What are options available for me ?

Indeed I lost 20 kg ....so far
I can't lose anymore I even cant lose the last 10 kg ?
Should I maintain for some period even this will not be easy
I eat healthy but I can't guarantee lose weight or even maintain
I am perplexed don't know any thing or what to do or any thing
I was 138 kg 184 cm
Now I am 118 kg ...my goal is 100 kg ...


  • Hanibanani2020
    Hanibanani2020 Posts: 523 Member
    Have you put your numbers into mfp and are you weighing and tracking everything you eat and drink? I’m looking to lose 10-12kg and there’s not much margin for error. You have to be pretty accurate.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    You've lost 20kg. That is fantastic. If you've lost that without a break, set MFP to 'maintain current weight' in the Guided Set up screen and eat that number of cals each day for 2 weeks. Give yourself a break. You need time to adjust mentally and for your hormones to catch up.

    Then re-set it to lose 0.5kg (that's the equiv of 1lb) a week. In 3-4 months time, when you'll potentially have lost another 8kg, have another break.

    Then re-set it to lose 0.25kg (that's the equiv of 0.5lbs) a week. The last 10kg will be slow and require accurate logging of food / drink and also accurate logging of exercise but is good practice for when you reach your goal and move to maintenance for the longer term. At that point, your deficit will only be 250 cals, so there's not much margin for inaccurate guesses. The bathroom scales won't move daily or even weekly (apart from normal fluctuations) at that deficit, so track your progress over a period of 4-6 weeks.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,684 Member
    If you aren't losing weight, you are eating at maintenance level. Eating clean doesn't mean that you are eating low calorie. Weigh and measure every bite you take. Log it. If you continue to maintain the same weight, then eat less or exercise more.