Sexy in Six **Closed Group!** Week 3 Chit-Chat



  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Monday’s QoTD: Name your top pantry staples that you've added to your repertoire since starting your journey and how you most often use them. Please be specific.

    Frozen steamable veggies...nuke 'em and add some cheese and it's an easy and filling snack.
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Here is Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    For me, I really enjoy the elliptical or treadmill. I like putting on my music, reading a celebrity gossip-type magazine and just getting in the zone. I'm also trying to jog outdoors more too, especially with the weather being so nice. I just recently started a 6 week boot camp class. This was always very intimidating to me, but it's been so much fun. I'm actually going to be disappointed when it's over! No, I don't have any routine or schedule that I follow, although I'd really like one. I feel like I waste too much time trying to decide what to do each day. I'm hoping some of the responses will help me put together a schedule!!

    Have a great day....and don't forget about your 50 crunches! :)
  • leamatthew
    Monday’s QoTD: Name your top pantry staples that you've added to your repertoire since starting your journey and how you most often use them. Please be specific.

    eggs is a deff, melba toast for a quick snack and low fat cream cheese, i have it in all my pastas, baked chicken, pretty much anything and everything!
  • leamatthew
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    DOnt have a specific routine, i walk alot, and have just started to inroduce swimming, forgot how nice it feels to be in the water!
  • nikip6454
    I used to love the elliptical but I don't have a gym membership anymore!

    My exercise includes...stationary bike, stair climber thing, walks with child and dog, 30 Day Shred and Just Dance.

    I have been trying to be more active at work as well. Its funny how lazy I can be there but when I want I can go the whole day with very little sitting!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I just love Leslie Sansone Walking DVD`s - I actually want to workout!!!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I Love Turbo Jam. I follow the Turbo jam schedule so it changed every week. I like it because i have a 2 year old so I can do it at home. It's a great work of consisting of interval training, toning and lots of cardio. But it is more danced based and fun. The music is upbeat which is a plus and I love love love Chaelene she is amazing, soo motivating and all her work outs are fun. I am in week #1 of the advanced schedule. I may repeat the advanced again depending on the results. After which I am going to do the Turbo Fire which is like Turbo Jam but on crack. The results are good to. With healthy eating and Turbo Jam 4-5 days a week I am down 23 pounds in 6 weeks. I also LOVE Zumba. I go sometimes when my boyfriend is home. Is there a Zumba dvd that anyone knows of?????
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I was always afraid to run and would give up quickly after less than 5 minutes. This has changed since, and after persevering the initial "shock" and going persistently at it, I've come to enjoy it more, and love that I sweat loads when I do this.
  • megamoo04
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    walking, i love love walking now, I have tried the ellipcal (sp) I usually do the tread mill 30 mins or walk around the block an hour and do the ellipcal for 30 mins and then do some free weights
  • Mondays QOTD:
    Eggs, oatmeal, light yogurt, splenda, amys microwavable meals

    Tuesdays QOTD:
    Just finding different places to be active. Looked up different parks and trails in the area and brought my bf and dog along. Lots of fun :)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I can't afford a gym membership, so Ive never used an elliptical or weights. I have a treadmill that I hate using. I like Kickboxing and would love to get a heavy bag. I rely on a lot of household chores and walking to burn cals. Lately, taking my daughter to the park or the neighborhood playground has helped me get exercise while enjoying the weather and spending time with her!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I started couch to 5k 5 weeks ago, I"ve never been a runner, actually thought I would detest it, but was also too stubborn to spend the money on a gym membership. Turns out I LOVE it, GREAT way to clear my head, challenge myself and its so cool to see my fitness level improve from week to week. I run at least 3x a week, usually more, but since my day to day work can tend to be quite physical, I listen to my body for when I need a break bc I cannot afford to be muscle fatigued on my job.

    Also do Cindy Whitmarsh's 10 minute target toning, super easy to fit in one or two after a run.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I LOVE Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home, I love being able to up the intensity if I need it, and when I'm having a pain day, I can still (usually) do it on some level. I really enjoy doing modified push ups, LOVE doing crunches! I do a lot of strength training using a resistance band. I do zumba occassionally...not entirely hooked on it, though I;m sure I will be once I learn it enough to not be stumbling (for a Latina, I'm horribly I still struggle with knee and back injuries due to an accident last year, but I modify when I can, and I push myself because NOTHING feels as good as doing something you didn't think you could do or didn't used to be able to do! I just discovered I can do planks, now I want to build on that and get to where I can do UNmodified push ups. On the FLOOR, like a MAN! hahaha.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I have been enjoying Zumba since I've tried it, both the DVD and Wii. I have had gym memberships before but often didn't get there due to busy schedules, so I much prefer exercising at home. I have also resurrected some of my old Jane Fonda workout tapes (I know that definitely shows my advanced age lol!) and am actually enjoying low impact aerobics again. There is a conservation area not far from my house so I am hoping to actually be able to use my cross country skis this winter, for several years they have sat in the garage gathering dust since I was just too out of shape to even try skiing.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    oh - so many things I love doing, but so little time! As I feared, now that I'm back at work, I am somewhat tied to my desk. I have been running up stairs whenever possible, dancing to music in private, and trying to walk more quickly, and occasionally now I am breaking into a run. As of yesterday I am discovering the joy ( or is that the pain) of ' crunches'. Great! Thanks for you encouragement everybody!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    Because I have Multiple Sclerosis I am somewhat limited in exercise. Fatigue seems to one of my worst symptoms. That being said, I find riding a stationary bike works out the best for me. I can sit in my room and watch the tube and go at my own pace. Right now I am on the easiest resistance, but I am hoping to build up.
    I usually jump on right after work so that I don't get too side tracked. ; )
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Good Morning everyone! Here is Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I love to run, but I also have an insane love for squats (all types) and burpees. When I can't run, I get online and use which is a free website hosted by Zuzana and Freddy who post short, but intense workouts daily. I also like the ARC trainer, which I had started using while letting my shin splints heal. I try to run EOD and do some sort of short Zuzana routine in between, but as everyone can see last week was a complete wash, LOL.
  • Honey1990
    ive been a runner for the last 6 years or so and have done a couple of half marathons. I love the feeling of running or even just walking. Its just nice to be outside and alone sometime. gives you some you time and time to think.
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Monday- My go to foods that I have added since starting my journey are frozen berries (instead of ice cream!), oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, granola bars and, unfortunately, 5 hour energy. Not the greatest thing, I am trying to stop using them and only have them occasionally now, I just rarely have the time to actually make coffee when I need it. I started using 5 hour energy when I was trying to quit soda....still trying to quit soda lol

    Tuesday- My favorite exercise is the elliptical. When my son starts school (tomorrow) and I get my daughter into a schedule (hopefully by Monday!) I plan on going to the YMCA at least 3 times a week to go swimming. I am also looking into kickboxing. I love boxing and have really limited experience, but I think it would be a great, fun challenge!
  • kaleighmorgan
    Monday’s QoTD: Name your top pantry staples that you've added to your repertoire since starting your journey and how you most often use them. Please be specific.

    Eggs! And whole ones, too. I used to only eat egg whites and I realized I wasn't eating nearly enough calories, so I've added a yolk to every 3 whites. :)

    Almond Milk- I'm lactose intolerant, but that doesn't mean I don't still love smoothies. I like a little almond milk, some cocoa powder, and vanilla soy protein mixed with either a banana or some strawberries for breakfast :D YUM!

    HOT TEA! My favorite appetite suppressant :) Plus, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I started with the elliptical, but recently I've legitimately learned to love running :) I look forward to going for runs (because I like them and because they increase my daily calories like crazy). My ultimate goal is to be a triathlete (I'm aiming for a half-ironman in 2013... then maybe a full ironman?! We'll see!), but I knew I needed to strengthen my running so I'm signed up for a half- and full-marathon during this upcoming school year :D

    Stick to it, ladies!! :)