Lost weight after binge eating



  • fairykelly13
    fairykelly13 Posts: 79 Member
    The weight you lose depends on how you've eaten for the past week/weeks, not just the past 24 hours. Binge eating and losing is pretty much just a fluke. It's possible that you just happened to break your plateau on the day you overate. It's also possible that the next time you weigh you'll have put the 2 pounds back on. Losing weight is about the averages over time, not about going over/under on one day...

    Since you don't say what you eat on average, and your stats, it's hard to say if you're eating the right amount. I would be VERY careful to make sure you're getting enough while breastfeeding, though. Good luck!

    THIS. One day does not change your results... it's all about the averaging and trends with eating

    Since you said that you started your time of the month the next day, it was most likely water weight that was finally not being retained from PMS-ing....
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    *bump* for future reference. I just switched from MFP-method to TDEE-minus method to try to break thru latest plateau. Thinking that maybe a 'high cal / low-to-normal sodium' day might work for me. Hmmm...
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Did your binge include alcohol?
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    OH my gosh. So happy to read this...I am just a few calories under my goal today and it's not even 4:00 yet :(. There is hope if/ when I go over! Thanks!!!! I guess it all averages out; I've been a few hundred under on multiple days this week.
    I don't feel so bad now! :glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    The best way to combat a plateau is to take a diet break. I generally eat to maintenance for three days every 8-10 weeks or so...but I wouldn't call that a binge, I eat the same stuff I normally do, just a bit more of it.
  • jenelle2582
    Alot of times your body will hold onto weight if you aren't eating enough calories.
  • luvbeingmomof3
    I allow myself to eat whatever I want on Saturdays. I had pizza last night as well as a few other things I've been eyeing through the week. I didn't gain any weight!!! Crazy!!
  • josephine_x
    josephine_x Posts: 90 Member
    Hi, I know this thread is a bit old now but came across it as I've noticed the same thing happening to me. I can be at a plateau for weeks, I know I'm building muscle and getting smaller but still weigh myself out of curiosity! I've noticed when I really fancy something a bit naughtier than usual I'll always break through my plateau the next day and it stays off!!! Not that I'm moaning...!!! Just confused!!!
  • Runecrafting
    Runecrafting Posts: 1 Member
    I wanted to say, that yesterday I had a really big panic that tricked me into breaking my diet, I binged icecream and desserts ate my calories for the day with a sub from a random food mart. Essentially I did loads of exercise and went with family on a get-together where I refused to eat the unhealthy food until I was feeling so weak I could barely move. Then I started having muscle spasms and got scared so I bought this random sub from a random deli. I was super mad because I knew the high sodium was going to ruin my diet and it was my first slipup in awhile. It seems everytime I hit close to my goal I mess everything up by slacking and once again...it happened. It said that I had gained like 3-4lbs in the evening so I got upset and went on a run. I wake up today, scared to weigh myself and see the damage but I lost weight. I lost only .2 lbs but in my opinion that is a win. Now I'm scared to eat but of course I will. Not going to weigh myself for a week cause deep in my head I just keep thinking of how it's such a fluke, and I'm bound to gain again over the next few days. Lol
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    ejay90 wrote: »
    When you calorie intake is lowered to a certain point for an elongated time, you tend to plateau due to you metabolism slowing down, by binging you may have given it a bit of a kick

    This is a very accurate statement, well said. You sort of "restart" your body's functions.. it kind of gets used to your diet/lifestyle then when you binge it panics and goes into overdrive.. then you go back and it doesn't know what to do.. it adapts, like us. Basically, after two solid weeks of dieting once a week cheat meal is a good idea for anyone who trains alongside it. I would just say, make it a meal, dont eat the left overs and dont force food down ya gullet cuz its a treat/cheat.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,166 Member
    edited July 2020
    Oh, gosh, it's a thread from 2013 with a bunch of outdated, and even in 2013 unscientific folklore-type advice in it. Boy, golly. How swell.

    @Runecrafting: It'll be OK, really. Just get on with your healthy routine. You didn't gain an actual 3 pounds from treats and a random sub, unless that stuff took you 10,500 calories plus above your actual maintenance calories for the day. The scale gain is just water weight and extra digestive contents. (How much did the sub weigh in your hand? It weighs just as much in your stomach and beyond, for quite a while afterward, and the water's involved with digesting the carbs and balancing electrolytes from the sodium - that's just how healthy bodies work.)

    And sometimes a reasonable refeed. within a day or so, can kick loose some water weight that's been hanging around, so lead to a scale-weight drop, because the water retention drop unmasks some fat loss it'd been hiding from you.

    If you haven't before, read this, for sound information:


    This for some more science-based information and discussion about what refeeds are and why they might be helpful:


    . . . and maybe this because it might be amusing/reassuring:


    Most of us, when we want to lose weight, want to lose fat. Since sodium doesn't have calories or add fat, it can't "ruin your diet". It can affect water retention so make the scale weight behave atypically temporarily, but water fluctuations are part of how a healthy body behaves. Stress about that is optional, and can be counterproductive. (Did you know that persistent stress is one thing that can lead to higher water retention? ;) ).

    Learning more about how bodies work will help reduce alarm and drama over minor deviations from routine, even when they may shift the numbers on the scale.

    If you've been losing steadily and sustainably before this, not alarmingly fast or in a way that leaves you feeling weak or draggy, it's fine just to carry on as you were.

    Best wishes!