How often do yall track?



  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    Everyday for 4 yrs on this run. 1 yr hiatus during wc I of course gained wt and 3 yrs b4 that wc accounts 4 my 8 yrs on MFP.

    Some ppl say that they can lose/maintain their wt w/o logging everyday but most ppl can't do that. I'm in the latter category and have no problem w/it.

    I do not consider daily logging and weigh-ins a burden but an action necessary to maintain my wt and health wc is of great importance and benefit to me.

    That said, I don't obsess about the precision of the numbers. I don't always weigh & measure everything and I'll use generic entries for the cal count.

    On the other hand, I try to over estimated the cals of the food logged and under estimate the cals logged for exercise. So, it all balances out in rhe end.

    I lost 40# and have maintained that loss over the past 4 yrs doing this . So, it works for me
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,150 Member
    Except for breakfast (part of my meals), I haven't weighted or tracked lunch, snacks or dinners since the middle of February.

    I broke my wrist in February so cooking was not easy to do, and it gave me an excellent reason for not to tracking/logging. I am better now, but I like the freedom of not having to weight and log everything that I put in my mouth. With the pain and the anxiety of 10 weeks in a cast and a brace, plus the sheltering in place, I lost my appetite and five lbs (not by choice). Since I have been in maintenance for 10 years I may skip the tracking a logging for a long time.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I used to track daily. Need to start again. I don’t want to be a slave to it, but it is a valuable tool.
  • KNoceros
    KNoceros Posts: 324 Member
    I log every day except when on holiday.

    I did it while losing 13kg and have continued to do so for the last 3yr in maintenance.

    It help me stop portion creep, that my end of day deficit isn’t too big on v active days and it helps me ensure I get a decent macro balance.
  • emalethmoon
    emalethmoon Posts: 178 Member
    I weigh in every morning, track after every meal. 5 years ago I lost 90 lbs and stopped tracking....and gained 50 back. I've GOT to track, period.
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    I primarily track daily with an occasional off day....knowing what works and sticking with it...and it sticks with me.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    In maintenance 7 years and haven't tracked much at all in the last 5 years. Now and again I will track if I see a little weight creep happening or if I want to track my macros but I'm able to maintain my weight in general without tracking.
  • Fizzysgirl
    Fizzysgirl Posts: 25 Member
    Just starting I find myself tracking everyday except the weekends. Don't know why that is, but I will do better.
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    Every day for 1256 days. Even when it's a "best guess" and when I know it's way over my usual goal.
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,215 Member
    I track in some fashion, sometimes very well, and sometimes a guess......Best guess for me is better, because my brain sort of gives me a free pass to eat too much if I don't log. It IS about self accountability. Trying to maintain a weight loss with an eye to calories this time, no plan to quit altogether.
  • BuddhaBunnyFTW
    BuddhaBunnyFTW Posts: 157 Member
    I lost 45 lbs so right now I'm enjoying the plateau. I eat a plant food based diet centered on low sugar low glycemic foods so I track about once every couple weeks but soon I'm going to amp it up again because I need to lose about 90 more.,
  • rosiekin
    rosiekin Posts: 79 Member
    5+ years in maintenance and I track every day. Makes me accountable and ensures I don't over or under eat. Takes 5 minutes and the rewards are SO worth it. Maybe not for everyone but works for me.
  • Ikeeptrying2
    Ikeeptrying2 Posts: 156 Member
    In maintenance 7 years and haven't tracked much at all in the last 5 years. Now and again I will track if I see a little weight creep happening or if I want to track my macros but I'm able to maintain my weight in general without tracking.

    This is almost identical to my situation and approach as well.
  • kcmcbee
    kcmcbee Posts: 179 Member
    Everything everyday. Yay. But it seems to work well for me.
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I still weigh and log everything on a daily basis. My only exceptions are Christmas eve through to boxing day and when on holiday so maybe 10 days of the year. Once a week I have a guesstimate meal with my family as its about the only time we sit and talk, but its never anything too crazy and doesn't affect progress.