Less Alcohol - JULY 2020 - One Day at a Time



  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 366 Member
    😻. How sweet they are !! Thanks for sharing !!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    glampkin89 wrote: »
    I was drinking a lot and building quite a high tolerance. I started on June 16, 2020 to just do a 21 day no alcohol challenge. Yesterday, my challenge was over but guess what guys???? I really didn't want to neither have a desire to consume alcohol! Amazing. Now I am waking up at 4:30 AM to go run and start a new 21 day challenge.


    That’s fantastic! Glad it’s all working out for you. It’s amazing how our tastes change when we cut something out for a while!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    @MissMay sorry the deer chomped your flowers! It’s just such a disappointment to come out and see your garden denuded.

    @FeelinFooFoo beautiful cats! Top picture looks like he’s plotting your death, not just judging you!

    @Pogostickers wonderful to hear!!

    4/7 AF for me. Thanks for all the hugs on my July 4 overindulgence!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,655 Member
    edited July 2020
    Sorry about your lillies @MissMay
    So much work and love put into the garden.

    The food portion of my garden (my backyard) is fenced now. The one exception is a long planter that I keep on my my front porch railing with hot peppers in it. I had it in the same spot for 14 years and the Deer never touched it, but last year they tried them, then came back repeatedly and ate them all!! I hope that they had painful poops the *kitten*.

    Ours are Town Deer born and raised.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,564 Member
    edited July 2020
    "Less Alcohol - MORE PETS"
    Love the pet photos. Oh my gosh, I have super cat allergies. So that is why I am a canine owner. BUT everyones cats are so darn adorable. That side photo of Denver is precious with the front paws sticking out below, like a kitty yoga move!

    Thanks for the tips on how to keep the deer from destroying my gardens. There, as we know, is only one way to get rid of them. That will come this Fall with bow hunting from a group of friends that hunt. If I could put out deer contraceptives I would, or perhaps give them some of that wine that pairs well with venison as @forestdweller1 mentioned and then while they are passed out have them relocated to another state. It was cute at fisrt four years ago when I had my first sighting in 12 years since owning this property. Then, each year it has doubled or tripled many of them having twins or even three fawns. I have close to 5 acres, so fences are not an option.

    July 7th AF
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    0 drinks/7 days.....I used to have a nice forested lot without any fencing and experienced the elk herds in my yard. I think they slept there at night. They used to keep the property nicely manicured since they ate most everything but the pine trees and one rosemary bush. The downside was the endless POOP....I don't miss that!
  • Samand303
    Samand303 Posts: 123 Member
    Cat and plants. And my apologies ahead of time if they post sideways :)