Today im 45.5-46 kg.

    Im taking milk kefir for probiotics....

    Thanks for the suggestions on digestive enzymes.. perhaps i should try that.

    The last time you asked this question you shared your picture, and the only reason you had a belly was due to bad posture.

    Posture adjusted.

    (Note the seam of the dress is slanted)



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    If you deliberately gained weight, having it go to the belly is no surprise. While paying attention to your digestion, consider recomp (increase muscle mass, decrease fat mass) while making sure to give enough attention to core strength. That should take care of it. Getting enough protein to build muscle is important in this endeavor. You have a nice figure overall and I think you can make it work.

  • QueenOfVines
    QueenOfVines Posts: 50 Member
    I didn't used to have this belly.

    But of cos i was a lot skinnier in the past.

  • Someonerandom1
    Someonerandom1 Posts: 13 Member
    Is it all the time or does it come and go? At 43 maybe you’re starting perimenopause?
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 921 Member
    Jillian michaels work outs will help you.
  • QueenOfVines
    QueenOfVines Posts: 50 Member
    Is it all the time or does it come and go? At 43 maybe you’re starting perimenopause?

    Started having belly about 2-3 yrs ago...i do not know if it's due to perimenopause or because i have been gaining weight over those years.
  • QueenOfVines
    QueenOfVines Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 2020
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    You don’t need to lose weight. You’re underweight already. Stop obsessing about your stomach.

    I never said anything about losing weight in my post. Read my heading ,it says "SKINNY".

    In fact, i have been working on gaining weight all these years. Im happy about the weight gained!

    What i am saying : "losing fat", "losing belly".

    I actually want to continue to gain weight. The right way.
  • QueenOfVines
    QueenOfVines Posts: 50 Member
    OP. Are you in recovery from an eating disorder?

    Lifting weights is the way forward for you. No more weight loss.

    No. I have no intention to lose weight. Just lose fat. N hopefully gain muscle mass.

    Ive been skinny all my life, ever since i was a tiny child. No intention to go back there!