How do I fix my thinking?

So last weekend I decided to count up how many times I think about my weight on a typical work day and it was over 100 times ๐Ÿ˜” That's when I decided to start back losing weight. But I'm afraid even whe the weight starts coming off and I get where I want to be, I'll still think about it a lot. Anyone have advice? (Btw morbidly obese, still breastfeed a 4 month old, and have a two year old)


  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Postpartum symptoms can be all over the map. There's another similar thread and I'm not making any comparisons whatsoever.
    Bottomline: Just sit down with someone face-to-face and talk this through.
  • suegreg2
    suegreg2 Posts: 38 Member
    This is great advice!
    "In the meantime, you need to find a way of cutting yourself some slack. Easier said than done, I know. But you said you are breastfeeding your 4 month old, and you have a 2year old as well. I imagine most days you are just doing what you need to to get brought the day. Maybe just give yourself a couple of small goals for now, like drinking 2l of water, have 5 portions of veg, etc. Little manageable things you can do that will help you to feel a bit better physically or mentally. Then every time you think negatively about your body/weight, tell yourself that you are doing what you can. For every negative thought you have, try to force yourself to find a positive. Write the positive down somewhere."

    Small goals and rewards help build a positive mindset. I set my goals one day at a time - sometimes one meal at a time. As juvenile as it may sound, I put a star on my calendar when I have a good food day. Another star goes on when I exercise for at least 20 minutes. I love the suggestion of writing positive thoughts about yourself. I am going to take this advice and write a positive comment in the note section of my food journal.

    This is a life long journey. Lots of ups and downs. It helps to have support from family/friends and there are lots of us here on MFP who will cheer you on!

    Best wishes for a great day!

  • creesama
    creesama Posts: 128 Member
    In the meantime, you need to find a way of cutting yourself some slack. Easier said than done, I know. But you said you are breastfeeding your 4 month old, and you have a 2year old as well. I imagine most days you are just doing what you need to to get brought the day. Maybe just give yourself a couple of small goals for now, like drinking 2l of water, have 5 portions of veg, etc. Little manageable things you can do that will help you to feel a bit better physically or mentally. Then every time you think negatively about your body/weight, tell yourself that you are doing what you can. For every negative thought you have, try to force yourself to find a positive. Write the positive down somewhere.

    Thank you, these are excellent suggestions!! My husband has been trying to convince me to be easier on myself. He says " Be nice to my wife." He's the one who suggested finding forums for support. I will definitely keep counseling in mind, especially if the excessive thoughts don't decrease as I make headway with my goals.