Lose 10 lbs in September Challenge



  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    For those that have trouble drinking 64 oz. of water a day. I found these Rubbermaid containers @ Walmart that hold 64 oz, exactly. I fill it up each night and I pour my glasses of water out of that container. I just make sure it's empty by the end of the next day and repeat! I drink water all the time anyway but was never sure how much (or I'd forget how many glasses I had). Hope that helps! :o)
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member

    I am pretty new here and have read a lot of conflicting things. Simply put...If my calorie goal is 1200 calories than my net calories at days end should be 1200, correct? If I burn 300 exercising, I should eat 1500 for a net of 1200?

    Sorry, I know people ask this a lot and I searched the forums and read a number of different things. Is what I gathered correct?

    Thanks :)

    The math on that is correct, yes, but it's a very controversial issue. Most people on MFP will tell you that whatever you burn exercising, you need to eat back and just don't go over your calorie goal. My personal trainer told me that this concept can be dangerous and counterproductive to weight loss. Your body needs fuel, especially if you're working out a lot, but the point of creating a deficit is to lose weight. The bigger the deficit, the more weigh you lose. I personally strive to eat a minimum of 1,200/day. My MFP calorie goal is 1,220. If I exercise and burn off 500 calories and I'm not hungry, I leave my net calories at 720 and don't fret too much about it. MFP will scold you if you consume less than 1,200, but not if your net is 1,200. The thing about losing weight is that everyone's body is different. Some things that work for some people don't always work for others. If you notice that you've hit a plateau, try eating back your exercise calories. If you've already been doing that, try not eating them back. Sometimes you just have to confuse your body because it gets used to what it's doing. I know that answer is pretty vague, but it's all I got...
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    For those that have trouble drinking 64 oz. of water a day. I found these Rubbermaid containers @ Walmart that hold 64 oz, exactly. I fill it up each night and I pour my glasses of water out of that container. I just make sure it's empty by the end of the next day and repeat! I drink water all the time anyway but was never sure how much (or I'd forget how many glasses I had). Hope that helps! :o)

    Great suggestion! I do the same thing...kind of. I have a 32 oz. mug that I keep at work and I fill it up every morning and won't leave work until it's empty (from drinking, not pouring into my plants!) :laugh:

    Then at home I have a 24 oz. cup that I fill up twice and finish off before I go to bed.

    Having a favorite cup that you know the oz. on is an excellent way to get that water in. Thanks for sharing!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated?? :drinker:

    Water is USUALLY not a problem for me (except these last couple of days because I've been slacking) so this part shouldn't be too hard for me.

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it.

    I'm going to cheat a little like some others have and call road biking my new exercise, simply because I'm still new to it. I recently invested in a road bike and my husband and I have started riding and it's SO much fun! We've also started taking a spin class at the Y. AND I'm supposed to start taking a yoga class (once my schedule calms down in a week or so). Cycling and yoga are both supposed to be really good cross training for my running, so we'll see how that works out for me. Next race is September 24th!

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    Hmm...what got me where I am today...lots of things! I was always overweight as a kid and was always made fun of for it, but I pretended like it didn't bother me. Then I had a tough breakup when I was in high school that sent me into a bout of depression and I really didn't care about much of anything. I started college and gained the freshman 50 instead of the freshman 15 because I was at a small bible college - and those church ladies sure do know how to cook - and I sure didn't know how to show any restraint! After 2 years of bible school I started "normal" college, got married, was working 2 jobs to pay for school, and the weight just kept going up and up. In 2008 my dad was arrested and in 2009 he actually WENT to jail for growing pot and that was a huge struggle for me because I'm definitely a daddy's girl. He missed my college graduation, which was pretty hard on me and after seeing my graduation picture for the first time, I knew that fat depressed person wasn't who I wanted to be. I joined the Y shortly after graduation and weighed in at my highest weight of 290 in January of 2010. I started South Beach diet and lost about 25 lbs. then gained it all back and then some when I quit following it. My weight crept back up to 282 by the end of 2010 and I knew I had to do something or I was never going to get the weight off. I am now only working one job and have no kids, so it's the perfect time for me to be focusing on myself and getting to where I want to be.

    I work for a hospital, so they're pretty big on promoting wellness. In January 2011 I joined the Meltdown at work (sort of like Biggest Loser) and was a big advocate for our team. Meltdown ended at the end of April and I had lost almost 30 lbs. By this time I had ran my first 5K and discovered MFP (in March) and knew I couldn't just give up on all the progress I had made. I hired a personal trainer in July and reactivated my Y membership in August and have lost another 20 lbs. I made it my New Year's Resolution (corny, I know) to get under 200 lbs in 2011. I'm currently 4 months and 35 lbs away from meeting that goal.

    This monthly 10 lb challenge is tough (most people don't actually hit 10 lbs) but it's great motivation for those who actually actively participate. dhiggins8 was the originator of this challenge and he is now in the maintenance phase of his weight loss journey and has thus passed the torch. I love "meeting" all of you and hearing your stories and look forward to an awesome month of weight loss goals being met and NSV's being shared. It's not always about the numbers on the scale - though it's nice to see that number get smaller. The bigger victories are on the inside - the way we feel about ourselves, the difference that others see and share, the healthy transformations that make life that much longer. If you don't hit 10 lbs lost this month, don't worry about it - the important thing is that you're here and you're trying.

    Here's to a happy, healthy month! :drinker:
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated?? drinker

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    1. I drink about 10-15 cups daily.
    2. I hate pushups but I will try to do them.
    3. Dedication got me here, I would have given up a long time ago. The day I went shopping with friends. I passed by a mirror and I was disgusted with the way I looked. I knew I had to lose weight, but I was very delusional thinking I looked great. I stopped being active around Junior High and that's when the pounds piled on. I've tried losing weight numerous times, but I gave up because I failed to make it under 200lbs. This time is different ever since seeing 190 on the scale for the first time in years I am determined to reach my goal.
  • majikwon1961
    1. I w'ill drink 64oz. of water this week.
    2. My new exercise I'm going to do is chopping wood.
    3. I was in a bad car accident in 1995 and have herniated disc in my back and neck and an ankle that was pretty messed up, had to have surgery to put it back together. I suffer from depression so being unable to do the things I use to was hard. So I went to food. My son got an ex-girlfriend pregnant. I want so badly to be able to play with Grandson like I did my own kids. He's 4 months old. We've been getting him every weekend cause his mom is having some problems dealing with everything. Which I love. He is the reason I want to live longer, I don't want to die due to a complication from obesity. I'm 50 and I feel like I have many more years ahead of me and I want to be healthy.
  • tnmarie

    Gotcha, that makes sense. I will just have to see what works for me. I appreciate you taking the time to respond :)
  • mom2BandD
    mom2BandD Posts: 101 Member
    I agree with the host of this, ie. unless you are hungry do not eat your exercise calories. I have been doing this and the weight is coming off. I have lost almost 6 lbs in 4 weeks. Listen to your body, if you need food eat.
  • kciboo
    Hi MFP friends! Just logging on for the night and so thankful for this thread. It's the "worst time" of the day for me right now. I had my 1200kcals and I am not hungry right now, but boy, am I getting antsy.

    I think I get food withdrawal symptoms at night. I'm not yet at the point where keeping busy keeps me away from thinking about eating at night ie. reading, going online, going for a walk, but reading all your posts REALLY is so helpful to reailze I am not alone and gives me that extra bit of umph to NOT give in to my anxiety by eating.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    By me eating 1200 and not eating back my exercise calories I lose weight. it works for me but i have a very sedentary life and am short. So I'm sure its different for everyone. But last year I ate my exercise calories and DIDNT lose weigh - but my food choices were also not the best like this time around. I dont always eat the best but about the majority of my meals are healthy now.

    Being home today for the Holiday made it hard for me to eat right - I managed to stay under my calories thanks to my run but my food choices have not been the best all weekend! I think i'm up 2pds but hopefully can get them back off by Friday's weigh in!

    Let's do this!
  • bwesser
    Ugh, not such a good day today. I managed to stay under 2000 calories, but no where close to the 1320 that MFP suggests. I'm hoping this doesn't set a trend for the week. I'm hoping to see a drop of 1lb this Friday when I weigh in.

    Has anyone else had issues with today being a holiday?
  • tnmarie
    Ugh, not such a good day today. I managed to stay under 2000 calories, but no where close to the 1320 that MFP suggests. I'm hoping this doesn't set a trend for the week. I'm hoping to see a drop of 1lb this Friday when I weigh in.

    Has anyone else had issues with today being a holiday?

    It doesn't need to set the trend for the week. If you missed your mark today, tomorrow is a new day. One of the reasons I gained 50lbs instead of 20lbs is I just figured I am off track, might as well stay off track. Lots of water and a fresh new start tomorrow. We can do it together :)
  • tnmarie
    mom2BandD and Jessica68:

    Thanks for the input on eating your exercise calories. For now I am going to try and eat some back, so that my net calorie range is between 1000-1200. I went to the gym this morning and burned 700 cals so I def worked up an appetite. But I have eaten quite a bit of food already today and according to MFP I should be eating almost 400 more.

    I will say one thing. When I don't exercise and I only get to have 1200 cals I have to pay very close attention if I don't want to go over. Knowing that I could potentially eat back all of my exercise calories (and still lose weight) allows me a little more freedom to enjoy food and cooking. I like that!!

    Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.
  • rachellosesitall85
    Today was good for me, I ate around 1,400 calories but then I worked off over 1,000. It sounds bad but I'm not hungry so I'm not sure what to do.
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    My goals this week are to
    1. drink at least 64 oz of water
    2. do 30 day shred. I keep getting started - can make a few days - then life gets in the way. I want to do the entire week this week - and keep continuing on to the whole 30 days. Plus get beyond level 1.

    I don't eat back my exercise calories - the more I burn - the closer I am to getting a pound off. I have lots of "fuel" just hanging around on my body - someday my body will use this and it will gooo awayyy!
  • Beautifylgirl
    Beautifylgirl Posts: 55 Member
    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated??

    I do this every day. I have one of the huge Starbucks refillable cups and I go through atleast 6 a day. I normally have unsweetened tea, ice water or crystal light.

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it.

    I'm like few others am going to the 30 day shred. I have done it in the past but due to a hecktic work schedule, I will not be able to make it to the gym until Friday so atleast I can squeeze in 30 minutes at home before I go to work.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    Well let's start off with the obvious, I am bipolar and clinically depressed. Due to major life changes in the last 12 months I have gone back to being on mood stabilizers for my bipolar and those alone caused a huge weight gain. I am not saying they are the only thing as I do eat out quite a bit and eat more than I should, but I did gain 10pounds in 2 days due to medication and then continued gaining about 5 pounds a month until I finally gained a total of 36 pounds and said ENOUGH. I went back to my Dr and said I can't take it anymore I am exercising and eating less and the scale keeps going up. We finally agreed that I needed a med change and since being taken off that dreaded medication I have dropped 12.5 pounds, 6 in the first week :)
    Now my focus is on getting back down to an acceptable weight 120 pounds in a reasonable time. I hope to be back to my "high school" weight by Christmas.
  • bwesser
    Thank you for your words of encouragement. I weighed myself this morning after four days.... and well, let's just say it's not good. I'm going to work extra hard this week to loose SOMETHING!

    Also, I've already had 24 oz this morning. More than I ever used to drink. :)
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    1. I used to be GREAT at drinking at least 64 ounces of water in daily! I would even get 128 ounces of water in! The past few weeks have been so terrible for me with this!!! I am lucky some days if I get 16 ounces in. That is terrible I know, but I am willing to confess all of my issues right here right now. It will only help me in the long run! Starting today... here I go to my "more than" 64 ounces of water!!!! Turning over a new leaf... I think the partying for Labor Day and the BBQ's are coming to a halt for the time being...

    2. The new exercise that I need to start trying is jumping jacks... what an easy way to get something in... I can do this wherever I am and don't need to use any equipment. We had a challenge before to do 25 jumping jacks and increase them by 5 each day. Although I didn't join in on this ( for no reason other than being lazy! ) so I will start doing this one today!

    3. What got me here today? Well, let's see, I have always been that person who's weight fluctuates. I was down between 125-130 when I met my husband. Once I got comfortable in the relationship, I started gaining a little bit (not much). Got married, went on birth control (and yes, I have used this as an EXCUSE many times :sad: ) and then gained and gained and gained until I was up to 175 pounds!!! REALLY?!?!?! No reason for this!!! Hubby and I talked about me going off birth control, and I finally realized if I were to gain 25 pounds during my pregnancy (on a good pregnancy) then I would then weigh 200 pounds!!! I was not going there! I finally decided I needed to do something with myself and stop wasting away my time! So that is when I started this MyFitnessPal (that changed my life--- for a while). With doing this challenge, I lost 23 pounds in 3 months! I was so happy about it. Then came time for my vacation (on a cruise). The first day on that cruise was great! I ate in portion sizes and didn't over do it. The rest was history, I would want pizza, drinks, carrot cake (carrots are vegetables after all), cheesecake, pasta, pasta, pasta, and a slice of fish... Not all in the same day, but over the course of a week. I came back and I gained 6.5 pounds. I felt sick!!!!! So then that week I managed to knock it down to a 2.5 pound gain. After a while, with summer BBQ's and Birthdays and not logging my meals like I should, I managed stay the same weight. Well Labor day weekend came up.....:huh: ........ I went to Friendly's on Friday and had a BAD meal there with the works, and then had an ice cream sundae, not just a little one. THEN I went to the Cheesecake Factory Saturday. I ate crab wontons for appetizer, a pasta dish (75% of it :noway: ) and then half a slice of cheesecake ( not because I was being good but because I stuffed myself so I felt sick :sick: . So Sunday was not a terrible day, it was rather good! MONDAY which was labor day.... BAD! Cheeseburger, pasta salad, potato salad, strawberry shortcake ( not bad ) and raspberry cheese cake. And I wondered why when I jumped on that scale this morning I was 154.... DUH!

    I really need to get back on track here. I have not been exercising and not been keeping track of my meals like I should. When I do keep track of my meals, it may look good but I am sure I left something out. So, if you are not annoyed with me confessing all of this to you, I am going to tell you now that I want to get myself back on track and I will work my BOOOTAY off to get back to where I was before this cruise and continue to keep losing! Hopefully you guys won't look down on me, but I needed to get this off my chest! Thanks for listening to my SOB story! :cry:
  • kathyhaf1
    Wondering if your groups has room for 1 more? It looks like you have great motivation and ideas/tips for everyone. Thanks!
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    Personally I hate the phrase "Let myself go". To me it implies that I made the conscious decision to get unhealthy. Honestly -- that was the furthest thing from my mind. Growing up -- I had no clue about my body. I ran, jumped, skipped, rode bikes, roller skated -- everything the other kids were doing -- I did. When I was 8 years old -- my mother was killed in a car accident and me and my 3 brothers were separated and placed into foster care. One year and 3 homes later I was adopted. Without warning -- I was fat. Every morsel of food that entered my mouth was criticized. Every afternoon spent laying on my bed reading a book was judged. Where I once was a carefree kid who played and danced and rode her bike everywhere, I was now paranoid and heartbroken to learn that no one liked a fat girl. My food was measured out to me -- my exercise planned and monitored. I was jogging with my "mother" in the truck behind me. Or in my driveway doing exercises for all the neighbors to see.

    Every jiggle was mocked. Every bead of sweat a reminder of how fat and unhealthy I was. No snacks -- because that wasn't a part of my daily allowance. So when I got hungry -- I snuck food. And of course I didn't sneak veggies and lean meats. I went straight for carbs -- carbs and sugar!! I earned the nickname "cake theif" after devouring nearly all of a 9x13 cake my "father" had brought home from work. But as I sat there, in the garage, eating the cake out of the open fridge with a fork -- I wasn't thinkng about getting fat. I wasn't thinking about calories or exercise. I just remember thinking -- "I have to eat this cake -- I have to or I won't get any of it. " Binging became my life -- even though I didn't know what it was. I relished food. The comfort it brought -- the sense of control (even while out of control). So even while my body became "grotesquely disfigured" with fat rolls and stretch marks (*inserting eye roll here -- these are not my words*) and I became slower and less active, I never thought about what I was eating as connected to that. Eating was good, eating was fun. eating quieted the pain.

    It's been down hill ever since -- a vicious cycle. I eat to feel better. Hate myself and my body. And eat to feel better. I'll be 34 years old and I still sneak food. I'm terrified of working out in front of other people lest they see me jiggle. I like exercising. I really do -- I like how I feel when I finish a workout. I love seeing the scale go down. But I'm the first one to stuff my face on a bad weigh in day. To say "eff it -- how did you ever think you were going to beat this!!"

    In March -- I decided I was done. It was time for me to really put my foot down and focus -- one day at a time -- and I have good weeks and bad weeks. I think my worst enemy is in my head. The one who's voice sounds mockingly similar to my "mother's".

    So, ya ...I'm crazy lol. I've got me some big ol suitcases!! I've been in counseling a lot. But there is a war ...in my head -- between rational, logical thinking -- and the BS. I know that if I just stick with it -- make it a "lifestyle change" -- I will see my numbers go down and my confidence and esteem go up. But I have irrational thoughts that try to sabbotage me everyday. There is nothing worse than sitting in front of the fridge -- door wide open -- having an argument with myself over a snack. It usually ends up in a stalemate -- a sigh -- close the door. "There's nothing to eat in there anyhow!!"

    I'm determined to win though -- i have no problem beating down that part of me. I want to be that one who runs and skips and dances with my kids and doesn't worry that someone sees a jiggle. :)